Hi to you all,just had e-mail from Katja at town hall which reads as follows;
"Yesterday Aifos signed receipt of a letter issued by the technicians of the town hall answering their request.
The letter confirms it would be possible to apply for a first occupation licence for certain phases of the project L.O.769/03,respecting the building the building regulatuions and laws.
So hopefully Aifos will now start to prepare documentation in order to apply for a first occupation licence..hope this information may be of help-best regards for now Katja."
Just to remind you the request was to split the site into two parts therefore releasing the completed blocks,fingers crossed things should strart moving .As soon as they say they have the Notoray details ready for signing(if that happens)dont waste anytime getting your proerty signed in your name.
Trust this info helps i feel this is the besty news for years.
regards,john newton