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Duquesa Village forum threads
The Comments
03 Mar 2008 12:00 AM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message


We think we know the culprit for the dog mess which is scattered around the village.  There was a dog wearing a collar (minus owner) wandering around in the shrubbery down by the road leading to the large pool at the bottom of the hill.  This dog appears to be owned by the RyF security guard.  He seems to have 2 dogs and they are allowed to wander around the site on their own.  We were told that dogs had to be kept on a lead at all times.   I think this man should be made to keep his dogs on leads if indeed he should be bringing them to work with him at all!!  I intend to email AEA and copy in Maria at RyF.  Why should we have to put up with this.  I have a picture of the mess in the entry to block 11 but will not upload it as it's not very pleasant, but unfortunately you need to watch where you walk at the moment.

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04 Mar 2008 9:15 AM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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Was it a large dog that you saw?

Most of the dog mess down on the road towards the paddle courts is obviously created by a very large dog.

The dogs kept by the man at the enterance are fairly small.




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04 Mar 2008 12:35 PM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi Paul

The dog had a collar on and was a tan whippet type dog.  I know the other dog is small but I think the culprit is definitely the security guard's larger dog.  I don't see why the security guard should be allowed to have his dogs on site as they don't appear to be guard dogs.  He certainly shouldn't be allowed to let them roam wherever they like and I have complained to AEA and RyF this morning although I'm not hopeful that anything will be done about it.  I know there is another large dog on site in our block but I haven't seen it off the lead.  I have seen the lady who owns it walking the dog in the village though.

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04 Mar 2008 6:03 PM by layley Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

I think the dog poo down by the padel court is being left by a dog who lives down there.  I've never seen the two dogs with the Security Guard at the gate anywhere on site apart from near the gate at the top!

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09 Mar 2008 9:30 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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On Friday when i left there was mess at the basura down at the bottom...there must be a dog wandering around or with a resident who doesn't care....lets keep an eye out for them and report them when found.







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09 Mar 2008 10:11 PM by Chris Star rating. 56 forum posts Send private message

How about banning all dogs on site - that works for me.

if its a wild dog, then it shouldnt be able to get on site, but of course the fencing/security around the site is laughable.

Chris & Colette Block 8 Cheadle Hulme & Duquesa

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10 Mar 2008 12:01 PM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

The dog we saw down there had a collar on.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a cemera with me at the time.  We took photos of dog mess in the entry to block 11 but didn't see a dog around apart from the security guard's dogs. I haven't received a reply to the email which I sent to AEA.

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10 Mar 2008 2:28 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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I already have photo's of the mess.  It piles up in dry weather.  There is at least one very large dog that is down there daily and messes on the road, footpath and verge all around the area of the paddle courts.     The mess is far to large to be caused by  the small dog that sits around at the entrance.

We really need people in white Blocks at the bottom  to keep their eyes open.


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11 Mar 2008 10:51 AM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi Paul

I agree.  I'll make sure I have my camera at the ready next time we're over.  Surely someone must see where the dog lives as it's wearing a collar. 

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11 Mar 2008 5:16 PM by Carleen Star rating in Birmingham. 34 forum posts Send private message

I am really alarmed that all dogs are not made to be on a lead specially the R&F Security Guard’s as last year they removed the Alsatian that was there as it bit my mother-in-law on one of our walks up the hill.  We are over next week and I shall go and see Antonio again and report this as he was the person I dealt with when it happened.

I think we have a problem with wild dogs too, as I have seen them (6 I counted one day) running around on the other side of the dry river bed.  I also feel that the signs we have are not having any effect at all and we need to start taking some action, or it is going to be another expense on the community.

We need to get DV secure with fencing/gates to keep out all unwanted visitors!!!!

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11 Mar 2008 5:40 PM by chas8850 Star rating in Hampshire/Duquesa Vi.... 14 forum posts Send private message

Stray/wild/ unaccompanied dogs/animals cant read signs.

Come to think of it, I dont think many residents or visitors bother reading signs either.

Just having signs telling people to do this that or the other, wont ever solve anything. 

Unless there is a proven 100% working punishment for non compliance, signs  (for anything, not just dogs) are a waste of time. And who then is going to be the judge/jury/executioner.

I agree dogmess is a problem, but  you can moan all you want, but realistically, you are not going to to stop it happening.

Even in UK, where there are legal, monetary fines  - they dont stop the messing.

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11 Mar 2008 5:45 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 forum posts Send private message

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I agree.  The community should be fenced - I noticed that down at the bottom, between the paddle court and the wall by the basuras, there is a big unfenced area, where anybody or animal can access DV.  Although from other threads, it would appear that there may be a problem with DV being a "gated" community, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to put adequate fencing/walls around the perimeter if there are no access roads going through.

All dogs owners, whether dogs are leashed or not (although restricting dogs to leashes is more responsible and considerate towards other residents), should be responsible for cleaning up after their dogs.  As a dog owner myself, I cannot  understand or tolerate owners who do not do so.

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11 Mar 2008 7:12 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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you wrote  "I think we have a problem with wild dogs too, as I have seen them (6 I counted one day) running around on the other side of the dry river bed.  I also feel that the signs we have are not having any effect at all and we need to start taking some action, or it is going to be another expense on the community."

Those dogs live up the valley and do their pack hunting rounds on the other side of the valley most days.  They are a happy bunch, although a little noisy as they get very excited.

They are not wild or feral - I know where they live.  They never come across to our side of the river.  At least not in the whole of three weeks when I watched them do their daily rounds.
Again - those were all very small dogs.

Have no fear about the two dogs at the gate.  The RyF gate keeper does not exactly own these two dogs.   They have adopted him and they keep him company at
night..   Although he feeds them he explained to me (mostly in sign language)   that they won't even let him pat them  - they keep their distance from humans.  Maybe rightly so. 
I'm not a dog lover myself  but I feel sure that the two dogs at the gate at harmless and trouble free from all that I've seen and heard.


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23 Mar 2008 8:37 AM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Think I have found the culprit and their dog.  Around the pool when we arrived Friday and saw a lady taking her dog, it is a golden labrador type, down to the bottom road. The dog tried to do its business on the grass but that got stopped.  The lady concerned is Spanish I think and is a tenant in block 10. I asked her to clean up after it and she agreed that this was a good idea!!!  

This is a case for AEA ensuring owners who let their place explain the community rules to tenants.







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23 Mar 2008 6:26 PM by Ann2 Star rating in New Forest and Duque.... 137 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I've seen this lady walking her dog as she is in the same block as us.  So far I've only seen the dog on the lead and this is not the same dog which was wandering around with a collar on down by the white block to the right of the large pool, so there is obviously another offender.  We were told when we purchased that dogs were not allowed off the lead in the village.  I can't understand why other people weren't informed about this on purchasing.  We have a dog ourselves and always clean up after her. 

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