England forever

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08 Jan 2011 12:00 AM by fpegman Star rating in San Miguel De Salina.... 441 posts Send private message

fpegman´s avatar

England, my England
> Goodbye to my England, So long my old friend
> Your days are numbered, being brought to an end
> To be Scottish, Irish or Welsh that's fine
> But don't say you're English, that's way out of line.
> The French and the Germans may call themselves such
> So may Norwegians, the Swedes and the Dutch
> You can say you are Russian or maybe a Dane
> But don't say you're English ever again.
> At Broadcasting House the word is taboo
> In Brussels it's scrapped, in Parliament too
> Even schools are affected. Staff do as they're told
> They must not teach children about England of old.
> Writers like Shakespeare, Milton and Shaw
> The pupils don't learn about them anymore
> How about Agincourt, Hastings, Arnhem or Mons?
> When England lost hosts of her very brave sons.
> We are not Europeans, how can we be?
> Europe is miles away, over the sea
> We're the English from England, let's all be proud
> Stand up and be counted - Shout it out loud!
> Let's tell our Government and Brussels too
> We're proud of our heritage and the Red, White and Blue
> Fly the flag of Saint George or the Union Jack
> Let the world know - WE WANT OUR ENGLAND BACK!!!!
> If you are English, pass it on please.



Overseas Property Company


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08 Jan 2011 11:08 PM by TechNoApe Star rating in Duquesa, Manilva. 1277 posts Send private message

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The Union Jack is not an 'English Flag", as it is a flag that represents the 'United Kingdom" or "Great Britain".

Also, the reference to "Red, White and Blue" is usually associated with the United States of America!

I don't understand what this has to do with Spain?

English ..... No!




Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!

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09 Jan 2011 4:15 AM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

...and the UK must be the only country in the world where it is actually illegal for a private citizen to fly the flag...(the Union Flag that is...)





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09 Jan 2011 7:40 AM by pilgrim Star rating in Costa Calida. 231 posts Send private message

pilgrim´s avatar

Not only am I English but I was born and raised in the Capital of the country!

I repectfully requested that my renewed Passport stated "English" not British but I was told in no uncertain terms "that was not possible".

I am afraid the dear country that I proudly held in such high esteem in younger years, has been so diluted, in so many ways, that the desire to visit becomes less and less important to me.

I still watch Sky news avidly, every day but all that seems to do, mostly, is emphasise the plight of  what was once a country that the world envied!!

I moved to Spain permanently, mainly on doctor´s recommendation and it certainly has paid off healthwise. I am very happy here, battle with the language, get frustrated but my dear ever patient wife, tolerates me and translates the parts I cannot understand. To her I am her "impatient Englishman." She Is Venezuelan. What a bonus!!

May Enoch Powell rest in peace. He had it so right!! Ask any politician!!





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09 Jan 2011 11:01 AM by Kenny G Star rating in Calahonda. 41 posts Send private message

I am sure that any self-respecting Scots, Irish or Welsh would never claim to be English......quite the contrary........... We are constantly correcting people who refer to us as English......

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09 Jan 2011 11:30 AM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

jek´s avatar

Technoape, the union flag nowadays is the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland although there's not much Northern Ireland in it.  But then they can't agree which flag they want anyway.  And I would argue that the red, white and blue has more to do with Britain or France while the USA refer to theirs as the sdtars and stripes.

As to the rest of this thread it's just a sad comment from the Costa del Sol branch of the BNP who refuse to accept that national boundaries are breaking down and that - to their horror - we are now all Europeans.   And they have contributed to that breakdown by living life in the sun. Roll on the day we are all earthlings!

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09 Jan 2011 6:08 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

That is the trouble with earthlings, they don't get everything right and sometimes are not well behaved.

Perhaps we had better put the barriers up.


N. Sands

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09 Jan 2011 10:10 PM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 posts Send private message

If you want to be English, then Spain is a good place to live in.  The locals constantly refer to John and me as "Los Ingleses" in spite of us insisting that though I am indeed an inglesa John is escocés!



 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

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