Hi Andrew
As an owner on HDA I would be very interested if you can get answers from the developer on the following questions.
What is the flightpath for the new airport ( the maps on various websites show that the pathway will be over HDA, this contradicts with what was written by an earlier thread.)
A date for when the race track will be used for the last time. Does Armilar now own this land, if so what do they plan to do with it?
A date for the opening of the Clubhouse, Sports centre and Spanish village.
With regards to the spanish village what is the make up of the commercial oulets, bars restaurants , shops etc
A date for the commencement of the second golf course and expected completion date.
An update on the beach club, mentioned in the HDA magazine some time ago but since gone very quiet.
Is the new motorway now fully open and where is the exit for HDA ?
All the best for your trip and good luck with getting some definitive answers.