House & Animal Sit in Lubrin, Almeria

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08 Oct 2007 12:00 AM by micasa Star rating in Cancelada. 15 forum posts Send private message


Has anyone been noticing the wood lice that seems to be everywhere on site, we have reported the problem to Ammex but as yet have not had a response. They are also in some of the ground floor apartments and we are now finding them in first floor apartments as well. Can I ask that owners would also contact ammex about this problem as we do not seem to get a response and it is extremely off putting for any potential tenants.

Also for owners in block 14, 15 and 16 our current tenants in block 15 are reporting that in the morning when they go down to their car it is a carpet of wood lice.



Regards Natalie Palmer look at out wide range of services

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08 Oct 2007 9:52 PM by johnf Star rating in London / Costa Del S.... 66 forum posts Send private message

We have just returned from our apartment and noticed how severe the insect infestation was last week particularly on the ground floors. It appears to be deteriorating especially if untreated.

This has been reported to Ammex last week as I left a message in their offices for Javier to deal with this problem. Additionally I have made Linda & Peter aware of this problem (PM2 president). Whilst there I did notice treatment being implemented however only around blocks 3 & 4 for some reason.


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09 Oct 2007 12:13 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

I would suggest that these "highest luxury apartments" are indeed luxury homes, but only for woodlice who love the weakness of the concrete, which in many areas is little more than damp sand and too weak to test. Neither the sun nor the dehumidifiers can remove the inherent dampness from the structure I am afraid.

However you should not make matters worse by over-enthusiastic watering of the land in your attempts to make gardens out of this scrub land, which has no useful depth of top soil imported for the purpose. There is little doubt that no proper land drainage has been provided.

Just another consequence of the very bad construction you have to live with I am afraid, unless of course you dredge up the resolution to stop huffing and puffing and actually do something about it perhaps.

Good luck.



N. Sands

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14 Oct 2007 10:34 AM by brutus Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message

PM4 preseident has instructed Ammex to get in pest control to treat the problem on PM4 .it has only been reported in Block 29 so far.

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14 Oct 2007 1:27 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

Pest control? on a new build property  - what on earth are you prepared to put up with??????

"wood lice that seems to be everywhere on site",

Like the concrete strength it seems to be all over the site.

You need a permanent solution don't you???



N. Sands

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14 Oct 2007 5:51 PM by aandm Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

We were in our apartment in block 6 last week and were appalled when we woke up on our first morning to find about 30 woodlice inside our apartment crawling mainly around the hall area but some had also reached the living room and bedrooms. We had our 3 year old granddaughter with us and she found one in her bed (fortunately she found that quite exciting!) Our daughter was sitting on the floor one morning and we saw two crawling up her back.

We dealt with them in the short term by buying bug spray and spraying liberally on the floor in the outside hall area late afternoon and also before we went to bed and then putting a towel down on the floor to block the gap under the door.

Lots of woodlice round the swimming pool too.

We watched what must have been hundreds if not thousands of starlings gathering on the roofs of blocks 3, 4 and 5 in the evenings and mornings and descending en masse to the grass near the swimming pool where they feasted for long periods of time - wonderful and exciting display of the huge swooping flocks - however as starlings are voracious eaters of insects we wondered if this was further evidence of this serious infestation.

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16 Oct 2007 11:40 AM by gill_malouf Star rating in Stockport, Cheshire. 201 forum posts Send private message

Hi All, Has anyone gone to MLH aka Ocean View Homes SL are based in Derby.......they have just changed names and are now World Portfolio......does this suggest that they made enough cash on CdS to go to the Cape Verde Islands.

The more I hear and see the more I am glad I didn't complete!

I haven't completed and will be determined to get my cash back and stop these so and sos ruining peoples lives. They must be laughing all the way to the bank....United we stand divided we fall...............................I intend to investigate the finances of both Interlaken 2003 and MLH Aka OVH SL. Anyone else up for the cheapest way to expose these crooks?

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17 Oct 2007 8:39 AM by nbk8r17 Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Dear all

The ongoing Wood lice infestations affecting most blocks within PM2 are being addressed by the Pest control Company, normally employed to control pests such as ants, mice, rats and cockroaches. Each block including the car park areas are undergoing treatment. Please note that treatment can only be applied in dry conditions. Also soil samples have been taken in an attempt to determine why this has occurred and the best course of action to resolve.



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