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08 May 2008 12:00 AM by pchester Star rating in Congleton. 12 forum posts Send private message

Hi all

Just stayed at DV for the first time since completion and i must say the development is really taking shape, obviously they still have alot to do in terms finishing off and the road up to the development is shambolic, i hope they have set aside funds to sort it out as it will put alot of people off staying there.

I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice trying to sort out the Air con which isn't working at all, I have sent emails to AEA and have been trying to get in touch with the developers but as yet no contact back. Will they or should they be sorting this out for me or do i have to go down another avenue. One other thing is Block 19 has no satelite signal again i have advised AEA, has any body else had similar problems?

I look forward to your reply's




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08 May 2008 3:32 PM by slacey99 Star rating in Dorset and Duquesa w.... 276 forum posts Send private message

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I think you will find that the developer will point you in the direction of the supply / installation company for them to resolve the air con issue.

With regard to the satellite feed in block 19, has it ever worked?,  What you may find is you have the same situation as many, if not all, of us whereby the terminations are wrong in the wall.  A minor mod soon fixes the problem.  I can give you the details of someone who does this for about 20 euros.


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08 May 2008 5:58 PM by Lynn Carleton Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Our Air Con wasnt working and the developer sent someone to look at it. whether it was them or the air con company I dont know,but it was the developer that dealt with it. somebody needs to be there to wait for the mto call and it might be a long wait as they don't give a time

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08 May 2008 6:35 PM by julie23 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

We are in block 19 and having problems with the satellite. The chap that Steve recommends put our sky box in but it has never worked. After many telephone calls, AEA sent

out 2 technicians. They spent some time on the roof then came in the apartment. Their portable receiver/TV received the Sky signal ( we saw the the British programmes)

and they told us that our box was the problem.

 We know that the box worked elsewhere and a 2nd box failed to work also. Has anyone got a signal in block 19?

Julie and Nigel

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08 May 2008 7:22 PM by JC1 Star rating in Manchester and La Du.... 963 forum posts Send private message

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Just to back up what Steve has all the earlier blocks there was a wiring fault in the connector in the wall that the satellite signal is delivered . I cannot imagine that the electrician cabling the blocks has wired them any differently.







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12 May 2008 4:20 PM by manilvajl Star rating in Manilva as much as p.... 426 forum posts Send private message

Phil, this may seen odd a President of another community I have already been through this when one of my neighbours had a leaky tap and thought it was the Presidents/Administrators job to get it fixed.

For your aircon the route is not thru AEA, they are purly administrators whose job is to collect community funds, pay and run the gardeners, cleaners, maintenance companies etc. for the community and coordinate community issues.

A fault in an individual apartment is the owners responsibility, and to get it fixed using the RyF post sales route while under warranty and then on an individual basis after warranties expire. You should have been given a sheet with all the white goods warranty numbers on this also has the number for Cool & Sein the installers of the air con. Contact Maria who speaks perfect English in the post sales office for help. Details below:-

Maria Luisa Andrés Cosano
Responsable del Departamento de Postventa
Tefl: +(34)952892805 / Fax: +(34)952892797 /



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24 May 2008 1:53 PM by longworth66 Star rating in Earby, Lancashire. 47 forum posts Send private message


Just been ut to DV and been to the AEA about the satelite tv.  We too are in block 19 and do not get any signal.  We have also tried several boxes.  AEA have advised there is s problem with block 19 and 2 others (presume 17 and 18).  The antenna has burned out and they are awaiting a new part and should fix it next week.  Our keyholder will check next week and let me know and I will post a reply.  Also asked AEA when the lift will be operational and they have not sent anyone out when we left on Friday.  Will email them next week although I never seem to get a reply.  Does anyone have a contact email that they get a reply from?

Thanks Tracey

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24 May 2008 2:39 PM by PMillsom Star rating in Midlands. 469 forum posts Send private message

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A.E.A. contact details are on the community site here.

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