The Comments |
I have bought a house on nearby pueblo salinas and I wish to take my dog for a holiday in the winter.
I have read some of your comments on dogs and I am rather worried about peoples reaction to my dog on the complex, has anyone travelled with a pet ?
I am worried about ticks ,sand flys, toads and mosquitos. Can anyone give me any advice.
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Firstly, congratulations on your recent purchase, and welcome to the area.
Not everybody dislikes dogs, thankfully, those that do are in the minority!
I brought my three dogs over to Spain in July, and so far, so good! They have settled into a pattern of sleeping throughout most of the day, and waking in the early evening when the temperature is cooler.
Regarding protection from fleas, ticks, sandflies etc., You can purchase a collar,( similar to a flea-collar) from the pharmacy next to the Angus & Hereford Argentinian Steak House, which is on the road to Garrucha. You can also get one from the pet shop within Carrefour Supermarkets (Almeria,Cartegena,Murcia all have stores.) Or alternatively, you can buy one from the local vet's, but this will cost you considerably more, or so I'm told!
The collars have a product name of "SCALIBOR" and they protect the dog from sandfly and tick infestation. They last for approx; 6 months so are well worth the money!
Regarding mosquitoes and fleas, you can purchase drops from the local pet store situated also on the road to Garrucha. (Don't know if they stock Scalibor, would be good if they did, then you could purchase all your needs in the one store!)
What type of dog do you have? Maybe we could start a responsible dog-owners walking club? PM me if you are interested.
Regards to you and yours,
Lorraine Braid. Paris, Aimee and Chester!
(already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)
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** EDITED ** Offensive comment removed
I did not suggest that everyone should have three dogs, just like I would not suggest that everyone has three children!!!
Both, I feel, are down to personal choice!!
Judging from your attitude, would I be right in assuming you dislike dogs? Or are you just one of those people who feel it necessary to antagonise situations by lighting the blue touch paper, and standing well back??
Think before you make rash statements and observations, or would that be asking too much??!!
Lorraine Braid. 12-3-07. This message was last edited by EOS Team on 10/28/2007.
(already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)
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Hello sweety,
You ask me to think before making rash statements, yet you call me a 1st class idiot. I can assure you I am not an idiot, I am being honest with my thoughts.
Do you honestly think that people are really hoping and praying to be your neighbour? It will do wonders for those neighbours who are hoping to rent out their apartment, it can be an advert for their rental proposition, ie. A neighbour who calls people idiots without even knowing them, and comes with three dogs.
Don't know what gives you the impression that most people on Al Andalus Thalassa want dogs, or what gives you the impression that I have three children. I don't particularly dislike dogs as a rule, it just so happens that when I was out there last, I was woken at 3am one night by the sound of a dog barking and my 5 year old son had the pleasure of stepping in dog poo. You may well be a responsible dog owner however, clearly someone isn't, or perhaps a number of people aren't. Apart from the mess and inconvenience, there is a health issue here which really does concern me.
If you must persist in calling me an idiot, I would rather you send me a pm. It really doesn't show you in a good light to make remarks like that on a public forum. I am entitled to my opinion and really do think that 3 dogs is not going to please the majority of people.
You say your dogs have settled in nice and sleep all day. Does this mean that they are awake all night?
I look forward to your polite response you sweet little thing. Hope Paris, Aimee and Chester aren't as agressive as their owner.
Regards Dean
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I can assure you that all the neighbours , myself included have not got a problem with Lorraine. She is most helpful. Her dogs do not bark much at all, having got controls on their collars which reduces it to a minimum. She also has great ideas how to make apartments have the wow factor. Hers is amazing.
I can understand her frustration at having a pleasant conversation on the forum , and once again someone has to stick the two penneth in and put her down.
She is a very responsible owner, from what I have seen.
Perhaps words of encouragement rather that discouragement would be more appropriate in that we all have to "live" in a community together.
I agree we must try and encourance owners to be responsible. Stray dogs seem to be to main problem, See the pictures which I submitted.
Barking in the middle of the night also seems to be coming from stray dogs outside. We cannot control that.
Don't forget we are in the minority and many Spanish people who use the place at weekends as a holiday home have dogs.
Our only way of trying to help minimise the problem caused by irresponsible owners is to have signs dotted around asking owners to please have their dogs on leads and to clean up after them.
At the same time it would be an idea to have signs up around the pool area to ask that children be supervised at all times. For their own safety and the pleasure which other people cannot enjoy when children are running riot.
Once the guard trying to stop children from misbehaving and they carried on. The guard got a mouthful from the father of the children. He was not even a resident , he was cleaning someones place or fitting a shower screen and left the children to play by the pool while he carried on with his work.
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I'm pleased that you are happy with being a neighbour of Lorrains' and her 3 dogs, and that her dogs don't bark much.
I have invested a great amount of money in this development along with everyone else on this forum, so when I make a post on this public forum, please do not tell me that I am sticking my two penneth in.
I am clearly not the only person who does not agree with Lorraine on a number of issues, I think I am correct in saying that Lorraine came up with the idea of banning children from using the indoor pool, which she posted on Andrew Rampton's list of contacts.
You are of course correct in sayng that we all have to "live" together in the community, so perhaps you should speak to Lorraine about resorting to making personal insults to other people in the community. As strongly as I felt about Lorraines' idea of banning children from using the indoor pool, I did not resort to making personal insults on her.
You will note that Lorraine has had to have her most recent post edited for just that.
It amazes me that when people such as myself make a comment about dogs, the automatic response of dog owners is to compare them with children. Clearly dogs cannot and should not be compared to children, there is a big difference!
I hope we can put our differences behind us and move on.
Regards Dean
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Dear Dean
I remember the discussion regarding making the indoor pool "at certain times" a child free zone. This is not a ban, merely an ability for parents to have some quality time to swim rather than avoid children jumping in.
We ( ie all the neighbours close to Lorraine ) have discussed this and all came to the same agreement.
I would not want to stop children.
I must stress though that they should be supervised at all times. In the UK they would not be able to go in at all with the health and safety regs.
And yes I agree that we should put it behind us.
I have noticed that there never seems to be much typed about the positive side of the place, mere comments about "1500" dogs (clearly ridiculous).
I will be posting pictures of the new waterfall, indoor pool etc. next week.
It would seem however, that many people only wish to complain.
Enjoy yourself there. As I do , Lorraine does, and all her neighbours do.
Enjoy Spain.
Always look on the bright side of life.
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I have NEVER asked that children be banned from the indoor pool. I merely suggested that there be a period of time during the pool opening hours when it be considered a "child free" zone.
This suggestion was made so that parents, grandparents, adults could enjoy a period of time for themselves. As every parent appreciates a little "me" time now and then, I thought this was an appropriate suggestion.
I also replied to a question raised about the spa being closed during the summer months, by suggesting that, as it will be impossible to separate the pool and spa facilities, the indoor pool could remain (during the summer season only), a child-free zone. This was in an attempt to cut down on expenditure, not a witch hunt to oust children!!!
Please do not try and read between any of the lines, as the facts are clearly stated, and even an idiot can see that this is the case.
As for comparing dogs to children, there is no comparison. Just to state the "Blatantly Obvious", one has four legs and the other only two!
Regards to you and yours,
Lorraine Braid.
(already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)
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I totally agree. Owners of any animals should ensure
1, That they are not a nuisance to others.
2, That the owners cleans up after them.
As to children, my own included. They should be kept under supervision at all times. I certainly would not like to see a law suit on the complex as a child hurt itself on gym
equipment, or burnt itself in a sauna. These are within the indoor pool area. In the UK these areas would be strictly out of bounds.
Perhaps an idea would be to have it an adult only zone after 8.30pm at night, when most children would be going to bed.
As to dogs being allowed anywhere near a pool, that is a definite no,no.
As long as dogs are kept to the paths on leads, I cannot see there being a problem.
Football should not be played in the tennis courts. Especially at 12.30 at night as happened last night.
The main problem I can see is that many people rely on rental income to finance their property. The only problem is many do not actually now how their tenants/
clients will behave whilst on holiday.
Hence the noise at 12.30 at night when holiday makers arrive. excited and disregarding others.
On a brighter note, looks like the indoor pool area will be finished soon. Hope so , I am there at weekend. Will take pics.
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I support all your comments,the community requires a structure and unfortunately at the moment due to Keymare and the manner in which they have completed we do not have sufficient occupancy to have a community meeting.We will all have the opportunity to exchange views in a civilised democratic manner.There will be a transit occupancy ,but as long as the core principles are in force and enforced by the majority ,those who choose to be anti-social will feel isolated.
I also believe that it is important to speak out,if you observe an action that is causing disruption in our community,bring it to the attention of those responsible in a diplomatic and pleasant manner.
Football at 12-30 is anti-social and selfish,young children and adults who have retired early are entitled to uninterrupted sleep in a residental area.Were the perpetrators challenged ?.I certainly would have made my presance known in a diplomatic manner of course.
This message was last edited by kenshaz on 10/28/2007.This message was last edited by kenshaz on 10/28/2007.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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Dear Kenshaz
I for one would not like to takle a burly group of holiday makers (8 in total) who clearly did not care. If the complex is to have a security guard, I would hope that it is 24 -7 cover. After all you never know when an incident could happen. On al Andalus Hills I was told of an incidence where threatening behavour ended up with violence and the police involved.
An able bodied security guard in uniform may have been able to have stopped the incidence escalating to such a degree.
It will be interesting to see what is put in place regarding training on the equipment in the gym, etc. After all these things can do serious damage if used incorrectly.
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Clearly rules need to be put into place with regard to antisocial behaviour. Even if these people were only renting I believe the owner of theapartment/duplex should be fined.
This may seem unfair however, by doing things that way will mean that people who do rent out their property will be more careful in selecting who their potential tenants are.
Regards Dean
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I wonder how much respect is paid to the rental property and/or the development by the football players and/or their parents?
The community must have certain standards and if not adhered to, providing Spanish law allows, penalties must be applied including eviction, where appropriate.
It is very simple to have renters sign agreeing to terms and conditions which must be in line with community regulations. Transgressions may then be dealt with.
Finally, the community will be made up from different nationalities and all views must be heard and discussed. Proposals should be put forward and voted upon. Anyone who then disagrees with this democratic process and cannot abide by the rules, has the option to move to a development more suited to their lifestyle. This observation is not directed at anyone, but is based upon my experience elsewhere.
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Early on in this thread I made a sarcastic statement about the possibility of there being 1,500 dogs at Al Andalus Thalassa if everyone decided to own 3 dogs each.
In hind sight I accept I shouldn't have written this however, due to our experience out there earlier in the year, the issue of dogs is a sensitive one for us.
My sarcastic comment does have a serious side to it, in that if there are no set limits on the amount of dogs allowed in each unit, then there could be an issue, and this will need to be decided in the community meeting.
In no way did I expect to receive personally insulting comments from making this statement. I have now received another insulting and inaccurate torrent of abuse in the form of a personal message from the same individual.
No doubt this person will be reading this, therefore I want you to know that I will not be stooping to your level and reacting in the way I think you want me to.
I hope this is the end of the matter.
Regards Dean
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I recognise your attempt to diffuse a situation which has been blown out of all proportion.
I will not apportion blame to either of the guilty parties, as we are both as bad as one another!
In the future, perhaps we should fight our corners within the confines of the Residents Meeting, (get some training in, it could be long wait!!) Then we would have a referee who could judge if there were any "under the belt" hits!!
Till we meet again.
Lorraine Braid.
(already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)
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