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Casares del Sol forum threads
The Comments
08 Jan 2008 12:00 AM by brutus Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message

All PM4 owners

A meeting has been arange with Amex and the president to discuss outstanding community fees by owners. Interlarken had fees outstanding at the agm and we will check if this has now been paid.

it is up to each individual owner to acertain if any fees are outstanding on our apartment, if fees are out standing they need to be cleared immediatly other wise all facilities will have to be closed for the there will be no money for life guards gardeners etc maintenance etc.

You must take it upon yourself to contact Amexand check the situation regarding your own community fees and ensure appropoarate action is taken immeidatly to clear the debt. if monies are outatanding prior to completion then you need to advise your solicitor. Adebtoer list will be drawn up this a notion voted on at the 1st agm that all outstanding debtos would be chased for payment and registered as a bad debt so please ensure that you take the responsibility to ensure the debt agasint your own apartment is cleared by the end of january.

If there are monies owing by interlarken you need to identify exactly how much and discuss this with Amex .They will need your completion date to calculate any debt outstang that relates to interlarken.

WE are having problems and have kept everypiece of papar work regarding payment we made a community charge payment at the bank and have a receipt confirming the amount paid into the PM$ account but it is not registered against our apartment   -  it was paid in Aug

The president Gary will be discussing at length the budget situation on PM4 and why no action has not been taken against bad debtors including interlarken as voted in the agm   in Sept 07.  

We need your help to sort out your individual apartments community charges by the end of January otherwise no improvement can be made to PM4 and there will be a possibility of no pool if there is no money in the budget for life guards and maintenance.

We will do our best next week to ensure Amex get ontop of PM4 budget and bring them upto date correctly, but i suspect this may only happen if individual owners deal with them and sort payment out as well. 

Roll on 2009!!!!!

so far this year


budget problem

and son in hospital with broken hand - I've probably picked up MRSA!!!

And it's only 8th Jan!!!!!







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09 Jan 2008 9:03 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

whilst no longer liable, because I was unwilling to attempt to complete and stretch to an unviable mortgage situation. I am nevertheless bemused by the suggestion that community fees should be paid, to pay for items and expenses which are clearly directly caused by Interlaken and agents failure to deliver the article as sold and as is still yet being advertised. The fraud is indefensible.

Therefore no one, repeat no one, should pay community charges on this development and it should be legally handed back to the developer for proper rebuild and completion as advertised.

It is a complete failure, as proven, it is not even weatherproof let alone habitable. The basics are not in place let alone the luxuries.

It is past time you all "got real" and faced the situation, do as Justin says and tell it like it is. You can only benefit in the long run by getting this situation put right, with proper weatherproofing and drainage, gardens and security, even if you can't get the extra promises.

Best Regards


N. Sands

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09 Jan 2008 9:44 PM by rdhoot Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hello Norman,

Your posts have provided me with lots of humour over the months and I don't actually disagree with much of what you say. Are we to believe that as you are "no longer liable" that you have forfeited your 40% deposit in is entirety ?! If I recall you had a penthouse so if this is the case you have lost about 160,000 euros assuming you paid about 400k euros? If you have lost this amount then obviously you have extremely deep pockets!!

Best wishes to you for th future.




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10 Jan 2008 12:47 PM by Jerry Star rating. 74 forum posts Send private message

We can all respect Normans position but his view is no lomger relevant or useful to owners. However, all owners must fully share Community responsibility by paying over all fees promptly to fund proper of the development including pursuit of Interlaken for defects remedy. As a united Community with adequate funds, we will overcome the current problems.


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11 Jan 2008 5:00 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

glad my efforts to rouse the sleeping British Bulldog have had some effect and even humour.

Surprising, even Jerry is now talking about pursuing Interlaken. Well, well, whatever next!  Unfortunately he is not saying do it with his own money.

My problem with this thread is that, had I completed and as an OAP been servicing a large mortgage, I would have been more than dismayed to find half a dozen people high-jacking the community maintenance budget for matters other than maintenance. All with no real authority from the unfortunate payers.

I consider any attempt to pursue people for non-payment in this scenario would be unwise and likely to fail.

Many of you are millionaires and multi-millionaires with multiple purchases under your belts, therefore you are surely in a position not to have to raid the maintenance budget for the improvements etc. you seek.

Any payments above the minimum maintenance charge should of course be voluntary. Including extra and longer times for lifeguards plus the rest of your wish list which does not benefit everyone equally.

I realise of course that the Good Samaritan Parable does not appeal to many. Also that those who passed by on the other side were, without a doubt, muttering "silly bu**er" when they saw the good chap on his knees vulnerably delivering assistance.

Nevertheless if you wont take direct action and abandon this mess to the developer then some silliness is required don't you think?

Regards to all






N. Sands

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11 Jan 2008 7:10 PM by Jerry Star rating. 74 forum posts Send private message

Phew. what a relief that you wont be attending part of our community!

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11 Jan 2008 9:43 PM by gusdonnelly Star rating in Casares Del Sol PM2.... 60 forum posts Send private message

I have watched Norman's postings over time and my initial feelings of regret for his unfortunate situation have turned inexorably to exhasberation and annoyance.

With-holding of community fees denies the legalities of the situation that those who have completed face and fails to recognise that the only people being hurt by any such action are ourselves as owners: if we believe that we have all been equally duped and need to seek redress against Interlaken et al. surely we want to minimise any potential for arguments between ourselves and loss of unity. Were Interlaken et al. to be aware of this they would surely be laughing at us and would be confident that we are in such disarray that they need only to hold out and end up beating us by allowing us to beat ourselves.

Norman - whilst I do truly sympathise with your mortage and other problems - your comments are not in the least bit helpful to me. I am not rich but I now have commitments for which I seek ultimately to have  sufficient satisfactory benefits: I intend to do my best to work to-wards that end situation pay-off.  To cripple the entities which WE ARE LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR is not a wise way forward.



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12 Jan 2008 12:38 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

sorry to give offence but you really must ask yourselves whether you have the legal right and the necessary mandate from the majority of owners to spend maintenance money on other things. From my own experience in the UK I do not believe you have that right and you are asking for trouble if you do.

Additionally if I were an owner I would decline to grant those rights. Why should anyone be forced to pay for year round lifeguards etc., it should be voluntary.

As to Interlaken laughing at us, surely it is evident that they have been doing that all along.

I was pleased to hear that Emma has successfully wiped the smile off both her lawyer's and Ammex's faces, perhaps if we fight hard enough then perhaps the endemic corruption will wane a little.

I say the sooner Jerry takes up the sword and starts to spend his own money the better. It wasn't long ago that he was telling us that it would all be a waste of money and that his block was soundly built anyway.

Best Regards



N. Sands

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12 Jan 2008 10:12 AM by Jerry Star rating. 74 forum posts Send private message

Exactly Gus. Owners have their say at General Meetings and together can act against the developer. A good start has been made in PM2 and majority decisions must then be supported. It will take time. Norman's views are irrelevant to our practical and legal position at this stage.


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20 Jan 2008 12:50 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

I hope very much that your position is secure and that the rigorous constraints applying in the UK, on what the directors of the public companies, set up to administer estate maintenance budgets can spend money on, is less rigid in Spain.

Nevertheless my views are I believe relevant to your situation, since I do not believe that you have the necessary mandate from the majority of owners. Please correct me if I am wrong. What measures have been taken to actually canvas those owners?

The problem with Jerry's views as posted, on engineering and build quality matters, which is my own subject, is that they have not impressed me at all, indeed as posted I have judged them as poor.

Therefore I would urge the greatest caution in accepting his views on legal matters. My recommendation, for what it is worth, is the same as that on his subsidence views given earlier, get it checked out by an expert.

Regards to all,


N. Sands

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20 Jan 2008 12:09 PM by noddy Star rating. 150 forum posts Send private message

of course we have a mandate to collect fees to pay for the running of the community. it is essential to pay for insurance, pool running costs and several matters to make the community work. the budgets were agreed at the agms, any significant changes will obviously need to be canvassed.

i would expect most owners are now fed up with your ramblings. we all except interlaken have not supplied what was promised but most of us like the development and want to have many holidays there and are working to acheive that. i think you are being irresponsible to encourage non payment. i havent seen your name in the paper for withholding your council tax when most councils fail to deliver!

i hope you resolve your issues along with the other people, but your postings are not helping.


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20 Jan 2008 12:30 PM by Jerry Star rating. 74 forum posts Send private message

It is probably worth saying that the regulation of developments, the roles of President and Community in Spain seems a lot fairer than  In Ireland (Whatever about Britain) where buyers are forced to contract  with  Maintenance Companies, with little control over fees and service. In CDS, we will be able to overcome the technical problems provided we can collect the resources to carry out works and pursue recovery from the developers. Unlike Norman, I am happy to support the Community to the hilt and will be guided by the expert advice. Looking forward to a nice break there in 3 weeks and some excellent golf.!

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25 Jan 2008 8:51 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

Noddy wishes to collect fees for standard expenses - who could argue with that?

Jerry on the other hand wishes to collect resources to carry out works that should have been done by Interlaken and pursue recovery from Interlaken, but not with his money, but with yours, not with his resources, but using experts. He also seems to suggest that these experts could solve the technical problems. This of course presupposes that a solution exists. In all my years of practical experience, the solution for unsatisfactory site-work has been demolition and rebuild or the work would not be signed off.

Are you all happy with this blank cheque scenario, being led by someone with an extremely poor record to date of having any firm resolve to make any substantial complaint and get anything done.

Given the known total corruption scenario, what on earth possesses anyone to believe that Interlaken would be persuaded to co-operate and pay for any work carried out by others, that they have refused to carry out themselves????? Cloud Cuckoo land or what???

Mr "Huff and Puff" seems to be suggesting that Insurers might be persuaded (conned) into paying for garden improvements because it got wet. This seems to be a "if you can't beat the corruption then join it" decision. Very sad.

What an unhappy situation, no matter how you post it.





N. Sands

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25 Jan 2008 10:27 PM by Jerry Star rating. 74 forum posts Send private message

Norman. My plan is to enjoy my apartment, play golf and co-operate with my neighbours to get the best out of  CDS. What is your alternative?

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04 Feb 2008 1:39 AM by brutus Star rating. 80 forum posts Send private message



Well I started this thread over a month ago and have just read all the posts. Firstly Norman please leave this site and stop trying to undermine those who are doing thier best to make the community work.   

I went over to CDs as a matter of urgency to deal with the flooding in blocks 28 & 29. Gary the president of PM4 ( my husband ) spent 4 days in meetings with Amex , gardening company, lawyers etc. looked at budgets and took bad debtors to court which was the action agreed by those who attended the AGM in sept 07 as being the action to take for those who do not pay thier community charges.

We have legal responsibilitys to provide maintenance etc out of these charges , lift maintenance, insurance , porter maintenance ,  fire hydrantes checks electricily checks etc and porter wages.

Pool size reduction.

At the Sept 2007 agm it was voted by those present to put a proposal together for the reduction in the pool size so taking away the requirement for a life guard. This propossal will then be voted on by those attending the next agm in SEpt 2008. 4 government dept have to provide thier approval for plans etc  and it can be a fairly long process.  No final decision will be made by one person but by those who attend the Sept PM4 agm in Sept 2008 .  A proposal is also being put together for secure fencing around PM4 .

The key thjing is that all owners must pay the community charges and pay them on time , this will aid the development of the community in keeping up the mainenance and grass /bedding areas and pool areas. If they are not paid then one of the 1st options will be not to open the pools and save money there as the other budget payment s that must be made are compulsory. I hope that it doesnt come to this because ultimatley all owners and renter  primarily want the use to the best facilitey - the pools.    







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