Topping up mobiles

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18 Oct 2010 12:00 AM by kenshaz Star rating in Cheshire/Vera Play.... 486 posts Send private message

kenshaz´s avatar

We have been left stranded by ryanair and my Uk mobile has no credit,due to ring their premium phone lines to rebook a flight .How do I top up my Uk  o2 mobile easily in spain?

My spanish mobile has been ceased because Vodaphone state that you must top up within six months . How do I top up my spanish mobile easily in the UK ?

The secret of happiness is contentment

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18 Oct 2010 11:14 AM by gcarton Star rating. 144 posts Send private message

Call 4444 to top up from O2 mobile. It's free.

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18 Oct 2010 11:15 AM by nfm2862 Star rating in Welling, Kent & Al A.... 1460 posts Send private message

nfm2862´s avatar


For your Spanish mobile, have you tried going into the Vodafone shop on the 1st floor of the Parque Commercial in Mojacar?

I have found this information on the o2 website.

Topping up whilst abroad

Whenever you go abroad it's a good idea to top-up your mobile before you leave.

If you need to top-up from overseas you have a number of easy options:


  • You can take an O2 voucher with you

  • Use your credit/debit card

  • Top-up online through our website
We suggest using your credit/debit card as this is the most user friendly way of topping up whilst abroad - simply call the O2 Top-up line.

Calling the O2 top-up line

If you're in a direct dial country, call the O2 Top-up line FREE by dialing 4444 or by using Hotkey 3 or on your Pay & Go mobile. Alternatively, dial +441753 552277 from any phone.

If you want to top up from a country that doesn't allow direct dial please enter *111*# then press the call button. Your mobile phone will go on standby for a few seconds before it rings. Answer the call and simply follow the voice prompts to access the Top-Up line by dialling 4444# and then proceed through the top-up service as you would in the UK



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18 Oct 2010 11:35 AM by kenshaz Star rating in Cheshire/Vera Play.... 486 posts Send private message

kenshaz´s avatar

Thanks Wow just did it . topped my 02 mobile up Easier than I thought . Sometimes desperate situations force you to act . Thats the positive side .

The benefits of this site .  Enjoy your day.


The secret of happiness is contentment

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18 Oct 2010 12:16 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

You can top up a spanish vodaphone in a UK vodaphone shop.


Todos somos Lorca.

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18 Oct 2010 6:42 PM by formentera costa Star rating. 368 posts Send private message

Hi, I would like to know the reverse.

How can I top up an english vodaphone mobile.

I now live in spain permanently and in the move I

have lost the details of how to top up my english




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18 Oct 2010 7:07 PM by maylin Star rating in Andalucia and Hertfo.... 71 posts Send private message

 Formentera Costa,

                                    Have you tried the Vodafone website?

As long as you know your mobile number it appears it can be topped up online.




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24 May 2016 8:13 AM by sophiagrace Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

You can top-up your O2 mobile in the following ways:

-You can use an “E-Top Up” card.

-Call O2 automated number: 4444

-Visit any U.K cash machine with the green top-up logo.

If you go abroad it is always better to top-up your mobile before leaving. If you need to top-up from abroad then you have to follow these steps:-

-It will be better to take O2 voucher with you.

-You can use your credit/debit card.

-You can also top-up through O2 website.

If you are in a country where direct dialing is possible then in such case call the O2 Top-up line free by dialing 4444  or by using Hotkey 3 on your Pay and Go mobile.

If you face any problem for Top-up you can call O2 customer service.

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24 May 2016 5:06 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

This post is 6 year's old I am sure the original poster has top up a mobile by now.

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