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28 Jun 2007 12:00 AM by nbk8r17 Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message


Progress Update from PM2 Board of Directors (Committee Members)


Further to several meetings in Spain last week, please find below a brief overview of items discussed;

 Committee members and Ammex met onsite on Saturday 16th June. Discussed various items including possible approach to ensure good communication paths are established between committee members as well as between committee and owners. There is a need to define the committee’s scope of works and then publish this information onto all owners. A walk around covering most areas within the PM2 community was undertaken at the end of the meeting in order to inspect/verify known issues and identify new ones.


Tuesday 19th June, onsite meeting with contractors took place to understand their scope of works.


Wednesday 20th June, meeting with Ammex, further discussion took place concentrating on findings from the contractor meeting and walkabout.


Friday 22nd June, meeting with Ammex, review and creation of documentation to be distributed with the AGM meeting minutes was discussed and agreed.


A ‘PM2 General Issues List’ has been created; so far the items listed below have been included. Some items have already been assigned and target dates set. Other items still need to be discussed in detail to ensure they are dealt with in an appropriate manner.


Community issues reported by owner’s as detailed on the ‘Owner’s Information form’ are still being reviewed at the moment. Due to volume of concerns raised this process will take another couple of days to document and prioritise. Therefore please do not feel ignored if your particular concern has so far not been listed below.


1.       Ammex to engage service of qualified architect to perform a full site survey of all common areas, to identify all defects; including landscaping, damp, swimming pool areas, building materials used, construction method, construction finish which may cause H&S issues. This report will then be issued to Interlaken and a timeframe set for them to respond with an action plan.

2.       The swimming pool servicing blocks 14 to 20 (PM2C) has been closed by the Heath & Safety inspectors. By law Interlaken need to obtain an H&S swimming pool certificate prior to official hand over of the pools to the owners.  This pool failed the inspection for the following reasons; - Missing 1 X pool step/ladder, existing pool ladders incorrectly installed, showers deemed unfit for purpose due to construction defects, wall by pump house posed a risk of collapsing, insufficient air vent installed in pump house and cracks in floor near to pool edge and throughout the paved area indicating subsidence.
A full report is being generated by Ammex, which will be forwarded onto Interlaken, requesting them to respond within 7 days with a plan of action to resolve the defects list above. In parallel, Ammex will be instructing an architect to inspect the swimming pool area on behalf of the community. Any work/resolution proposed by Interlaken will be monitored by this specialist to ensure that the fix will be a permanent solution and not just a temporary cover up. Dependant on the works to be carried out, it maybe cost-effective to incorporate other works at the same time.

3.       Identified H&S issue on terrace areas around block 18 & 19 and between block 12 & 13 due to lack of fencing or walls. These terrace areas could be easily accessed and most had drops in excess of 2 meters. The President requested Porters to install temporary/permanent fencing at these areas only. Porters to request fencing supplies from Interlaken. If this is not possible or will cause major delay, approval granted to purchase supplies  

4.       H&S Dangerous conditions due to lack of lighting on stairs leading from PM2B into PM2C (between blocks 12 & 13). Ammex to engage service of qualified architect to perform a full site survey of all common areas, this problem will be passed onto the architect for their input.

5.       Underground garage doors still experiencing intermittent faults. Ammex stated that Interlaken installed equipment from various suppliers for the garage doors within CDS complex. The garage doors are being maintained but there maybe a problem with owners having incompatible remote controls. Ammex will attempt to obtain some spare remote controls which will be left onsite with the porters. In the event of a problem, the porters will check that the correct remote control is being utilised and will perform an exchange if incorrect. President authorised the purchase of spare remote controls if Ammex are unable to obtain free of charge from Interlaken. Ammex also requested to install signage in/out side garage door with callout contact details. A maintenance log will be displayed inside garage door for owners review.

6.       Irrigation equipment installed by Interlaken is inadequate and unsuitable. President requested gardeners to produce a report detailing current irrigation faults, inadequacies and detail the current and future impact. They were also asked to provide their recommendations and provide quotes to maintain current installation and replacement costs. This report will be forwarded onto the architect performing the full site survey.

7.       Gardener’s scope requested. President requested Ammex/ gardeners to provide the agreed scope for the gardening contract. Without this information owner expectations may not be met and any available extra funding maybe delayed.

8.       Supplier contract review. President requested Ammex to review all contracts ensuring that adequate contract scope, termination/exit clauses, SLA's and KPI's are included. Ammex to supply committee members with translated summary/overview of contracts.

9.       Cleaning contract tender. President requested Ammex to perform tender process for cleaning contract. Current cleaning company contract provides 6 members of staff for PM2, 5 days a week. Their scope is to perform a general clean Mon-Fri i.e. sweep and wash portal areas including stairs.  A deep clean of portals including all doors/handles/lights/fixtures and tiled areas/stairs takes place between Tue-Thurs. The current cleaning company’s proposed contract cost for PM2 community is 82,000 euros. Ammex are to tender like for like and for a reduced service.

10.   Monthly status reporting. President requested Ammex to provide translated summary of all contractors’ monthly reports. This will include faults, resolutions, callout details, completed work items and any planned work items etc...

11.   Fault notification. President requested Ammex to ensure sufficient signage is displayed when items or services are inoperable or faulty i.e. Out of Service, Fault Reported, ongoing maintenance etc. This will prevent duplicate reporting of faults and advise owners that faults are being addressed.

12.   Legal redress. Committee member assigned to lead investigation into whether the owners have any legal redress concerning the miss-selling of the complex.

13.   Proposal to reduce Swimming pool size. In an attempt to address the ongoing issues concerning the swimming pool opening times and the associated lifeguard cost of 2,200 euros per month per pool. It has been suggested to the committee members that one of the pools within PM2 could be reduced in size. Currently all pools within the community are in excess of 200 meters. Ammex will be requested to acquire recommendations and quotes from appropriate specialist/company.  

14.   Disabled access. Concerns have been raised with regard to disabled access, particularly swimming pool access. Currently the only swimming pool within PM2 with an access lift fitted is the pool in PM2C (blocks 14 - 20). Wheelchair access to this pool is difficult. Possible solutions are to relocate the access lift to one of the alternative pools within PM2 or purchase and install another access lift. A specialist company would need to provide guidance concerning the most suitable approach. This item will be included in the swimming pool reduction proposal detailed under Issue Number 13.

15.   Future proposal for children's play area. Proposal detailing the most suitable areas for children’s play area/s to be located within the community. A suggestion already made would be around the pool areas. However prior to any decisions being made quotes would need to be obtained and clarification from the town hall concerning the use of the land which was originally going to house the sports centre and panic/children's area. The gardening company mentioned that they have experience in this type of installation.

16.   Proposal for Sun bathing area/s outside pool enclosure. All year round Sun bathing areas. A suggestion is to locate these next too but outside the enclosed pool area, boundaries could be defined by flower beds. Sun beds would need to be secured to pool enclosure fencing via chain/combination lock. Owners would need to take responsibility for securing sun beds after use.

17.   Security Tender process. The static guard security cost for PM2 is 59,990 euros per year. In an attempt to reduce this cost, the president has requested Ammex to perform a tender process for the security contract. Obviously no changes can be implemented to the current contract until the outstanding AGM's for PM4 and PM3 have been completed (30th November). Ammex will tender the contract under the existing scope i.e. Static guard 16:00 - 08:00 Mon - Fri and 24 hours cover for w/ends and bank holidays. They will also tender for a reduced service, replacement of static guard with mobile patrol service during the w/end daytime period. Mobile patrol would visit complex on regular basis at staggered times to avoid a pattern developing. Proposals to be available for all community Presidents by 30th November 2007.

18.   Review of community (internal) rules. A review and if necessary update of the internal rules should take place, this will include should items as rules for dogs, drying laundry, ball games etc. There is little point in having rules which are impracticable or unenforceable.

19.   Review of process to deal with debtors. Process to be taken prior to any court action will need to be defined and agreed by committee members and then published to all owners.

20.   Swimming pool opening times. Swimming pool opening times have remained unchanged at present. Lifeguards are to keep records of pool usage over summer opening i.e. July/August. These statistics will assist in specifying future opening times and allocation of resources.


Peter Lund

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29 Jun 2007 2:41 PM by Jerry Star rating. 74 forum posts Send private message

Absolutely great to see all these issues being tackled so professionally. Well done and thanks.

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29 Jun 2007 3:32 PM by holhome7980 Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

Fantastic beginning. Lots happening but at least we now have a concerted and managed approach. Will be interesting to see how Interlaken respond but the issues are being professionally 'proved' which will leave them less wriggle room.

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29 Jun 2007 7:46 PM by Ianmack Star rating in Manchester & Casares.... 125 forum posts Send private message

Good work and many thanks to Peter and the board.

A very promising start and it seems we have a President and board who are fully motivated to get things done in a methodical and timely manner.

Well done to all.


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30 Jun 2007 11:43 AM by houseclearou Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

Hi Peter

It is good to see a sense of reality around the many problems.  Can you tell us which member is assigned to lead the investigation into whether the owners have legal redress concerning the mis-selling of the complex and how it is proposed s/he will do this?  Will the architects report be available to all members and when is this likely?  Many thanks. 

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01 Jul 2007 11:42 AM by nbk8r17 Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Hi Houseclearout,

for obvious reasons this information will not be discussed on an open forum, if you are willing to assist in this process then please send me a PM with your full details, so you can be verified as an owner. Your details will then be forwarded onto the relevant committee member.

Regarding the architects report, I see no reason why this should not be made available to any owners who wish to review it - time frames are still to be confirmed by Ammex, however the committee has requested that the report is made available no later than September i.e. PM4 AGM 7th September.


Peter Lund

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05 Jul 2007 11:28 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear Peter Lund,

Excellent start - well done and the best of luck.

As a non-owner, sorry I cannot assist at all, though something may develop.

Do you intend any contact with, assistance to, or w.h.y. with non-owners?

Best Regards



N. Sands

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