Security - Breakins

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08 Aug 2007 12:00 AM by Sooty2 Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

As some of you will be aware there have been several break-ins over the past few weeks with 3 over the week-end. Unfortunately we were the latest victim today when thieves attempted to prise open our electric patio shutters whilst our guests were in bed at around 6.00am this morning.

Luckily they were either disturbed or gave up - we had thought we had a very secure apartment with electric patio shutters (which were closed as were the bedroom shutters at the time) and having enclosed the utility area cleary these are no deterrent.

On investigation it looks like the lock on the patio windows has also been tampered with so this looks like an attempt may have been made to break-in on another occasion.

Please make sure your apartments are secure - at least they didn't get into ours this time and nothing has been taken but our guests are shaken, as are we.

Security needs to be addressed - of all the problems on the site security is paramount.

When notified of the situation we immediately called Steve Garrot at Paintbusters who has helped us with the installation of the patio shutters and UPVC utility enclosure. He has been invaluable to us and went round to the apartment within an hour and assessed the extent of the problem, reassured our guests and got the repairs sorted within 3 hours - this was first class service and we are very grateful to him. 


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09 Aug 2007 12:01 AM by ef Star rating in Oxfordshire / Casare.... 150 forum posts Send private message

I'm really sorry to hear of this, it sounds awful, really scary for the guests, too. Do you think the burglars knew the apartment was occupied - seems very daring to break in to an occupied apartment at a time when it is obvious the occupants would be there. Is your apt a ground floor one? I agree that if the burglars are going to go for occupied apts then security is paramount because we don't know how violent the burglars would be. Although upsetting and a nuisance, burglaries of empty apts does not pose any danger to guests or owners, but this kind of blatant thing which affects people is far, far more serious, in my view. As I have been, and will be again this month, spending a lot of time there with my mother in law and young children, this freaks me out a lot!!

Does anyone know which floor the other burglaries were? I guess the only way to prevent this is to install an alarm, but it would be no use alarming the hall, each door and window would need to be alarmed.

Is it normal in Spain for crime to go up at this time of year? It seems a different type of burglary to the new electrical appliances in empty apartments. It seems that occupied rather than unoccupied apts are the targets. But it does raise questions about the on site security guard (who did seem to spend a lot of time shut in his hut while we were there last week - although the dog barked quite a lot at night!)

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09 Aug 2007 10:31 AM by noddy Star rating. 150 forum posts Send private message

most resorts we have stayed in before are gated (as i believe cds was supposed to be ). the properties close to the road are extremely  vulnerable and with the other developments also nearing completion this area is now prime target for burglars.

obviously the security at present seems ineffective and would need to be increased to deter crime. maybe it would be worth while getting costs for a fenced and gated community. in the long term this might be the answer. we have 520 units on site, wouldnt a one payment or spread over 5 years work with savings on security.nobody wants to pay more than necessary but peace of mind and safety are important considerations.


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09 Aug 2007 7:04 PM by Sooty2 Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

We were a ground floor apartment but thought that our security was sufficient - at least it prevented access although it didn't deter them. At least nobody was hurt.

When we were out in July we were aware of a break-in in block 25 (I think) the property was occupied and passports and money taken.

There have been another 4 since then that I have heard of plus our own - occupied apartments in all cases with money, phones, passports, phones the target. 

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09 Aug 2007 9:36 PM by Smyth69 Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hello everyone regarding break ins at CSD as a committee member I would strongly suggest that when you take possesion of your apartment you should have your locks changed immediately and leave keys with no one except your key holders.I know this is awkward as people are still trying to get snags completed but leaving your key with the site office who then give it to workmen to enter your apartment to complete works a proper record is not kept, due to the work load on the girls so copies can be made by anyone.As most  break ins have been with keys security guards can not be responsible as with rental sites people come and go at all times so thieves go unoticed.Also leave keys with keyholders who will let cleaners etc. IN not give them a key.


As a permanent resident on site most breakins occur to holiday homes and rental properties because I beleive the place is under constant surveilance and they know cash and valuables are more likely to be present.In my past life I was a security consultant/engineer and I myself will be installing a security system, I will provide details on the CSD site and also to our president when I have gathered information.Just one other thing do not accept cold callers regarding security.

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09 Aug 2007 9:48 PM by Sooty2 Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

I was not aware that there had been thefts by people letting themselves in with keys through the front door - all of the thefts I have heard about have been forced entries - does this mean there has been more?

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10 Aug 2007 11:20 AM by Smyth69 Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Yes there was a couple of breakins last week using keys this is a problem until all snagging is finished as if you change locks and then give out keys to workmen you are back to the original problem.I am not saying it is workmen but I am just very cautious about keys to my property and who might have them.

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10 Aug 2007 1:29 PM by ef Star rating in Oxfordshire / Casare.... 150 forum posts Send private message

Paul, I would be interested to hear your security system solutions.

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11 Aug 2007 9:24 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Oh dear,

how bad can it get?

What with this, the quality and safety issues, plus the dumped scrap cars, who would possibly wish to rent or buy into this scenario??

I hope everyone is including these real facts fairly in their advertising, or would that be bad form and not following M.L.H.'s lead and example?

Will I need an armed guard when I visit to do my concrete testing? Is there a safest time of the day perhaps?

Regards as always


N. Sands

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13 Aug 2007 1:58 PM by diana Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

I have done as much as I think I am able, to deter intruders, and am now wondering  how to make future guests really security aware without alarming them, and causing them to reconsider booking with me.

Surplus to requirements now, I have a security grille/ reja made for  the laundry door and window,which I am selling for £275 ,including fitting which can be arranged.

Reply by private message.


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26 Aug 2007 6:15 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

is it a fact that immigrants receive nothing at all from the Spanish Government, as has been suggested to me by a "local"?

He says that if they do not work or steal they would starve. Also that in their attempts to steal they are working in groups that do not give a fig for "security" of any kind. Additionally they are becoming more and more physically violent to anyone attempting to stop them. Having lived in the area for many years he now no longer feels safe.

Can you not once again seek planning to have the site closed off as the secure holiday site it was promised to be?

Surely it is worth a try>



N. Sands

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03 Dec 2007 9:40 AM by nicholas 1 Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

Just back  from CDS and there has been more breakins unless people start putting more money into security then this proplem will just continue the police don't really care.

Believe me if we do nothing then at some point or another you will all be broken into, it would not cost a lot per apartment to employ  more security guards.

This message was last edited by nicholas 1 on 12/3/2007.

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03 Dec 2007 10:47 PM by mindclinic Star rating. 38 forum posts Send private message

We are just back from CDS 2nd December.  On Friday evening we left our car unattended for a couple of hours outside the apt Block 5.  At 7.30 we went to collect our coats from the back seat of car only to find they had been stolen - this is in line of sight of the security hut.  The duty guard, who spoke some English, wasn't interested.  We want to warn everyone to leave nothing in their cars.

On Saturday night when we were going out past the security hut (9.15pm) we noticed the security guard was nowhere in sight but the light was on in the security hut and his coat was hanging up. On our return at 11.55pm the light was still on, the guard was not there yet his coat was still hanging up - rather strange as it was a cool night.  Our hunch is that the guard was out for the night while claiming his pay from our community fees!

The level of security leaves a lot to be desired.  We would need reliable supervisors checking on the guards to make sure they are there and not sleeping (note the old dust-covered cars in quieter parts of CDS).  The site is totally open as it can be accessed at the back end, I understand that Casares Town Hall does not allow us to close it off.

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06 Dec 2007 12:26 PM by nbk8r17 Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

Just for your information, the security hut located on the roundabout entrance infront of PM4, is the security hut belonging to and being paid for by your community fees.

The security hut located further up the road near to block 15 belongs to the security company employed by Interlaken to provide secuity for the CDSS building site.

The PM2 committee is obtaining quotations for fencing and gate access which could be installed to surround the PM2 A,B &C communities. Leaving the public roads open. These quotations and our associated proposals will then be submitted to the Casares Town Hall for approval. Our intention is to present these costs to the PM2 owners at our next AGM in June and for them to vote for or against this improvement.

The PM2 committee is looking to reduce and remove as many reocurring costs as possible in an attempt to reduce community fees for all PM2 owners, this includes swimming pool size reduction  - removal of reocurring lifeguard costs, Installation of fencing and gate access - removal of reocurring security guard costs (approx 30,000 euro per year for PM2). Obviously there will be the initial expense to undertake these improvements.

A Reminder to all Owners:
Please use the same precautions to protect your property and possessions as you would at home. Close shutters/blinds and lock all windows and doors when leaving the property or when applicable i.e. when at the front of the property ensure the windows/doors at the back of the property are secure. The community recommends that front door locks are changed prior to any furniture or personnel effects being moved in. Window and patio door locks should be installed and implemented. It is also recommended that the laundry area is made secure either by installing a glass enclosure and/or window grills.




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06 Dec 2007 3:44 PM by nicholas 1 Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

Just to say that we in PM 3 should also be thinking about employing our own security guards and fencing around PM3 with gates its becoming more like a council estate than a holiday home lets do something NOW not next year!

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06 Dec 2007 6:44 PM by nbk8r17 Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Dear all,

The security contract and onsite security guard is paid for by all 4 communities. The overall security contract is approx. 60,000 euros a year, PM2 pays a proportion of this figure based on the number of apartments within PM2 i.e. 302.

Any other community wanting to install fencing and access gates will also need to obtain approval from the Town hall. This process can take a long time and your community may not not have sufficient funds to implement this improvement during this years budget. If additional funds are required to implement, then this type of expenditure will probably need a majority vote in either your next AGM or you may have to call a EGM if you want to implement during this years budget. You probably need to communicate directly with your president concerning this matter.




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06 Dec 2007 9:26 PM by andrewjfs Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

Nicholas 1,

Not sure whether you were present at the PM3 AGM last week.

If not I can tell you that we had very lengthy discussions on priorites for our community i.e. security, gardens, & debtors - the latter having a significant impact on what we can & can't afford to do this year.

The AGM Minutes will be published shortly by Ammex, and a communication group will also be set up for the benefit of PM3 owners including details of Board Members, who will take issues foward.


Jane Flaherty

Vice President PM3 

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07 Dec 2007 2:13 PM by micasa Star rating in Cancelada. 15 forum posts Send private message

A notice for everyone in PM4 there have been a number of attempted and actual breakins from last night. They are gaining access via the patio doors and also by the utility window and then smashing the back door to steal flat screen TVs. They seem to only be targeting ground floor apartments.

We have checked the apartments we look after and only one has been affected, in this case the burgulars broke in through the utility area and then smashed the back door.

Also if anyone knows the people who own in Block 26 Portal 85 Bajo A and B please let them know that their patio doors are open but anything has yet to be removed.

The security and police have been notified and will be shortly coming to look at the properties but I think the problem will remain now that the back road is open to the development.

Can I suggest that everyone sends an email to Ammex asking why this road is now open and if another guard can be stationed at this entrance as it is a huge security risk.



Regards Natalie Palmer look at out wide range of services

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07 Dec 2007 5:13 PM by nicholas 1 Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

I can tell you that it is also 1st floor apartments that are being broken into, the back road as you call it is open because the local council want it that way and there is nothing anybody can do about it, I said before it is only a matter of time before you are all broken into the police and civil gaurd don't care and one security guard at the front of CDS can't be every where we need more security guards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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09 Dec 2007 10:03 AM by gusdonnelly Star rating in Casares Del Sol PM2.... 60 forum posts Send private message

Surely if these levels of breakin continue eventually we will not be able to arrange contents insurance or else have to pay "loaded" premiums. It is in everyones interests to be secure. To that end all debtors should be identified and steps taken to recover outstanding monies.

In addition - whilst nice gardens will be a must in the long term - security is the most pressing isue now!!!  Monies must be found  to improve security.




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