The Comments |
Hi Billy..... Carol here again...from No 50....Thanks loads...both Dil (apt 18) and I have been anxiously awaiting these PICS. It really has shown the finishing look..and now clarifies how all the paths..landscaping & pool area will be. Just brilliant. Far better than expected. And our apt is in it is right next to the pool area.
Really brightened up my day big time.. Cheers!!
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Hi everyone,
We've just found this site and it's great to see how many folk are moving in. We are Andy & Donna and we have bought no.38 which is on Calle Jabenoros. We were out just after Christmas and were really pleased with how things are progressing. We've not booked any flights yet for March/April but will spend some time reading the other messages here to see what you are all doing. We are looking forward to meeting everyone and getting to know you.
By the way, how do you access the photos on this site - we can't find any?
Andy & Donna
Donna (site for artists of all levels!)
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Hi Andy & Donna,
Welcome to the website...Fantastic to see some new names..and some new neighbours. It has added some real excitement on this forum. I am Carol...and my husband is Danny... and we have purchased No 50...the inside row of Calle Jaboneras. We were over in late November..which is when we bought ours. It was the last top floor model left and we love it. My husband is a teacher..and we are over again on the 16th during half term ... to see the progress and check out furniture prices etc. Mirador will be our permanent my husband is retiring in April.
To access the photos..exit the chat page..and click on the top menu...Under the Large heading "Eye On Spain"..where it says photos. Scroll down the names of the listed developments until you find.." Mirador Vega II". (Make sure it is the Vega there is also a Mirador Vega..which is completely different development.) there are some wonderful pics..I look at them every day.. Look forward to hearing more from you. This site has been a tremendous help to me...really lovely, friendly people...who have made all the difference . I am sure you will feel just the same. Cheers, Carol & Danny
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Hi, Carol and Danny,
This is so exciting- suddenly we have real neighbours - and you all seem a really friendly bunch!. Sadly, I am also a teacher (music), but equally sadly not quite at retirement stage yet! My husband is an artist and we will also be living in our house. We went out in January and were very pleased with how things were looking, and now can't wait to get the keys and sit out on the terrace with a bottle of wine, especially with the weather as it's been recently! I guess it'll be a hive of activity at the end of March. We'll look at the photos after we've eaten, and might even get around to putting a few of our own up. Thank you for getting back to us; Hasta luego, and look forward to meeting everyone. Donna and Andy.
Donna (site for artists of all levels!)
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Hi again...Andy & Donna..
Good to meet another teacher..and "An Artist.".... Both my daughters are very good artists. It will be great to have you as neighbours. We have met some really lovely people on here. . Just so you don't think we are way over the hill..Danny is 63..and I am 58.
We are hoping the good weather will hold in we were very unlucky in Nov. to have terrible storms and quite cold temperatures. But we still enjoyed every minute. I think we are all dreaming of sitting on those terraces..and taking in those mountain views. Hope you enjoy the photos.and we would definitely love to see some of your pics as well. Cheers for now!
Carol & Danny
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Hi Andy & Donna, nice to hear from our new neighbours.
We will be your neighbours to the right, no. 36. We are myself, Ian, my partner Jill and our two daughters Louisa 11 and Hannah who is 9. We purchased back in August last year, its been a bit of a wait but at least we are getting closer. Like others have said its been good to look at the photos watching the apartments develop.
Our agent was informed by Mahersol that the development should be completed end of March / beginning of April, so with me being a little impetuous, I booked fights for the family, hoping we can get to stay in the apartment for the first 2 weeks in April, fingers crossed.
Come the summer months I'm sure the place will be a hive of activity, with us all getting to know eachother. Our intention is to be out there from early July then on and off over the school summer holidays. We live in Scotland and the schools finish a month before our English counterparts.
In the meantime we intend to learn a bit of spanish, not to impress anyone, just to show a bit of willing. Good luck on finding the photos I'm sure you will be pleased with what you see.
Ian, Jill and the girls
_______________________ Ian Sturdy
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Hi Everyone,
We are also new to the forum. We ( My Husband James and I ) purchased number 10 last September, and are looking forward to going over in April to finalise all the details. Unfortunately we have not been able to get over sooner as I am due our second child in a matter of days. A nice little brother or sister for Isabel who turned 4 last week.
The photos are great are are keeping us going getting through the cold dreary months of the Northeast Winter. We live in Newcastle, however James originates from Dublin and has lived over here for the past 14 years .
Everyone seems really nice and friendly and we look forward to meeting you all. We have also booked flights for June, and August plus a sneaky w/e away for us in September.
Jo Connolly
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Hello Ian, Jill, Louisa and Hannah,
Good to hear from you; thank you for introducing yourselves. We found the photos and they look really good. We have a number that we took in January including a rather arty one of all the WC's piled high waiting to be installed!! Wecan't decide whether to be rash and book the flights now, or wait until our agent tells us the apartment's ready. It's the usual problem: wait and the cost goes up...etc, etc. It's going to be lovely meeting everyone and putting faces to names.
I'm currently working as a peripatetic music teacher in the Lake District, so depending on where in Scotland you live, we might be not-too- distant neighbours already. Andy (husband) lived in Edinburgh for five years and loved it. We've been back a number of times and enjoy being in a real city with real shops.
We are also trying to learn Spanish. Mind you, after nearly going through a set of red traffic lights yesterday while trying to answer questions about er and ir verbs, I've decided that maybe driving down the A66 is not the best place or time. It's so much easier when you're younger. Your girls will probably end up as official translators! Thank you again for taking the trouble to reply.
Very best wishes to you all,
Donna and Andy
Donna (site for artists of all levels!)
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Hi, Jo, and greetings from the other side of the Penines (Keswick). Forget Facebook- this forum's obviously the place to be at the moment! Hope all goes quickly and smoothly with the new arrival. We look forward to seeing the photos. When we bought no. 38 back in February, we asked for a copy of the ground plan showing the properties so we're having a great time at the moment writing people's names on the house numbers! We'll be out in March/April as soon as we get a firm date. Can't wait...!
Bye for now,
Donna and Andy
Donna (site for artists of all levels!)
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Hi Jo and James - I was obviously on the wrong link - this is obviously the one to be on! Welcome to you both and I too would like to wish you all the best of luck for your forthcoming event and please let us on EOS be some of the first to know when you have any news.
Carol (No 50) emailed me to tell me that EOS was buzzing - brilliant. I think between youselves and Donna & Andy, you've managed to perform a miracle and wake the dead!
Can't wait to meet up with everyone in Cox. By the way, being a bit naughtly here, but as I mentioned to Carol earlier tonight - has anyone seen our nearest town 'Cox-Callosa' yet? !
All the best. Looking forward to next round of pics and perhaps, in a few days, some of our new youngest neighbour.....
Regards and very good luck
This message was last edited by SpanishTogs on 2/7/2008.This message was last edited by SpanishTogs on 2/18/2008.
_______________________ Spanish-togs
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Hi Jo and James,
Welcome to the site. It is so nice to have some more neighbours to add to the list. We would like to extend our Best Wishes to you both..on your impending new arrival... And every Happiness.
We have a 4 year old grandaughter called Evie..who will be spending a lot of time with us. she would love to meet Isabel. she is the one person who will make it very hard to leave our Uk home behind. As we are very close and spend nearly every day together. But with the Uk only 2 hrs away..We are hoping to all have a better life when we are in Spain. As it will give our family a lovely place to visit..with a bit of sunshine thrown in!..
CAROL & DANNY ..( No 50)
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Hi, Everyone,
I've just posted some new photos taken on or around 5th Jan. Sorry, it says 2007 instead of 2008 as I firgot to change the date! No. 6 provided great amusement. The WC's are either a) installed in our respective homes or b) en route to the 2008 Turner Exhibition...!
Donna (no.38)
Donna (site for artists of all levels!)
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Thanks Donna - Grupo Mahersol obviously flushed with success!
Just been listening to 6 o'clock news - thank goodness you cheered me up!
_______________________ Spanish-togs
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Hi Donna,
Thanks for the new Pics. They really brighten up a winters' day. The... "Loo shot "...definitely is a prize winner!! We are off to have a look for ourselves in just over a week. I can't wait.. Cheers for now, Carol (No 50)
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Hi everyone, great to see so many new names gathering on the forum. I've had some trouble accessing the site and have had to re-register with a slightly different user name. Linda, Lynne and me will be visiting the site next week (25-29th) and are all looking forward to seeing the progress 1st hand. Will hopefully add to the photographs already uploaded when we return. Looking forward to meeting you all this summer. Stuart.
_______________________ C'mon the Hoops !!!
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Hi Stuart,
Danny & I, will just miss you..we are off on Saturday..the 16th..until the 23rd... I had been waiting so excitedly and counting the days..and now it is near, I am in total chaos to get ready. I am really excited to see how it all looks..the updated photos have been fantastic. I love the style & finish of the apts. With all the paths..and the future is going to be brilliant. I love the globe lamps... on the back walls where you enter.. In fact, I love it all!!!
We want to have a search in some furniture shops..and get to know the town of Cox a bit better. And see some towns we have missed int he past. And basically sort some business hopefully.
I am Just hoping the weather is OK. It has forecast rain for much of our week..which I Just cannot believe. We were over for a weekend in late Sept...and another in late Nov...and both times experienced the most appalling weather.
Pouring rain..of a hurricane force Sept. We were drowned 2 out of 3 days. And pushed off the road in a downpour by a huge lorry. Then in Nov. I had flu..which was bad enough..but it was very cold...windy..with a bit of rain thrown in as well. I couldn't believe our terrible luck.
Just before and after..Everyone had glorious weather. So based on that...your week should be fantastic! LOL
Heres' wishing all of you a great time.. We will enjoy every minute no matter what the weather...but a bit of sun, sure would be appreciated. Look forward to comparing notes on our return. Carol & Danny (No 50)
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O.K. Everyone - on the count of three I want everyone to do a sun dance for Carol ............1 ..........2.................3

If she doesn't get at least an hour's sunshine next week - she's banned from Spain !!!
Have a great time.
_______________________ Spanish-togs
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Hi, Stuart,
Have a fantastic time! be sure to go to the Ice Cream shop/parlour on the main street near the little square with the doughnut trees. I've not had ice cream that good outside of the Lake District. (Well, Cream o' Galloway comes close) Shame I've got a dairy intolerance...! Anyway, enjoy the sun. Look forward to seeing the photos.
Very best wishes,
Donna and Andy (no. 38)
PS What's your house no.? Just so I can update our ground plan...
Donna (site for artists of all levels!)
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Thanks, hope the weather holds for Carol & Danny. We'll be following them out. We're (Stuart & Linda Ferrier + Lynne Bell, my sister) in no 30 Calle Jaboneros. We've got two boys 18, 15 and Lynne has a son 18 and daughter 16. Anyone else got teenagers? Stuart. This message was last edited by haufdunbhoy on 2/14/2008.
_______________________ C'mon the Hoops !!!
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