The Comments |
Dear All,
assuming that our highly paid clerks have the same stranglehold on the system in Spain as they do here, excepting for the little freedom Maggie gave us with conveyancing, what possible reason would they have to want to change anything.
If there was a better system, there would be less victims and less income, god forbid, there might even be redundancies.
No things are far better as they are with fat fees, win or lose, actually we could really do with a little more business and will be glad when the rogues are back building again.
Try popping in to your local Court or Land Registry where help is readily available up to a point....................then you get..... Oh that is legal advice, we can't give that, you will have to consult a solicitor, sorry.
Never, never, never we don't know.
Sorry, sorry, sorry
PS if anyone has any doubts try reading "LAWYERS CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH"
This message was last edited by normansands on 05/01/2011. This message was last edited by normansands on 05/01/2011.
_______________________ N. Sands
Thanks Ads I wil look into that.
Norman you sound defeated and resigned already. Whilst you make a lot of sense on the forum and I totally enjoy reading your posts I am not yet at the stage to just do nothing and accept what is blatently clear and that is that spains legal system is flawed. I feel that there has got to be a body of people be it law side or not that can make a lot more sense that it has up to now. Spain's system gives me a feeling of helplessness and it should not be that way because I am paying them to do a job.
They say you will only be treated how you allow someone to treat you and by sticking together the end will be glorious. The problem is that as british people we do not stick together we just sit on the side lines making a lot of noise and doing nothing. Thats why we are being trampled on. Sitting back and saying sorry sorry sorry and no no no and never never never is no good to man nor beast. We do have no win no fee Lawyers here too you know.
Regards Chrissie1
Hello Chrissie,
thank you, it is nice to hear from you.
Please do me a personal favour and do not read that book.
You are of course totally naive to think that paying them actually ensures anything, sorry.
You are not the least naive in your assessment of the Brit character, this forum is living proof, the runaways in the main are not the least interested in the victim's problems and delight in insulting and abusing them and it is not even moderated against, which of course reveals all.
As I have already posted, I am not left poor, just without my life savings and since this happened I have saved from my pension a few thousand pounds for the fight, only to discover that is insufficient to employ Maria, on what she says are her minimum fees.
So what do I do? I am angry at it but unlike many of you, I see the lawyer as the main criminal. He that I employed and paid.
He that got me into ths mess.
We all have to face realities, whether you do it now or later after you have spent more money, like Goodstitch who has spent so much he is too embarassed to talk about it.
The only "no win no fee" offers I have seen were themselves proved to be fraudulent but if you have knowledge of some that would take this sort of case on rather than the straightforward personal injury claim, please share.
This message was last edited by normansands on 05/01/2011.
_______________________ N. Sands
Hi Norman
Thanks for your reply. The more I hear the plight of many such as yourself the more I get frustrated with the whole mess. I have to keep what I feel aimed at the spanish. There just has to be something we can do. The evidence and proof of the wrongs being done are all here on EOS. I feel like I have been mugged albeit very nicely. I simply cant get my head around our complacency because of the lack of finding a courageous lawyer who would only be getting justice for us and who knows he/she could go down in history as the lawyer who fights for justice for a change!! I feel that I have been in a time warp for about 3 years just waiting for spain to wake up and I reckon that something has just got to move forward. I think I now have to start asking my own questions.
Personal injury lawyers may not be far from what this needs because it is enough to cause mental illness. Whoops not that I need a straight jacket or anything you understand.
Ads. I have looked at the site and I dont think that is the way forward for me. Thanks anyway and keep up your brilliant postings.
Kind regards to anyone reading my ranting but thats just the way it is for the time being anyway.
Stay strong Chrissie. And please don't give up the fight.
Chrissie and all,
Did you see the posting under the thread title Good News yesterday?
In case you didn't here's some details:
This is from todays OPP magazine website
Landmark ruling forces Spanish bank to refund deposit
A landmark ruling may have been made by a provincial court in Cantabria, northern Spain, this week when it found in favour of a buyer who paid a deposit on a property in Arce that was never built.
The purchaser was told that he had the legal right to demand a full refund from the bank, Caja Cantabria, that guaranteed the construction.
The bank was reminded of its responsibility under Spanish property law 57/1968 "to protect the funds paid by the buyer into a special account and ensure they are used solely for the purpose of building the property" and then promptly held to account for failing in its duty.
"This is an encouraging development for those affected in the Cantabria region, but it is too early to say whether it creates any kind of legal precedent for people in other parts of Spain" said the Spanish Embassy.
Charles Svoboda, vice president of the Valencian action group Abusos Urbanisticos - No (AUN) said: "while this is an improvement, and it does make me hopeful, it's important to remember that half of the Spanish banks are in financial trouble and many of the developers have gone out of business or simply disappeared - so where is this money going to come from to pay people back?"
Now there's the critical question. Is the inference that the Banks will not have the monies to pay up?
Dear All,
thousands gave up the fight and completed on unsatisfactory properties at the advice of "the main criminal" thus totally undermining the cause.
Proving to the criminals that taking money from the Brits could not be easier.
Now they will be swarming all over the UK chasing those who cannot fund their mortgages.
Who said it could not get any worse?????
The milk cow is not drained yet.
There is no giving up the fight is coming to you!!!!!!!!!!
_______________________ N. Sands
Have you checked if this can be reciprocated, i.e. can those owed monies in Spain ( those who have debts owed, by for example failing Banks/developers) receive their monies from the UK?
Would you know the answer to this? How would this work if a client had been following the legal process in Spain but had been denied recompense due to delays etc? Is this an alternative route to ensuring we gain a swift return of our monies?
you are experiencing what many of us have concluded in that at the moment there seems to be nobody in Spain in a position to take action, prepared to accept just how bad the system is and do more than just talk?. I know just how you feel, it's so wrong to the victims and it's almost unbelievable that nobody in Spain, the or the EU is prepared to have the balls to take responsability for Spains hopeless lack of regulation that's allowed corrupt crooks at all levels including banks lawyers and judges to prosper for so long. Like you, I won't give up, we have to believe that with enough pressure on those who should have made changes long ago, they will at some stage have to accept common sence law and justice will prevail over the current farce.
Dear Ads,
in our attempts to rationlise this insanity we ourselves become insane.
"A landmark ruling may have been made by a provincial court in Cantabria, northern Spain, this week when it found in favour of a buyer who paid a deposit on a property in Arce that was never built."
How could anything so obviously stupid as this be a "landmark" how did such a thing ever get to court?????
It is just not sane.
But of course we dealing here with lawyers bread and butter and they are utterly ruthless in their demands.
As to cross claims, presumable our main criminals will have arranged things such that courts in both countries will be involved and we know which side takes its "duties" more seriously and would wish to abide by the "rules".
The "legal" costs will be horrendous.
With a portfolio of worthless properties where is the money going to come from to pay up and in the case of the unfortunate Brit his assets can be seized or him made bankrupt.
Would it not be ironic if Chrissie suddenly became the owner of a number of Spanish key ready properties in recompense.
Goodstitch may even get a bargain or has some bank already claimed all?
It seems that those that proposed unification may not have known what they were about.
we cannot even take refuge in the asylums, they have closed them.
Oh well
_______________________ N. Sands
Your inference is that the Banks do not have liquid assets????
insanity indeed, though perphaps that could be the savior?. Wishful thinking?, probably?, but how long can the insanity be seen as virtually acceptable when it's so bloody obvious it's played such a big part in the demise of Spain's property industry that held such huge further potential had it been managed right?
Obviously nobody in power gives a flying toss about all of us cheated, but the link between our situation and the bigger picture might just get through sooner or later and have a knock-on effect?. Not holding my breath, but that and the continued pressure from those like Keith, Suzzanne, maria, ads etc is something to continue having faith in for me........or we would just give up?
Dear Ads,
always here we are dealing with the bgC so where lies the truth?
some have stated that the banks have concealed a large part of their property liabilities, repossessions are understated and expected to rise hugely.
some banks are expected to fail, presumably without liquid assets.
others have already called on the government to bail them out.
where indeed is the truth and where will it all end??????
_______________________ N. Sands
Does this article imply that the Bank of Spain would ultimately become liable for Spanish Banks' debts?
Perhaps someone with greater financial knowledge can explain, or perhaps Maria or Keith can advise what would happen in the event that the Bank against whom we make a claim gets into financial difficulty?
I have read the article about Canabria and the get out clause that spain has on this one will be that their banks are in a bad situation. I heard that what happended in Greece could well happen in Portugal and this in turn would have a massive effect on spain and obviously our deposits. Yes we may well win with the banks (probably not in my life time) but I cant see us really winning if you know what I mean. My worry about doing it this way is it could go on for years and years because the banks will not pay out and plead poverty. The banks rule in spain and I see it as a catch 22 situation. I hasten to add that it is an option. It is difficult to know what the options are really if we are never given any. I do believe however that we have to march on. I cant and wont give up. Like Goodstitch says we still have to have faith.
Norman, If I were suddenly given a number of key ready properties in recompense I would give Peter one for sure.
Regards Chrissie1
I fear you may well be right?. I also think maria feels the same, hence her idea that as Spains largest holder of property, deals could be made by the banks with property rather than cash, but this is full of problems as we know only to well. How many of us would want a bank cast-off with all the issues we know that go with property ownership in Spain, even when things appear ok?
No, we want is what is rightfully ours returned to us. If the banks can't or wont repay their debts to us then it's up to the Spanish government or EU to honour that debt that's written in law.......and there's a depressing thought!!
Thats a very interesting slant and to be truthful I had not thought of the banks doing exchanges with property rather than money. The only thing is if this is suggested and we did not want a cast off property the bank would probably penalise us by not wanting or not being able to give us our deposit back in full. What a flippin mess. Not to take your name in vein but we are being stitched up of that there is no doubt. No doubt Maria is doing her best but she cannot sort this out by herself, she is doubtless very passionate as spanish people are but miracles I am sure she cant do by herself. Maybe she will be asking the 3 kings to sort something out for us. I believe Maria has a class action going on to bring about the banks paying folks back their deposit. Unfortunately, I think the banks will be hoping we all kick the bucket or die of old age !!! The thoughts will only get worse as the credit crunch bites deeper and we all know we have money locked up in a corupt system.
Regards Chrissie1
yes, even if the 'property as compensation' dea was tried, can you imagine how long it would take to get the banks to agree on the value of their property that's probably mortaged up to the hilt, against what they consider they owe the victim? Appeal after Appeal, and off we go again round and round in circles for years!!
This is where the current law would fail yet again unless a timescale law for this transaction with instant and harsh penalties against the banks if they fail to agree a value worthwhile to the victim was bought a reasonable timescale 
I will repeat my question.....
Does this article imply that the Bank of Spain would ultimately become liable for Spanish Banks' debts?
Perhaps someone with greater financial knowledge can explain, or perhaps Maria or Keith can advise what would happen in the event that the Bank against whom we make a claim gets into financial difficulty?
There's too many options to keep speculating. We need reliable information.
Hi Ads
Good question and one that deserves an answer. I have noticed that Maria is not on the forum today so maybe she will answer you later on today or tomorrow unless there are any other lawyers that can answer your question maybe Martin from Abolex can answer this question.