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Duquesa Village forum threads
The Comments
09 Mar 2008 9:23 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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  • At my meeting with Rosa i hadn't seen site of the proposed agenda so am suprised to see that the points we put forward seem to be ignored. The points i discussed with Rosa which are relevant to the community were as follows
  • Security. CCTV and any other improvements are for the community to decide, which we know.
  • Entrance to the site. AEA have not seen any plans from RyF for the 'promised' gated entrance which will also house their promised office location. During my conversations with the president he also indicated a gated entrance with quard house would be constructed, but anybody who has been lately will see that there are no signs of the beginnings of any construction work for this has started.

              This makes me suspicious because Rosa also indicated that she wasn't sure that RyF had permission from the townhall to close the entrance to DV. It might not be allowed!!!!!

               Rosa has requested details from any owner who has their original sales blurb which may contain the description of the gated community and pass this to her.

               I suggest that it isn't AEA we should be challenging on this but RyF if it becomes an issue, presently it is just a risk.

  • Rosa suggested that as a community we should insist and have in our constitution a system whereby renters of properies have to put down a deposit to cover damage to the community areas that they might be responsible , just as they do for the apartment they live in. Good idea I think.
  • Wifi and lift telephones. I am looking at a possible community solution for WiFi from a company experienced in doing this. They also provide security solutions including CCTV and there is the possibilty that lift telephones could be provided by VOIP (voice over IP) and that would save us a fortune on line rental charges. Rosa was checking the legality of this solution. The downside is that this company will not have service into the area until August at the earliest.














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09 Mar 2008 12:23 PM by cjb1 Star rating in I`m in chelmsford & .... 21 forum posts Send private message

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HI All

We have looked through all of our original phase one communal services specification relating to DV and there is no mention of any security entrance gates at all ,thats not to say that they won't be installed . however Duquesa suites do have security gates and is mentioned on their web site. can't think why only some developments should benefit from security and some do not we will have to push for this one i fear.


Best Regards Chris & Chris

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09 Mar 2008 3:02 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Chris

It is something to do with road through a development. Duquesa Suites doesn't have a road going through it , DV does. And it is whether the town hall deem that the road is just for the development , which it is.







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09 Mar 2008 7:02 PM by Lynn Carleton Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

I have received the information about the AGM and I notice yet again we are on the debtors list. When this happened last time I emailed AEA a number of times and had no reply. We pay our community fees by direct debit and I get confirmation every time they are taken out. We supposedly owe 505 Euros. Next time I am in Duquesa I will have to go to the office and sort it out. We have never had a letter from AEA telling us we have not paid. what is going on. We are not able to go to the AGM, if anybody wants our vote, please email me

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09 Mar 2008 7:43 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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We are having the same experience though we don't pay by dd.  We always keep up to date and check we have paid enough in advance to cover the coming quarter when we are in Duquesa.  Our last bank transfer was November 23rd i think though it says we owe from May!


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09 Mar 2008 8:05 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Lynne, Caroline

You are not the only ones in this position, I know of one other who is in a similar position with his payments...AEA do not seem to have any control of their accounts department.







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10 Mar 2008 8:03 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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It really is very worrying.  We have had no reply to our e mail so will probably settle when we arrive on April 3rd with a copy of our bank statement!

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11 Mar 2008 10:54 AM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi Caroline

Sorry to hear you are having this hassle.  They certainly should make sure of their facts before notifying all owners that you are debtors.  We've been very lucky and so far have been debited correctly.

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11 Mar 2008 12:06 PM by michael52 Star rating in Bushey, Hertfordshir.... 308 forum posts Send private message

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Have just received the income and expenditure account (unaudited) for 2007.

Why has the community had to incur € 86,446 (over £ 62K) of lift maintenance.

If the lifts were faulty (see previous threads) surely a large part of this should have been paid by RYF.



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11 Mar 2008 1:11 PM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi Michael

This was exactly what I was trying to avoid.  Our lift was faulty from the start and Melisa at AEA assured me that the lift company would not be paid for all the call outs!!   It was some months before it was fixed and was obviously incorrectly installed from the start.  One of the guys who attended to try and repair it said there was a major problem.  What happens to warranty in Spain, it obviously means nothing. 

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11 Mar 2008 1:49 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Michael, Ann

We need to ascertain that the call outs were not paid and therefore not part of the costs incurred. perhaps a call to Melisa will confirm that. I think the budget for lift maintenance is a bit high anyway.

I was told by somebody in AEA that the problems are caused by the lift shaft being the wrong size/shape for the lifts!!!







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11 Mar 2008 11:02 PM by Chris Star rating. 56 forum posts Send private message

Just seen the letter about the accounts for our community.


There seems a lot of Debtors still on the list and  only a few have gone to court.


I assume this will be a priorty item on the AGM agenda?



Chris & Colette Block 8 Cheadle Hulme & Duquesa

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12 Mar 2008 12:22 AM by daniela Star rating in Duquesa. 167 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all,

We too are on the debtors list even though we are paid in full and we do so every quarter.  We don't trust AEA to have DD access so we pay at the office every 3 months.  When we paid for this last quarter we asked if they had the figure for the next quarter as we may not be out in 3 months time.  AEA did not have a figure to give us!  The accounts dept seem to be incompetent.  I also noticed that we are taking legal action against someone who owes 645.43 euros but not all of the people who owe more than 1000 euros.  Can someone ask why this at the AGM please?

We also still haven't had audited accounts which is totally unacceptable given the lengh of time that they have had to get them prepared.  We are unable to make the meeting so if anyone would like to be our proxy please PM me.

PS: The date at the side of the name is the date that the apt was purchased - not the date the fees are outstanding from.  (That's what the date next to our names is anyway)

Daniela & Lee

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12 Mar 2008 7:34 AM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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May is when we comleted I think.  That probably mans AEA just gave us the wrong figures when we settled the last quarter and that we underpaid by 300 euros then.  They seem woefully incompetent.We don't trust them with d debit either...


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12 Mar 2008 12:44 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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I think that you might find that the 300 euros is a one off introductory "welcome to the community" payment.  It took them about six months to organise themselves to collect this from me by DD and when they took it I wondered what it was at first until I asked around on this site.  Others get the 300 taken almost straight away.

They definitely need to be more consistent in their approach.


This message was last edited by slacey99 on 3/12/2008.

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12 Mar 2008 3:37 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Steve - basically it's anyone's guess what the payment is then!!

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12 Mar 2008 3:43 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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With the first payment you make to the community, there is, I believe, a 300 euro extra payment that goes into the sinking fund.  So your first payment to AEA should have been your quarterly community charge (apportioned if you completed half way through the quarter!!  we had to point this out!!), plus the 300 euros.  Thereafter, you should just pay the quarterly charge.

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12 Mar 2008 3:44 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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I think we paid the sinking fund fee initially but am not sure.  Will have to dog out the paperwork.

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12 Mar 2008 3:52 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

13 Mar 2008 10:35 AM by Cornwell Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Hi.. We are in block 18 moved in in October and see that we are already on the debtors list!  A large amount of money was taken from our bank account by AEA in the form of a direct debit.  On speaking to the  bank manager he said it could be put back into our account until we found out just what we were being charged for.  We agreed that he should do this.    AEA had no record of having received the first payment of E300 which was paid by Lawyers of Spain and which we have documented proof of this payment to AEA.  They also charged us for services we did not have, ie we did not have a regular supply of running water to the apartment, no garage security, no rear pathway lighting, no lift, no telephone, no satelite, no cleaning of stairways.  To date Myra has solved our water problem, organised a telephone with internet within 5 days of requesting one from telefonica, and is at the moment busy with AEA sorting out and our community charges. Myra has a web page which is and we would recommend her to anyone who is unhappy with AEA and their community charges.

Bob and Sylvia

Block 18 Duquesa Village


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