Hi guys.
I only just found this forum yesterday, I wished I had heard of it before.
I have read every post concerning the Hipodromo fiasco and it is all fresh in my mind, reading it brought back all those memories of pending excitement and subsequent doom.
I doubt if this is even close to being over so I have plenty of time to become acquainted with y’all.
This is my personal tale of woe.
I bought a 3 bed in Espuela in 2002 recommended by a friend who had a friend who is an estate agent in Fuengirola.
It sounded like a good deal, and I was flush so why not.
As soon as I paid the estate agent it was like I had the plague, he never contacted me and only ever answered my emails after I sent him 2 or 3 reminders.
This person is possibly in the top 3 of the people I would most like to meet after a to-do with HID.
He blatantly lied to me, and then denied it, I should think this is normal for an estate agent, but as he was a mate of a mate I didn’t expect it.
I find it is better for my blood pressure if I don't think about him any more.
The Lawyer I have (recommended by the estate agent) isn't much better, again Fuengirola based, but at least he smiles when he lies
He has been no help at all, I asked him to sell it for me, but I haven’t heard from him in well over a year. I am due to go over and see him.
I have been out there and climbed the hill as you all seem to have done to look at the bit of dirt we all bought, but I have never been able to get inside, I was there last in Feb 07.
I was under the impression (until today) that my block was almost done, but after reading the forum and looking at some of the pictures it would seem the Espuela hasn’t even had the foundations laid yet.
(Question 1) Am I right in thinking that Espuela hasn’t been started on as yet?.
I am hoping that I have it wrong and that I actually live there already, but knowing how the Spanish thing has gone so far, I probably bought the apartment from a bloke in a pub, and he ran off with my money. In a way I wished that had happened, at least I could wipe my mouth of it and get on with my life .
The lie I was told by the estate agent, (well one of them) was that I could have my money back at any time if I wanted it.
He then said he never ever said that, and what he said was, I could have my money back at any time up to the time when they started on the build, as soon as they started the build my right to “back out” was void.
(Question 2) Was this the case at that time?.
If it was the case and Espuela has so far NOT been started then surely I would still have that right to demand my deposit back.
Don't worry, I am old enough to know that Santa isn't real and I have got more chance of moving in next week that of getting my money back, But I was thinking that it may be a clause in the contract that might be worth exploring.
So far I have about £50k invested in this apartment, it was bought (IIRC) for 140K Euros, but the price of the 3 bed is currently 200K Euros, so provided Aifos will eventually build the poxy place having £50k invested isnt such a bad thing. I now wished I bought in Bulgaria as my friends did at the same time, and I am now thinking of doing that anyway.
I am sure I am not alone here, and the chances of finding some smuck to take it off my hands has to be slim to say the least, but it would be a good investment if he was not in a hurry to move to the sunny/muddy slopes of Hipodromo. I would love to take my £50k back and walk away from it all.
So if anyone knows who this person is, please PM me.
Getting back to reality.
If I am correct in believing that Espuela isnt even started yet, do we have a date for the start, and if so has there been any mention of when it will be completed.
One more thing.
When it was sold to me, I was told of a rear view of the sea and a front view of the mountains, looking at one of the pictures it looks like I will be getting a front view of the rear of Tordo does this seem to be the case to you?.
Talk about moving the goal post !!!!!!!!!!.
Adding 3 or 4 more builds to the project, doesn’t this constitute a change in the rules/breach of contract and therefore subject to a touch of back peddling by the purchaser ?
This rant isnt over, I have just gone for a lay down.