Had enough I am off

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01 Jun 2010 2:32 PM by redsam79 Star rating in Los Pacos, Costa del.... 192 posts Send private message

Can't agree with Tish about not living in Spain but totally agree with goodstich but we seem to have lost our way on the first post below, seems she was looking for some space for getting her stuff home, that is quite along way from the video tish posted.

''No work,bills still coming in so I give up and am going back to UK:I do not have a lot of things to transport so I have space to share at a very good rate.If you are interested pm me or ring 666782380''



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01 Jun 2010 5:38 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

lots of valid stuff and meaningless chat with perspective

unfortunately we don't all have the same perspective do we?

personally eat meat regularly and know where it comes from

have to suffer the nuisance and inconvenience of soppy girls of all ages making pets of their favourites

did not quite understand what was going on, but was rooting for the animal and pleased when the second one was introduced to even things up a bit 'when I thought too many were on to one

was it fairly harmless "rough and tumble" until the collapse of the second?

am certain that the lads would not stand a chance against my pigs on a one to one basis

where did the neck wound come from?

currently have lots of cuddly bunnies that need catching by the "brave", any volunteers?

hesitate to tell other cultures what they should do

were they actually drunk or just proving their manliness and bravery?

How deeply silly is it to insult someone who leaves because they are starving??????????

I personally would reserve all the abuse and name calling to the "sillies" who do this to other "humans"




N. Sands

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02 Jun 2010 12:31 AM by Clueless in the Costas Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

Hi all,

Now back in northern europe again (Berlin). Today was the first day of summer and it was 12 degrees, cloudy and rained all day. We have had showers over the last week or two since I returned. Some days have been nice, though, and when they are, you really appreciate them!

No regrets about leaving Spain. None. I feel I belong in a country where the seasons visibly change and there is some order to everything and people don't just lie around soaking up the sun and achieving and learning nothing. It was never my style.

Anti-Euro hostility here is extremely high. Can't say I blame 'em, either. I always believed the Germans would end up footing the bill for this ruinously costly experiment and this has been proved correct. For the first time I saw some demonstrators out and about in the city centre calling for Germany to quit the Euro. This is just the beginning. We are entering a period of great conflict and division right across the continent. Tragedy is that is could all have been avoided. Too late now, though!


Best wishes all,


I'm finally happy again now I have left Spain. Good luck to those of you who stick it out, though! I'll be thinking of you and am keeping in touch still with a few who have decided to stay for the time being at least.



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02 Jun 2010 12:52 AM by anthomo16 Star rating. 104 posts Send private message

I am so sorry you feel that way, but hey, why did you come to Spain? a country that had been ruled by Franco for so long then suddenly freedom, and yes so many jumped on that bandwagon.. so now there are some problems and you think Germany a better bet. good for you, although I feel you are deluding yourself.. Germany too is in the mire as is the rest of Europe.. the good things are still here, the people the magnificent scenery and ofcourse the weather. The job situation is no better in Germany, England or Spain but you still have (because of the weather) friendswho have time to talk and be with you.. good luck in Berlin a beautiful city but so cold.

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02 Jun 2010 3:12 AM by channing Star rating in Pennsylvania. 8 posts Send private message

Thank-you, all, for your replies and responses. I am most appreciative. I am finding retirement quite unsettling as I try to figure out what makes the most sense for the next stage of my life. I do not know why I did not anticipate a bumpy transition but I thought I had it all figured out. I bought a small "retirement" house two years ago, on the outskirts of our state capitol, for more cultural opportunities and ease of travel, central enough to everything so when I'm drooling and demented and the state comes after my license, I can stay in my house longer and walk everywhere. The plan was to sell my townhouse here and move there this year. In the meantime, I have found myself spending hours, days,  looking at possible locations in countries other than my own, in particular, Spain and Mexico, wondering the quintessential, "What if...?"

The world's a mess today and each country is as well in its own unique way. Spain has had to play some catch-up following the Franco years but truth be told, the "powerhouse" countries of the EU were more than happy to make too much easy money available for out-of-control building not only to Spain but to other economically weaker countries - ie, Greece. (In the States, our bankers and financial institutions did pretty much the same on an individual basis to hundreds of thousands of hapless home-owners, hence the sub-prime mortage mess; we have some states where the foreclosure rate is now above forty percent, and, of course, we are the biggest debtor nation in the world, individually and as a country.) So, for all of us, trying to sort out where to find our niche and live a reasonably healthy, sane and satisfying life has become quite a challenge.

I feel dreadful for those of you who have been hurt and lost property, money or both, as a result of Spain's legal system. This was a side of Spain I had never seen. When I first became aware of these issues, they scared me sufficiently that I turned my search south to Mexico - my perception, so far, has been there are fewer real estate transaction problems there, particularly for inland property. (No, I am not overlooking Mexico's other problems - just the police system, increasing drug cartel holds on cities, kidnappings and violence.)

All of your advice was good, but the best advice was probably from 1962, Kathy, (Thank-you.) to live for a year in the country of choice before making any propery commitment and my head tells me you are absolutely correct. Of course, my heart has already fallen in love with a Mexican property so I am taking a trip down there this month to look at it and hopefully find some ex-pats from a varity of cultures who can give me sound information on the realistic problems and frustrations about living in Mexico. Hopefully, I won't be stupid and will be making a trip to Spain in the fall. I always thought I might settle somewhere toward the south in Andulacia as that is where I have spent the most time, but now, all of a sudden,  I find myself intrigued with Galicia as well- go figure. Obviously, I am nowhere near considering home ownership! Thank-you again for all your thoughts, Channing

P.S. Apart from the sheer appeal of both these countries, of all the romance languages, for which I have little aptitude, I am most comfortable with Spanish; otherwise, I would probably be on a French site in anticipation of considering a move to France and becoming a gourmet cook and full-time groupie of France's operatic treasure, Roberto Alagna.


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02 Jun 2010 1:02 PM by jagudelo Star rating. 23 posts Send private message




Nice, very thoughtful posts, Channing. I like your and other poster's positive attitude to the dire situation that the world is in at the moment. The worst that anyone could do would be to sit on the sidelines and waste their lives away waiting for things to get better. I'm always an optimist and have no doubt that things WILL improve, but the road to better things is full of opportunities and you just have to carry on living and try to make the most of bad situations.

I've been visiting Spain for the last 10 years and love the country  -warts and all!- for the many reasons that you and others have listed. I'm still some years away from retirement, but have already decided that I will spend at least 6 months a year in the country; with this in mind I bought two properties in Costa Blanca 7 years ago, which we use a lot as a family and rent out for short periods and in the winter.

I haven't researched Mexico as much as you appear to have done, but I've been keeping an eye on Panama for the last 4 years and consider it a very serious alternative. This tiny Central American country has dodged everything the world has had thrown at it in he last 3 years and its economy is set to grow 6% this year. Panama may already have caught your attention, but if it hasn't, I recommend having a close look.  And before you or any other reader mentions the H word, I can assure you that the coffee-growing region, with spring-like temperatures all year round, is only a three-hour drive from the cosmopolitan, skyscraper-filled capital city.


This message was last edited by jagudelo on 02/06/2010.

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02 Jun 2010 1:25 PM by 1962 Star rating in Iznalloz. 181 posts Send private message

to goodstitch and Channing,  thank you for your comments and channing, you sound like a very intelligent person, do not fall with your heart when you go to mexico keep your head.




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02 Jun 2010 1:46 PM by teenee60 Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

 Hi all, i perhaps should read all the post's on this subject,but i have watched the video and then skimmed through.

We live in a market town in Derbyshire (UK),and have a holiday home in Torrevieja.

I recently walked round our town,and a indoor "precinct" of 30 ish units 7 are empty.That is not counting all the other empty shops.

People are not  leaving in droves either,they are just not spending money unwisely,they don't have it.

We have our own smallish shop, its been a long hard year, for all.





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