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Casares del Sol forum threads
The Comments
14 Oct 2007 12:00 AM by brutus Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message


At the AGM on 7th September Gary Boreham was elected as president. Unfortunately only 6 other  owners turned up to the meeting . However 5 hour was spent dealing with issues problems and making action plans for the proth coming year regarding the budget gardens etc. Tony & Mary were was elected as vice president.

We are waiting for the full minutes from Amex regarding the AGM meeting. In the meantime if you want to be on the PM4 private e mail listing please send me a private posting with the following details

1. Full name

2. Pm4 address block number ,portal a/b etc 

3 e mail address   

4 Contact number

The week following the meeting we had meetings with the gardening company ,cleaning company ,casares town hall, Amex etc to get things moving. What we also need is communication from owners willing to look into things whilst they are there ie, feedback onsecurity ,pool is it locked when it should be etc ,cleaners -  are they doing a good job - condition of gardens, portals, grass bins. 

Apologies for not posting earlier but we returned to a family emergency in the UK and are just getting back to normal!

Look forward to hearing  from you all

Tony & Mary - please send private posting

Gary & Jenny



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14 Oct 2007 12:46 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear Brutus / Jenny and Gary,

thank you and congratulations on everyone's appointment.

All strength to your efforts for the future.

Best Wishes


N. Sands

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