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Los Naranjos de Alhama forum threads
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23 May 2008 12:00 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi All

I pay my staged payments to Cajamurcia Bank who Polaris World tell me is financing our apartment meaning that is who is providing the Builders Mortgage for my property.

Are other people in Los Naranjos paying their stage payments to the same Bank?

I have tried contacting Cajamurcia by phone, email and fax, to obtain information about taking over the Builders Mortgage on completion but they haven’t responded to any of my attempts to contact them except when I emailed them I received an email back informing me that unless I had an electronic signature attached to my email under Spanish law they are not able to communicate by email with me and provided a phone number to phone which I have done and was told someone would phone me back but they haven’t.

Has anyone had any success contacting this bank and if so how? or has anyone any ideas?



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23 May 2008 12:01 PM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Phil Probably not much help at this stage but, our financing bank is Cajamurcia too. We haven't heard anything from them, but I've sent an email to our solicitor this morning to ask if they know anything about the builders mortgage through them. Will let you know when we hear anything. It would be nice to start looking at the mortgage options if we are going to be completing before the end of the year. I wonder how many banks are financing this? Angela (Ladylola) has a different bank to us and she has received her offer and there seem to be quite a few with Cam bank, although not too sure if they are just with the properties on Jardines. Regards June

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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23 May 2008 12:47 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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Hi, We're buying one of the phase 1 penthouses on Los Naranjos. We had a letter from Banco Popular earlier this week asking if we'd like to take on the Polaris mortgage when we came to completion. No details, just some contacts. We are going to call them for more details. We have made our stage payments direct to PWs bank but our bank guarantees are also from Banco Popular. I understand that a number of banks are working with PW as this is such a large project.

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23 May 2008 1:13 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

PGM´s avatar

Hi June

That’s the reason I am starting to look into this now as building is progressing at such a fast pace I just want to be ahead of the game.

From a number of posts on the Condado de Alhama forum from those on the Jardins that are completing soon, they seem to be with Cam Bank, so I am thinking that if Cam Bank have financed a lot or all of that faze of the complex then maybe Cajamurcia are financing a lot of the Los Naranjos Jardins?

If this is the case and we are able to contact them and fined out the terms of the builders mortgage we would be able to decide if that is the best way to go or if we need to start looking at the other banks for a mortgage?

If you get any information from Cajamurcia or your solicitor, yes I would be grateful if you will let me know.

If anyone else has any relevant information please also post it on this thread.


Hi Kevin

Our Bank Guarantee is with Cajamurcia which is another way PW tell me you know who the builders mortgage is with, PW also told me that its up to us to contact the bank ourselves to obtain information about the builders mortgage as they don’t get involved.

So it looks at the moment as if at least two banks are involved in phase 1 of Los Naranjos.



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