The Comments |
We signed out contract in June 05 for a 3 bed on phase 6 - completion date then was Oct 06! The latest completion date we have now been given is Nov 08 which will undoubtedly translate to May 09 at the earliest I am sure. We paid a 3000 euro reseevation fee and then a 30% deposit in good faith 2 years ago now. We have approached out agent about the possibility of pulling out and builder has said that we can get out 30% deposit back but have to wait a further 6 months before we can have it, and we will loose out resevation fee. What a charming approach from these builders who have had our money for 2 years and delivered nothing.
It is interesting to note that a few people on this mesage board seem to suggest that they have got ALL their money back including the reservation fee. PLEASE if this is you can you confirm so it will al least give us more ammo to be treated the same. Any advice that anyone can offer with regard to the 'pulling out process' would be greatly appreciated.
It is a great shame but we simply can't wait another year - no wonder buying in Spain has such a terrible reputation.
Thanks to anyone who can help us.
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I think on a personel note that the time it takes to get all your money back and when I say all your money back it means minus your deposit and all the interest as well, it is not worth giving up your dream. Pam and I had been all over looking for a place to set up a new home and this place is perfect (in our opinion) so on that alone we are hanging in to the bitter end to live out our dream. We bought in 05 as well and are really sick of the hole set up but we are trying to stay focused and look at the whole picture as are our friends from south shields Ray and Ann who have also bought on the site.
Hang Loose and Hang in there Mick, Pam, Ray and Ann
Mick & Pam 
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Hi All,
It's worth remembering that a lot of the horror stories about buying in spain are related to unfinished and illegally built properties. At least the delays on this site are due to the builder trying to avoid these issues. I fully agree that Peinsa are extremely poor with regards to communication and compensation, but at least they appear to be building a legally completed site.
Rather than pulling out, my wife and I will continue pursuing compensation. Apparently they are offering free white goods with new purchases, so hopefully they will offer the same to existing customers - ever the optimist !
Simon & Caroline.
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Have been feeling much the same as the rest of you .It will be a long 3 years in January since we decided to buy & this latest changing of dates is really hacking us off .But lets hope the pound has picked up against the euro by then & like Simon say the builders conscience pricks them enought to supply white goodsWe shall be needing our second extension of bank guarantee in March, so will have to start thinking about that after Christmas.
Happy Christmas to all of you.And heres hoping next year will bring us our completions
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Have been waiting 3 long years in January & am hacked off about the latest delays on completion.Our bank guarantee is due for its second renewal in March.But as Simon says it is better that every thing is legal.Just hope the builder conscience will prick them enough to offer something for all the delays& our patience.
Heres to wishing you all a good Christmas & hoping 2008 sees us all reaching completion in San Juan.
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Well It does not look like we will be seeing you in San juan then, unless you pop in to see what you could have had (if only.)
Have a wonderful Xmas everyone and a fantastic 2008
Mick & Pam 
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