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Gran Mirador Golf And Country Club forum threads
The Comments
17 Aug 2007 12:00 AM by Ynoj Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message


Hi evereybody in GM 3 & 4

I have been involved in GM for almost 3 years now and I also have purchase my own apartment . I have been reading all this messages trough this site and I`m shocked.

It`s sounds like this is a kinder garden or likely for adults. I have done investments on property's since 1996 and always purchase on off plan project.

So far is this my fifth apartment, and I can say you that, I`have so far earned at least 120.000 EUR for each of them, when I have sold, and I am familiar with delayed and promises who not are going to be fulfilled and so on. The most important that you should think when you invest, either for earn money, live the good life or just for business, is location, location and location. And after my opinion, Gran Mirador is one of the best location in the Alicante area. Short distance to the lovely beach of San Juan, 10 minutes drive to the city of Alicante, and when the new motorway is open this year, 10 minutes to the airport. The location has a very nice view and is a quiet place to live or spend your vacation. The quality is excellent and far above similar built of Spanish companies. The terraces is big and we have a garage and a storage room. So far so good.

According to the Golf project, I think there are lots of unknowing information going on and lot`s of rumors. Bad rumors and incorrect information.

Let me say it this way.

The first.

None of the developers in the area has anything with the Golf course to do. (Did your contract says anything about the golfcourse?  Ofcourse not! ) They are buildings apartments and houses on land they have bought from the land owner, Luiz Grand. As some of you may know, there have been a 9 hole Golf course for many years ago at the land in front of SJU`s office. The project for a 9 hole Golf course IS APPROVED in the Town hall of Muxcamel. The next problem to got this plan through was the drinking water for the habitats of Muxcamel, Bonalba and Rio Park., and of course the recirculation to water to the golf course. This was solved short time ago, I think is was April this year. The capacity now is 50.000 people and the recirculation is taking care of.

The Rio Park project is now at the last instance in Valencia. this is just matter of time, before the final appprovement. When this is approved, the new 18 hole Golf course and all the other plans for Rio Park is starting to present to the Town hall of Muxcamel. This is much easier to get through then the first project. There are some mechanism in the political system, which I don`t know, which says the new project not have go to Valencia for a new approval.
The delayed was starting when the main architect died in 2005.
Long story short: The Golf courts is coming!  It`s just a matter of time. I will say we have the green course starting to be built in two years from now.
There are in all interest that the Golf course is to be built, even the Mayor of Muxcamel and the political parties is very positive to make Rio Park to one of the nicest place to live in Alicante. More people, more income to the communidad Muxcamel.
 But you have to remember this is a very big project and it has been change from 9 to 18 hole, less building who has to reorganised, and green zone with commercial services.

So please be patient and look at is as a very good investment for the futures. And I know SJU as a very clever and fair company. I know, because I`v been involved in different companies, and one of them is Orenes & Orenes who building the Panorama Golf.......no more comments.

And for those of you just moving in in GM4. The urnbanisation is not finish and there are still construction going on, so don`t expect everything should be clean and nice. Our time will come. And for those of you in GM 3; these luxury apartments are just lovely and with very high quality and finish.

just look to Sierra Cortina in Benidorm. It took them 8 years to finish the golf project. I`m sure there was some clients who was disappointed for many years, but I think they are very happy today. Look at the prices ....

Take care and see you soon at the Golf course.

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17 Aug 2007 4:45 PM by hperry Star rating. 18 forum posts Send private message

This message was last edited by hperry on 8/17/2007.

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17 Aug 2007 11:13 PM by Cycloneman Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

What about the Sports Centre

What about the Tennis Courts

What about the Squash Courts

What about the Medical Centre

What about the Luxury Hotel.

You must be just living in cloud cuckoo land.


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23 Aug 2007 2:04 AM by dealerjm Star rating. 47 forum posts Send private message

Hello Ynoj

I really want to feel encouraged by your comments, especially when you say that work might start in two years

BUT the question is who is going to build the course. I heard that Luis Grand's sons were keen but I have my doubts and I think we can rule out SJU or a Municipal course.

There may be approval for 9 holes and even the possibility of fast tracking a 18 hole course, but who is going to put their hand in their pocket and spend a few million Euros?  ........I can't see much of a queue except for the first tee at Bonalba!

Any applicants please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.


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30 Aug 2007 9:52 AM by Ynoj Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hi Dealerjm

I now there are doubt about this, but a few million euros is nothing compare to what the price of the land in rio Park will increase. The benefit for the landowner (and the builders) will be incredible much more just the moment the project is approved and they starting with the course. If you had a pice of land worth 100 euro and if you had spend 10 euro from your own pocket into somthing who make the area much more attractive, and you realise that the value of the land would increase with 50 euro...wouldn`t you done that?   

Take care

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31 Aug 2007 10:43 AM by dealerjm Star rating. 47 forum posts Send private message

Hello Ynoj

You miss the point of my message. I don´t disagree with the economics and I am sure everyone would benefit.

But the land belongs to Luis Grand and there seems little activity from them. It needs the land sold to an organisation who will start work on the golf course and in the current climate of falling house sales, I don´t see any immediate liklihood.

Hope I am wrong.

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03 Sep 2007 11:42 PM by miller2006 Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hello to everybody! Luis Gran died two week before. I've heard his heirs  will start work on the golf course. Ynoj, do you have any information?

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04 Sep 2007 2:41 PM by Ynoj Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hello Miller


Yes that`s right. Luiz Grand (LG) died  short time ago. I know the family is very keen to go on with the project and push it a lot more then the old man himself. LG has for more than a year ago sign the contract to build the golf course, so there are no doubt about the golf course coming or not. It`s coming!

The family of LG is much more offensive and they have been pushing LG for 2 years now. LG was old fashion and not all ways money orientaded.

Have a nice day in the sun.

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30 Sep 2007 2:36 PM by royeide Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Is there any new information of the Golf course?

Maybe i  wil by a Penthouse at Gran Mirador III. I am not shure because i dont know if the Golf cource is comming or not.

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01 Oct 2007 10:38 PM by miller2006 Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

The golf course is definitively coming. Rio Gran is buying all the land in order to control the proyect that they have presented in Valencia. This is an excelent sign.

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06 Oct 2007 4:50 PM by sinatra999 Star rating in WE have a properety .... 8 forum posts Send private message

OK i am willing to believe a golf course is possible, BUT i have listened to so many versions on how and when it will start these last 4 years.

The last post metions a company called Rio Gran........who seem not to exist as far as a web search goes, can we have a little more substance to these rumors because at the moment that is all we have.

I await a reply that will be of a positive nature and not one built on inuendo and insecurity.

Drew Phillips... ( Handy Andy )

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09 Oct 2007 5:05 PM by miller2006 Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

it's "Rio Gran SA", go to www.google.es and make a search

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09 Oct 2007 7:09 PM by sinatra999 Star rating in WE have a properety .... 8 forum posts Send private message

Soory but Rio Gran es leads nowhere must have spesific info to folow up.

As yet i am still correct in my asumtion that this is all just coton wool over our eyes and would love to be proved wrong.

Drew Phillips... ( Handy Andy )

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