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The Comments
12 Feb 2008 12:00 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

JC1´s avatar

Received this note from Rosa today

Hello Good Morning John,
I can now confirm AGM date for Duquesa Village, scheduled for the 27th. March 2008 (morning).  Also I can confirm AGM date for Coto Real set for the 26th. March 2008 (also in the morning).  I will be posting notices on the community web page (via AEA)so that owners may make their travel arrangements and book flights etc.  I would be grateful if you spread the word to all others.
Once we have the formal meeting notice that includes all the information to be sent to owners by post I will also forward on to you.
If any new owner has not yet obtain access codes please refer them to me.

Rosa goes on to ask for any agenda items to be forwarded for inclusion.  I have been adding my issues to the list Paul has started on I suggest that anybody who wants to raise issue and concerns for the AGM  either contacts Rosa direct at or adds to the list on the website mentioned.





This message was last edited by JC1 on 2/12/2008.







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12 Feb 2008 3:06 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Error in web address. t missing   

 Should be


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12 Feb 2008 3:11 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

michael52´s avatar
Michael S Alinek BA FCA
Chartered Accountant
MA/MJA                                                    12th February 2008
Attn Rosa
AEA Management
Dear Rosa,
Now that the date of the AGM has been determined it is essential that the audited accounts and budget for 2008 are circulated at least 14 days before the meeting in order that they may be formally  approved at the AGM.
Yours sincerely

This message was last edited by michael52 on 2/12/2008.

This message was last edited by michael52 on 2/12/2008.


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13 Feb 2008 11:18 AM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

michael52´s avatar
  Dear Mr. Alinek,

 Previous years accounts are being audited and should be completed within a week, auditing accounts over a period of 18 months (6 months from 2006 & 12 months 2007) as per agreed by owners, the audit will also be provided in English and once we obtain completed audit we will proceed to advise all owners that it is available, also we will endeavour to include it within the meeting call. 

The formal meeting call will be sent out at least 20 days prior to AGM date.  I have contacted Mr. John Cox  with the intention that as many owners as possible are made aware of the AGM date also advising him that the meetings Agenda will be a standard one however at this point we are still in time to include items that owners feel are important and need to discuss and possibly vote on, so I would appreciate feed back on that so that we may include on the Agenda.

Take for example SECURITY; When discussing this matter at the AGM there will be no need to include it as a separate item because it forms part of the community’s budget so if owners decide to increase security this costing will appear on the final approved budget, but if owners wish to introduce a security measure that affects or alters the external appearance of their property then this will have to be voted upon for approval and therefore would need to be addressed separately and of course form part of the Agenda. 

Any matter that has to be voted upon must form part of the Agenda. 

No voting may be done under ANY OTHER BUSINESS.

It is important that owners understand this, and that is why I would appreciate feed back from them regarding their concerns and/or problems that they have or are encountering.

We will be posting up dated information on the community’s web page that can be accessed via AEA and owners should be encouraged to contact us requesting their entry codes.  For the past few weeks our server has changed from Sevilla to Madrid and this has caused us many mal functioning problems that we have now managed to sort out.

Also I have suggested to Mr. Cox that I would like to meet with those of you who are most actively involved with the community; Mr John Cox, Mr. Jeff Layton, Mr. Paul Millson, Mr. Steve Lacey and yourself and I will need to know possible dates to set up this appointment.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Kind Regards,

Rosa Escuadra


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16 Feb 2008 9:53 AM by longworth66 Star rating in Earby, Lancashire. 47 forum posts Send private message


I cannot make the AGM as I am out in Spain the week before.  I emailed AEA about this and got the following reply.  There must be other owners who cannot make it either, and we need to ensure that we get as many votes as we can.  As they have not given us enough notice of the meeting, I doubt if owners will receive this information and have time to do what they ask before the meeting.  I am new to this and am not sure what/how to go about this.  I know a few of you are going to the meeting.  What do you think/suggest?

'We will be forwarding onto all owners the offical AGM meeting notice and this will contain venue, time, meeting agenda and proxy form, proposed budget and previous year accounts including expenses and audit. 

If you are unable to attend then you can delegate your vote to another owner and/or any other person.  You should fill in and return to us the proxy vote and the origional must be handed in by your representative on the date of the meeting'

Thanks Tracey

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19 Feb 2008 8:40 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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I am going , i hope, so i am happy to carry your proxy. The authority for proxies will be in the note from AEA that is sent to you.









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19 Feb 2008 8:50 PM by longworth66 Star rating in Earby, Lancashire. 47 forum posts Send private message

Thanks John,


I will contact you by PM when I receive the information and we can go from there.



Thanks Tracey

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20 Feb 2008 1:00 PM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message


Unfortunately, we won't be able to attend the AGM, could anyone act as a proxy for us.

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21 Feb 2008 7:30 PM by mimmie Star rating. 145 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ann

We will be attending AGM if we can be of use to you, please let us know.

Regards M



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22 Feb 2008 9:50 AM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

michael52´s avatar
Michael S Alinek BA FCA
Chartered Accountant
Dear Rosa,
I set out below items that various community members have requested form the agenda for the AGM.
Having reviewed the requirements of the horizontal property acts I see no reason why they cannot be discussed and voted upon.
I am copying this to JC and J L and will be posting it on the Eye on Spain web site so that it is more accessible to owners.
1.   Examination and approval of accounts and 2008 budget. List of current
2,   Site Security :-
          Restricting access, checking people accessing village
          Checking of people using facilities, Code lock on paddle court ?
          Investigate converting the Village into a gated community.
3.   Physical security measures :-
         Railings on ground floor apartment windows and front doors
         approval on standard measures. Discuss developers liability for design faults.
4.   Review of possible construction fault leading to smells in apartments
      (Cigarette and other smells due to venting defects)
5.   Review of obvious design fault which results in the small pool at block 4
      becoming contaminated with mud and debris
6.   Decision on banning 'for sale' panels on property
7.   Installation of telephone lines and consideration of Wi-Fi covering the community.
8.   Mail boxes on site. Possibility of AEA office on site
9.   Recycling facilities on site
10. Information on the specification of paint colours to enable residents to remedy
     minor damage
11. Impact of El Haco macro community (if the Court deems it legally set up and
     applicable to DV) for our community.
12. Developers attention to snagging of all community areas and remedial painting  of
      exterior (particularly blocks 1 & 3).  Consider need for external construction 
      engineer's report     
13. Vote to decide that all communication from community to owners will be bi-lingual.
14. Vote on changing the notice period for AGM and other meetings. 
Whilst on site over the last week I noted that the security guard does his round at about 6 in the evening and then disappears for the night.
Also the gardeners need to attend to pruning the tree by the paddle court as it is shedding leaves into the court.
Best regards
Michael Alinek


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22 Feb 2008 12:34 PM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi Mimmie

I've sent you a PM.  Thank you also to Michelle and Alex.

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07 Mar 2008 10:20 AM by Ukproperty Star rating. 72 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

Do we have a confirmed time/location for the AGM yet?


Michelle & Alex


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07 Mar 2008 2:44 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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I have just received the official notice from AEA by email.

27th march 2008 at 10.00am at the Duquesa Golf Hotel.

I am still trying to make sense of the financial statement but I notice one of the items on the agenda is "election of positions in the community".  Do we know what these positions are and who the eligible candidates are? Sorry if I have missed something obvious.


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07 Mar 2008 4:20 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

michael52´s avatar

Dear All,

As you can see from further down this thread I posted a fairly full agenda to Rosa at AEA, but she has not replied and the circulated agenda does not cover a substantial number of very important matters. In addition the Balance Sheet that she has circulated is not of much use without a full set of audited accounts.

I would therfore suggest that those attending the AGM vote to dispense with the AGM that Rosa has put forward and re-instate their own agenda. Unless full audited accounts are submitted to the meeting the circulated Balance Sheet should likewise be rejected.

The circulated list of debtors shows a number of debts outstanding from early 2007 and the question must be raised as to why AEA have not taken legal action much sooner.



This message was last edited by michael52 on 3/7/2008.


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07 Mar 2008 6:36 PM by lavrod Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

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I've rec'd the invitation to attend the AGM on 27th March and unfortunately, as I'm down this weekend, I can't make the 27th.  I would, therefore, like to nominate/proxy someone on my behalf.  If anyone would be interested in being my nominee, please either let me know tonight or alteratively let me know when I'm down in Duquesa this weekend. I will be there from Sat 8th to 10th March.



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07 Mar 2008 6:40 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar
I think maybe we should clarify whether audited accounts are available first.

Also, the dates against those community fee debtors is rather ambiguous - are those dates of the last payments or what?  They don't say.  I know of at least one of those owners who would not avoid paying their community fees and who had problems regarding payment to AEA due to communication and no other reason.  So I would like to have it confirmed that that list they have provided is ABSOLUTELY up to date.  But for those who haven't paid, especially since last year when we passed a motion that they should be pursued legally as of September, then we should see reports of what action AEA have actually taken.

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07 Mar 2008 9:05 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all,

Where is the list of debtors?  We have received nothing via e mail or post from AEA in ages. Jan - are we on the list?!  We paid up to date last time we were out in November and were assured at the time that we would be contacted next time fees were due but I thought that would have been last month and we've had nothing.


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07 Mar 2008 9:24 PM by mimmie Star rating. 145 forum posts Send private message

I think Michael is correct, his agenda forwarded to Rosa appeared to cover everything that we have discussed and are the issues we all seem to be concerned about, I think AEA have totally blanked us and are going ahead with their own agenda not taking into account any of the items mentioned, apart from security which is an obvious one.  I note paining is mentioned, but what about building concerns, settlement cracks etc.  I think the complex looks a bit grim in places and I am sure anyone coming round with the purpose of buying a property would as things stand at the moment, be put off.  When we were over in January, down by the paddle court, there was a windown smashed in one apartment and the glass was all over the floor in front of that was a pile of dog poo, not very appealing I have to say!

We will definitely be at the AGM for what it will be worth

Regards M


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07 Mar 2008 9:31 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

PMillsom´s avatar
I'm surprised at the AGM agenda.  Several members including myself wrote to propose items for the agenda.
There was even an affirmative response - see below.  It seems that either the secretary or the president
decided otherwise. 

Email sent to Rosa 23rd Feb
Duquesa Village A.G.M. Agenda


Dear Rosa,

As a Duquesa Village owner I wish to formally second  the agenda items  proposed for the 2008 A.G.M.
 by another owner, Mr. 
Michael Alinek.

The proposed agenda items  are specifically:

1.   Examination and approval of accounts and 2008 budget. List of current



2,   Site Security :-

          Restricting access, checking people accessing village

          Checking of people using facilities, Code lock on paddle court ?

          Investigate converting the Village into a gated community.


3.   Physical security measures :-

         Railings on ground floor apartment windows and front doors

         approval on standard measures. Discuss developers liability for design faults.


4.   Review of possible construction fault leading to smells in apartments

      (Cigarette and other smells due to venting defects)


5.   Review of obvious design fault which results in the small pool at block 4

      becoming contaminated with mud and debris


6.   Decision on banning 'for sale' panels on property


7.   Installation of telephone lines and consideration of Wi-Fi covering the community.


8.   Mail boxes on site. Possibility of AEA office on site


9.   Recycling facilities on site


10. Information on the specification of paint colours to enable residents to remedy

     minor damage


11. Impact of El Haco macro community (if the Court deems it legally set up and

     applicable to DV) for our community.


12. Developers attention to snagging of all community areas and remedial painting  of

      exterior (particularly blocks 1 & 3).  Consider need for external construction 

      engineer's report     


13. Vote to decide that all communication from community to owners will be bi-lingual.


14. Vote on changing the notice period for AGM and other meetings. 

kind regards,

And the Reply 4th March reads



Hello Mr. Millsom,


I will ensure that all points will be contained within the various agenda items so that they can be discussed and acted upon by the owners at their AGM.  I have made an appointment with Mr. Cox for next Wednesday Afternoon.


Kind Regards,


Rosa Escuadra

Grupo AEA-Administración S.L.


Urb. Nueva Alcántara

Edif. Los Almendros L- 9

29670– San Pedro de Alcántara- Málaga


Telef: +34 952 78 38 61





Puerto La Duquesa

Edif. El Boquerón 426

29691 Manilva – Málaga


Telef: +34 952 89 18 27

Fax : +34 952 89 14 54








This message was last edited by PMillsom on 3/7/2008.

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08 Mar 2008 6:46 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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I have just seen the list of debtors and we appear on it owing money supposedly since May last year.  We visited AEA in both July and November and made payments and were assured we were up to date!  We haven't received any requests for outstanding monies though they have e mailed about other matters.

We will be out again in 3  weeks and will have to sort it then but will want to see where our last two bank transfers figure and if the outstanding owed is just from Jan to date.

Caroline (of Caroline and Neale Johnson on list of debtors!!)

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