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If anyone is looking for a Fiscal Representative, I have been given a recommendation.
Antonio Torres. His offices are on the right just after the Hostal Simon at the junction of the Mojacar Pueblo road with th road coming from Turre at the top of the hill. The staff speak English.
The recommendation comes from soemone who is permanently resident in Spain & runs their own business. Antonio Torres has dealt with all their tax affairs & his bill has never been more than €70 for two people.
Worth a look!
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this is very good value when compared to the euro 232 fee that i got
will consider moving over to them next year
is it worth you contacting them and trying to better the euro 70 price or at least get a firm scale of charges so that this can be put out to the email list and/or members club
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Hi Stuart
As I said previously, I am in Spain in a few weeks time & hopefully we will get to see them during the few days that we are there. I will of course provide an update once I have the full details.
Having said that though, the person who gave me the information is a local resident & has posted on both the Thalassa & general forums with some really useful information, so I don't doubt that it is genuine information. However, as in all these types of things first hand knowledge & understanding of what they offer will be the test.
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The tax agency have published a computer program to complete the Annual declaration called PADRE. Many banks and Gestores now use this program. Your advisor can help you with the filing and will charge 70 euros upwards depending on the complexity of your case. Married couples should check whether it is better to file joint or separate declarations This message was last edited by kenshaz on 3/26/2008.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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WILL.....We were charged 300 euros for both of us ,but the real cost was the translation in both languages.
This message was last edited by kenshaz on 3/26/2008.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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Hi All,
We noted with interest this thread started by Noreen.
Being full-time residents and running our own business in Spain, we met with Antonio Torres last October to discuss the tax and business implications regarding "setting-up" a new business in Spain.
The information which he gave us was both enlightening and extremely helpful, despite the fact that we were charged €70 for the consultation fee, although this fee will be refunded should we engage him as our company's accountant and lawyer.
As Noreen has intimated that certain individuals have had to pay only €70 for Torres services, I would be extremely interested in allowing them to deal with our business affairs, although, in the words of Victor Meldrew......" I don't believe it!!"
I will watch this space with interest..............go get 'em Noreen!!!
(already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)
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Just want to clarify that although the person who gave me the recommendation runs their own business, the €70 relates to private tax affairs & not for the business that they are running.
Therefore,as the vast majority of us will be looking for just our private tax affiars to be dealt with, this fee should prove to be accurate.
As I said previously, I will have a look in April & will post again with the outcome.
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The complexity of the return and work involved will be the deciding factor,but as my previous post stated the starting point is 70 euros.
We are for the purpose of those reading this thread talking about a simply return,. relating to their property on Al Andalus Thalassa
Unfortunately a return is required irrespective of if you intend to rent.or not.,also non -residents and residents are treated differently (not really in the spirit of the EU)
.This message was last edited by kenshaz on 3/27/2008.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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My solicitor is in Aguilas and charges €175ea for the wills. We thought that was steep which was why we have held off so far (and we also don't have UK ones yet either!).
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Please Mark do not leave intestate,I want you to buy a beer. I have also heard that it is both painful and expensive.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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I know what it is like Ken as both my Grandfather and my Wife's father died intestate. A lot of hard work for all involved and all of us stating we would not die without making wills. Unfortunately, it is one of those things we never get around to doing, finding a good (and fairly priced) solicitor in Leeds has a lot to do with that though.
Don't worry Ken, can still havea beer though 
This message was last edited by Marksfish on 3/28/2008.
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My Mum had a difficult time when Dad ,died in intestate,and we decided to bite the bullet when we bought this place ,because the rules are different here and we wanted to make it easy for our children Tim and Stephanie..
But we are presently engaged in spending our childrens inheritance,just to make it easier for them.
_______________________ The secret of happiness is contentment
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