Phil, this may seen odd a President of another community I have already been through this when one of my neighbours had a leaky tap and thought it was the Presidents/Administrators job to get it fixed.
For your aircon the route is not thru AEA, they are purly administrators whose job is to collect community funds, pay and run the gardeners, cleaners, maintenance companies etc. for the community and coordinate community issues.
A fault in an individual apartment is the owners responsibility, and to get it fixed using the RyF post sales route while under warranty and then on an individual basis after warranties expire. You should have been given a sheet with all the white goods warranty numbers on this also has the number for Cool & Sein the installers of the air con. Contact Maria who speaks perfect English in the post sales office for help. Details below:-
Maria Luisa Andrés Cosano
Responsable del Departamento de Postventa
Tefl: +(34)952892805 / Fax: +(34)952892797 /