Alot of work is being put into how to improve the security . Quotes are being obtained for secure fencing around PMs ,roads have been blocked off to stop the opportunitst around the back of the site. The presidents are also getting quotes for cctv instalation to assit inthe security monitoring. A meeting of all the presidents is being held in the Uk in May. for a collective way forward. I was there last week and there is a greater police presence and the security are doing the best they can .A chain was put across the entrance inthe evening but this had to be stoped according to the local police - yet one police man suggested it.
If we had the monies fully paid up for community fees then secuirty could be up and improved but with latepayers and non payers of community fees the community is struggling to keep the bare maintence and legal requirement going lewt also putting insophisticated security. 60 out of the 99 apartment on PM4 owe fees totally 89,000 euros, this is crippling the PM4. We can get the quostes for improvement but there is no way to pay for them at present.