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Casares del Sol forum threads
The Comments
13 Mar 2008 12:00 AM by paulgold Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

Well I thought I was safe with the security bars over my window but that has not deterred the burglars. I  learnt today that my apartment has been broken into. They broke in through the security bars and through the second bedroom window. If they have time to break in round the front of the building through security bars one wonders what the hell we are paying security for and what use are they. I say lets sack them and either get a company that do the job of or booby trap the windows.

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14 Mar 2008 10:40 AM by lomax Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

Sounds about right Paul. As I said the other weekend I only saw the security man once and his car twice and with that sign on the window of his little box stating times of security presence, well it just says it all! Sorry to hear of your break-in. It makes you want to spit doesn't it?



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14 Mar 2008 8:20 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

visited the site as suggested by Captain Plant, truly horrendous to see how bad things are. Saw the security man driving around, met an English workman fixing glazing and grills etc. his view was that the lone security had no chance especially at night without street lighting. Thinks things will be better in about five years.

Can't help thinking that if things are this bad now, just wait until the road barriers (see photos) are gone, the burglars will be able to come and go in any direction. You will need a posse to control them.

Good luck.



N. Sands

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14 Mar 2008 10:16 PM by paulgold Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

Certainly I thought I was safe now I need to make my place like a fortress which is kinda the opposite of what I was looking for in a holiday home. I think a lone security man in the pitch black avenues driving around once every hour or so, flashing his little torch is like building a wall of sand to stop a tsunami. Quite obviously it is impossible to have 100% security but to mix my metaphors LCD's are leaking like a sieve. So what do we or can we do! some sort of fencing or gating, getting the local police more involved, or maybe all of us registering to vote and using a block vote to get  a local politician on board. There must be many other urbanisations like us. I see this as the number one issue so Mr Presidents lets have some leadership.

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15 Mar 2008 12:36 PM by gill_malouf Star rating in Stockport, Cheshire. 201 forum posts Send private message

Hi All, I firstly need to put everyone straight, as someone thought I was a male! I am definitely a female!!!

I still don't understand how the 'pleasing to the eye' white site above Casares del Sol got to be walled...and to boot looks very inviting when you drive past...........a total contrast from CdS............ also the site across the way is to be why is CdS so different, and been viewed differently by the local town hall? 

The security guard, I had sight of him the second time I visited the site last week. The first visit I asked a man renting an apartment if he had seen any sign of security and he said he saw a guy after 6pm. The guard I saw drove a bashed up old car...not an official company car, around the site........I thought that someone said security was costing 60k euro a year, am I right?

Also, I've found that the back 6 blocks are the main targets for robberies, as they are away from the main blocks, and are lower down. (I was told access roads were blocked to stop the culprits using them to escape!)

I didn't complete due to the site not being as promised, and have reinforced my views since visiting it again. The different style of lights and grills make it even less 'luxurious' than the last time I went to see it in October 2006. It looks like a ghost town...the guard didn't even challenge us as we looked round the buildings......and the 'sub tropical' garden!!   

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15 Mar 2008 7:37 PM by chills Star rating. 89 forum posts Send private message

I visited the site today at around 4pm, by car. There was a Security Hut, positioned just on the left, on the far side of the Roundabout and a red and white chain stretching across this main access route. As I approached it, the Security Guard left his hut and moved towards me. I continued around the roundabout and left this area. This area it would seem, was being actively "policed" at this time. The rest of the complex was, I assume, open to all, including the "Flat Panel Gang". Other sites are, indeed, fenced off. Why not C.D.S.? Was there a shortage of Brown Envelopes, when Stationery Allocations were being applied for, some years back, at Planning Approval Stage?


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17 Mar 2008 10:35 AM by paulgold Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

Just trying to sort out insurance apparently the police need details of my passport or NI number. I would say to everyone please review your individual security measures bars on their own are not a deterrent. Put good quality locks on all windows, lock on utility room door and locks on all internal doors. Security gate on patio door. Set up trip wire with crossbow on front door. Electrify all door knobs and booby trap flat screen with TNT. Put sensor mats all over which release required dose of cyanide gas and set draw blids to release antrax when touched that should just about do it.

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17 Mar 2008 10:58 AM by lomax Star rating. 51 forum posts Send private message

Hi Paul

What a sense of humour but really it needs desperate measures to be taken and at the moment it makes me feel sick to read all of the negative comments posted here, so at least you've made me laugh. Does the chairman of PM2 have any updates for us please?  I know you're very busy but would be gratefull for any positive feedback. (If it's only to cheer us up!)




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19 Mar 2008 6:53 PM by brutus Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message

Security update for PM4 .


At the AGM in September  2007 it was voted onto keep the security guard in post for until SEptember 2008 to give owners a chance to improve thier own security .It is then the intention of PM4 to remove the on foot expensive security at the front of the site and to installed a fenced areas with gated locks to the PM4 areas. We are currenlty obtaining quotes for the installation of fencing as it PM2.  You cannot just fence the area without either an extrordinary AGM being called and the proposal voted on otherwise you have to wait for the AGM. We.may even require planning permission .

We have been upto the Casares toewn hall and spent 1.5 hours with the chief planning officer with an interpreter from Ammex .Please note this development was never submitted as a private gated developement by the developer and thus planning permission was granted as an open road development. This also goes for Majestic next door who will have to remove thier gates as well. As for over the road. This to is not a gated developement but they sorted planning permission for a sercurty building but do not have gates .They are likely  to have got this because of the golf course. Of course they do not have the next work of roads behind thier site that CDS has  which ultimatley causesd the security problems. From discussion with the town hall there is no chance of offically closing the roads around the site. so it seems\ the only alternative is to put up security fencing around the blocks .

Community Charges

Non payment of community charges only affects your neighbours and the ability of the community to make improvement. it doesnot hurt thedeveloper etc but inevitably if we cannot secure the site , open the pools & maintain the gardens our investment will go even more down the pan. I urge everyone to ensure that their community payments are up to date. it is each owners responsibility to contact Ammex and ensure they are being paid.It is not the responsbility of the president to chase payment. In PM4 late payers will be taken to court and have been taken to court. An action that was voted on in the AGM.

If our solicitors had also done thier home work perhaps we all wouldnt have been in this situation. 






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24 Mar 2008 2:56 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

whilst being a heavy critic of this development and the utterly stupid system that allows developers to sell dreams and supply only little boxes, also the idea that the community could somehow self-build the completion of the dream, I nevertheless applaud and admire the work of those who are trying to make the best of things. All strength to your efforts.

Again, being a great fan of Justin and his site for telling it like it is. I have nevertheless been puzzled at his reluctance to put the blame where it truly lies - WITH THE LAWYERS - without their corrupt facility no one would have signed or there would not even be such a thing as a contract that offers a little box instead of a complete package, spacious, highest luxury apartment on a secure closed holiday complex with every facility. This confidence trick is only played by the developers and agents with the express connivance of the LAWYERS, supposedly working for and charging the unfortunate deceived client.

I am pleased to see this now recognised by Brutus. Congratulations, will you be taking any action on this?

That said as my own views, I recently met and was impressed by Maria de Castro and also listened to Justin's interview with her and her brother. They were positively encouraging in the view that there was now strong consumer protection in place and she repeated her earlier assertion that everything promised must be provided, whether or not it is specifically mentioned in the contract. She was also positive on what I have previously thought extremely unlikely, that compensation is possible even after completion.

Be positive and go for it everyone, including Justin.

In the meantime stay united and support your community if at all possible.

Regards to all






N. Sands

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