The Comments |
Dear All,
well if the Euro is safe now....................
U.S. Federal Reserve
Agrees to Bail Out Europe
NEWS FLASH: Bernanke just agreed to create UNLIMITED numbers of unbacked dollars out of thin air to bail out European debtor nations!
.................thanks to the US and not Germany after all, but what of the £...........
I suppose our shrewd young friend Techno with his fat Euro salary and bank account will be alright, but what about Bobaol and the rest of us dependent on the £, he will have to return and we will have to join the americans and stay home with our 60 cent £'s.
All is lost or is it??????????
_______________________ N. Sands
This message was last edited by Eva2008 on 12/05/2010.
Dear All,
It had been suggested that Germany itself would bail out rather then keep pledging endless support to the PIGS.
so what chance of Greece buckling down????????????
who knows indeed??????????
_______________________ N. Sands
Dear All,
what do the pundits think?
"Oh, and now that the sovereign debt crisis has been temporarily tamped down in continental Europe, what do you think is going to happen next?
I'll tell you what ...
Investors are going to start searching for the next major victim. I believe they're going to focus their ire on two of the biggest debt and deficit offenders on the planet — the U.K. and the U.S."
they think that the bail out is only a temporary fix and that the euro is effectively to decline and finish, but will it happen before the £ is hit???????
when should I buy my few holiday euros???????
This message was last edited by normansands on 14/05/2010.
_______________________ N. Sands
There is a lot of speculative interference going on. These fiscal saboteurs deliberately spread rumours and place their bets. I despise Angela Merkel (Germany) but she is right when she says there needs to be a defensive ring placed around currencies. What economy needs to be subject to the rules of the casino? I am hardly alone in seeing conspiracy behind the collapse of world markets.
The truth isn't always popular but when her predecessor, Adolf Hitler, separated the German economy from the international banksters, Germany, one of Europe's most impoverished countries, was ranked second only to the U.S. in manufacturing output and wealth within four years. They were actually bribing the retired - and expats to return to work. And no, it wasn't for the production of arms. I wish more people would study history - objectively.
We know what happened when Sadam Hussein indicated he was going to switch from selling his country's minerals from the petro-dollar. We're all caught up in this vile vortex.
This message was last edited by mike_walsh on 14/05/2010.
![](/../../userfiles/image/mike_walsh/Michael Walsh. Author.jpg)
Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
An excerpt from a media article I penned:
Anders Borg, Sweden’s Minister of Finance describes the main contributing factors to the financial sector shakedown; sorry, meltdown: “The wolf packs of speculators roaming Europe looking to feast upon the economic carnage.”
He is referring to bond and currency speculators, as well as hedge funds, banks, and financial intuitions. It is a feeding frenzy in which piranhas are devoured by others in the attacking groups.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has declared ‘the financial speculators are our enemy.’ She says the financial markets have become ‘perfidious.’ Merkel’s taxpayers are being called upon to refill Greek coffers previously emptied by the banks.
Faced by a similar but graver financial catastrophe her predecessor, Adolph Hitler said: "The State is not a plantation where the interests of foreign capital are supreme. Capital is not the master of the State, but its servant. Therefore the State must not be brought into dependence on international loan capital.”
![](/../../userfiles/image/mike_walsh/Michael Walsh. Author.jpg)
Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
I've got to agree with you Mike, I've always said that it is gambling & nothing else. All stocks,shares, bonds, currency are just tools for these so-called ' traders'.
Todos somos Lorca.
Dear All,
well we can't bring back Hitler, can we??
but we are told that Germany did not give in until France threatened to pull out of the Euro.
the "sillies" on here often describe us as speculators because we sought to "invest" in a holiday home.
perhaps we need concentration camps for speculators???????
or just simply rob them
my daughter tells me that it is lovely at La Quinta at the moment but not very busy except the golf course, here it is improving and expected to warm up next week.
but for the moment I am keeping my holiday money this year in £'s
_______________________ N. Sands
Dear All,
just a response to the short selling ban................
"Doug: Well, these idiots can say whatever they want, but they really have only two choices; they either default and their currency units might maintain some integrity, or they can print up more currency units, which will destroy their currency. I think that's what's most likely to happen. That's why I keep saying that the euro is a total dead duck – it doesn't have a prayer of surviving."
Can governments actually do much, or perhaps do they actually intend to..............
Wasn't it impressive after all the warnings of savage cuts for me, they knocked a whole enormous 5% off their basic salaries, amazing, really savage don't you think???????
_______________________ N. Sands
Isn't it really 3% given they'd given themselves a prior 2% increase ..........