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26 Feb 2008 12:00 AM by womble 2 Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message


I am looking for the contact at Ros y Falcon who looks after guarantees on white goods and air con in apartments.

I hope these are from date of completion and not any earlier?




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26 Feb 2008 6:53 PM by manilvajl Star rating in Manilva as much as p.... 426 forum posts Send private message


Be careful, they try to do Aircon from the date it was installed which could have been months ago, or they use the date of the issue of the License of Occupation.

With white goods take the pack they give you and register the cards with date you put power into and test the appliance,




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26 Feb 2008 6:56 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Fionnuala,

Congratulations on your completion!!

I have tried to search for the thread previously that dealt with your query, but  can't wade through it all!!  Bascially, from recollection, the warranties, etc., were from the date of the Licence of Occupation (extended from the date of installation by the developers, if I recall correctly).  You should have all the documentation with the appliances (ie in your apartment or with any documentation handed over by your lawyers).

I can't recall much else, but maybe someone else can contribute.

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26 Feb 2008 7:15 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Hi and welcome to the wonderful world of DV.

While trying all your appliances don't forget to try the heater unit function of the air con unit. I forgot to and  when i came to switch the heating on it didnt work. Got it fixed under warrantity neverthe less but its something to check.









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01 Mar 2008 3:53 PM by daniela Star rating in Duquesa. 167 forum posts Send private message

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Thought you might be all interested to know that Spanish Law states that you must have a 2 year warranty on all goods sold.  IE: from the date you completed.  A neighbour of mine has already gone to R y F and got them to fix the air con problem!

Daniela & Lee

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01 Mar 2008 3:56 PM by carolinej Star rating. 420 forum posts Send private message

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That's really good to know Daniela - thanks.


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03 Mar 2008 2:57 PM by manilvajl Star rating in Manilva as much as p.... 426 forum posts Send private message

I think you will find that in Spain only white goods carry a 2 year warranty under the consumer laws.

Other goods carry 12 months or longer depending on manufacturer and sales outlet.



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03 Mar 2008 7:31 PM by womble 2 Star rating. 43 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for all the replies, very helpful.  Over to snag at end of week, so will check all warranties then.



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11 Mar 2008 1:57 PM by John 777 Star rating in West Midlands. 109 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

We have also now completed in Block 17.  Looking to forward to spending a bit of time out in DV latter in the year and hopefully being able to put a few names to faces etc.

Won't be able to get out for the AGM, but will watch progress re posts on Eyeonspain.


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22 Apr 2008 12:20 AM by artless Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

HI All,

Just completed in and went over last week to check it out and set it up.  Overall, I'm pleased with the flat (though no sea view).  Just going through the snag list, and managed to get the decorators, lock fitter and kitchen guy in, albeit each on a different day.  Luckily it rained most mornings and that we were in when they came. (The weather in the afternoons was lovely.)

The  contact for snags is Maria Luisa : 0034 952 892 805

I have a few other issues which I hope you other owners will help me out on, so that I can get them fixed next time I'm over.
  • Air con 1 : Tried using the heating function via remote and the panel.  Nothing happened. The head builder tried to fob me off, but after reading JC1's post below, it's a definite problem.  Who should I contact, the developer or the installer?
  • Air con 2 : I tried the air con and got a faint breeze through the outlets in the main lounge and bedrooms with the fan on high.  Should they blast out a lot more, like the systems that I've experienced in most offices, or is it a gentle system?
  • Air con 3 : Is there are connection to the vents in the shower room and bathroom? I presumed that the fan option on the aircon was there to demist these rooms.  Or are these vents simply piped to the outside?
  • Jacuzzi bath : There are 6 nozzles, a covered water switch and an adjuster located in the bath.  5 of the nozzles produce a stream, but the 6th nozzle, the left nearest the taps seems to be taking water in rather than streaming water out.  Is that right?  I would have thought the covered water switch would also act as an inlet to circulate the water.  A daft question I know, but never having had one...  Again, developer or installer to sort if it's a problem?
Thanks for any help you can provide.

Btw, how does DV compare to other developments?  I like the spec and general size, but are they above average or fairly standard for this price range / area?

This message was last edited by artless on 4/22/2008.

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22 Apr 2008 1:03 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Artless, welcome to DV.

You can defintaley tell the difference if the air con is on low, medium or high but even on high it doesnt belt out and is still relatively quiet.

There is no connection to the vents in the bathrooms but you can get extrator fans fitted and connected to the ventillation system.  I think it cost me about £100 for both bathrooms.  I can pass on the details if you like.

I hope this helps, I'm not sure about any of the other points


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