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05 Feb 2011 8:05 PM by Jeanie60 Star rating. 103 posts Send private message

Thankyou Faro,

As i see it things have been updated ...but not a lot of people no that, they are still in stuck in the past.

I have checked all this out and we are in the spanish and uk law being seniors !!!

So now we wont have to pay a lot off money to get my husband better...there is a god

Makes me think about all those imigrants who just reside in the uk ...they get it all. did they work for it?







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05 Feb 2011 8:37 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Faro said "Really all you need to do is decide for you if being on the padron offers you any benefit. If so do it and if not don't bother". Sounds like pretty fair advice to me. But Jeannie already told us in the very first post of this thread that she had just signed on the padrón, so the point is academic now.

Jeanie said "I have checked all this out and we are in the spanish and uk law being seniors !!!" I must be having a senior moment myself because I really can't work out what this means. I think perhaps it means you are now happily registered on two (seperate) national health systems? Well, good luck to you. I just wonder what happens when (if) one of your doctors prescribes one thing, and the other prescribes another thing (or even the same thing under a different name). You could end up taking medication that conflicts with another, or taking too much of something.....and who has your complete medical records? I'm sure I'm missing something, but it just sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. And if the answer is that you'll only visit the doctor in Spain in emergencies, you didn't need to bother with any formalities - the EHIC covers this.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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05 Feb 2011 9:11 PM by Jeanie60 Star rating. 103 posts Send private message

Roberto its a  spanish fact.

But we have been here 3 months...and you have your fiscal for 6 months we were told it used to be 3.

Then you have to re- register.


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05 Feb 2011 9:54 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

"we are in the spanish and uk law being seniors"............"you have your fiscal for 6 months"

Is it just me?




"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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06 Feb 2011 7:58 AM by shadow754 Star rating in La Alpujarra, Granad.... 29 posts Send private message

Do you need to register on the Pádron, and do you need to renew it? the details are given on:


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06 Feb 2011 9:21 AM by Jeanie60 Star rating. 103 posts Send private message

Thank you Shadow, seems straight forward to me.

Roberto so sorry i should have said  "sip" not "fiscal".

Have a nice  day all



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08 Jan 2014 10:49 PM by redcastle Star rating. 28 posts Send private message

Not a resident in spain but wish to buy a car for holiday use. Can I obtain a Padron without going to the Town Hall? I do own a property in Spain.

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09 Jan 2014 6:58 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Redcastle. In my municipality you must go in person to the town hall .  (It can be renewed on-line).   I believe that would apply everywhere,   as to be on the Padron, you are saying you are resident/living in Spain.   

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09 Jan 2014 8:33 AM by KathysLad Star rating. 329 posts Send private message


Redcastle, if you are not resident , then you should not register on the padron. Once you are resident, and you register, as Johnz says, by attending in person, there is no need to renew, unless you are asked individually, by your ayuntamiento, as part of their ongoing verification process.




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09 Jan 2014 9:24 AM by redcastle Star rating. 28 posts Send private message

I am not a resident. Thinking of buying a car for holidays. Can I buy a car not registering?

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09 Jan 2014 10:05 AM by gjohnint Star rating. 49 posts Send private message

Hi, WE are not resident, have a holiday home and a spanish car. When we agreed to have the car we had to provided either a copy of the deeds to our house or a rental agrrement before the local authority would allow us to complete the car purchase. We were given a temporary use certificate by the local traffic officer while the transfer was taking place.



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09 Jan 2014 12:36 PM by carl9 Star rating. 136 posts Send private message

Hi, if one is on the Padron, does that mean they are therefore entitled to healthcare and can register with this information their local GP or are there addtional steps to go through?

Regards, Carl

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09 Jan 2014 1:26 PM by Kathyslad Star rating. 329 posts Send private message

You do have to be on the padron to register for healthcare, but it's more than that I'm afraid. You also have to have a Certificado de Registro de Cuidadnos de L'Union (green certificate). There are a then number of options

If you are over state pension age, then you also need an S1 from the DWP.

If you are not of pension age, you either need to be working, and paying into the system, or

If you are not working, then providing your income is less than €100,000. and your certificate is dated before 24th April 2012, you need the "legislation letter" from Newcastle, confirming you're not entitled to health care in the UK. You can then register on the health service at no cost.

If it's dated after 24th April 2012, and you're not working, then you can join the system, but you have to pay. It's €60 per month, per person under 65, and €157 over 65.

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09 Jan 2014 4:24 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

There's always so much conflicting advice when any type of documentation is mentioned. The bit about the car and an MOT in Spain, for example, has a couple of conflicting bits even though the British consulate website and the DVLA states that a car must be legal in its country of origin to be driven anywhere in Europe, ie Road Tax, MOTand insurance for a British car.

The same with the padron..  I'm not sure if all the various regions have different rules or people misread the rules.  Don't know which one but these subjects always illicit different views.

Here, in the Alicante area, you can go to the town hall and sign on the padron even if you are only a temporary visitor. The car dealers all request a padron dated in the previous 3 months whether you are temporary or not.  You can obtain a healthcard once you have signed on the padron and show your EHIC.  This healthcard is valid for 3 months and you get access to a GP but have to pay the full cost of medication (not sure if you just pay 40% or not but you do not get the 10% capped at 8 euro). Indeed, there is a lady at our town hall who does nothing but deal with SIP (as they are called here) cards for all types of expats whether from UK, Germany or whatever and whether or not they are living here permanently or temporarily.  She also processes the S1 card for you. 

Surely there must be a nationally laid down law on the procedures.

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09 Jan 2014 8:51 PM by Kathyslad Star rating. 329 posts Send private message

There is a national law on these things, everything I quoted is from Real Decrees.

Just to be clear, you should not sign on the padron if you are not resident. This " Being listed in the Register demonstrates residency and habitual residence in the municipality" is from the recent citizens website launched by Alicante, which kind of contradicts what you said.

The information on health was published in 2012 and 2013. These are the procedures listed on the INSS website, where you have to register and be allocated a Social Security number, before you can apply for a SiP card.

You can of course use your EHIC card if you are a non-resident, that's exactly what it's designed for.

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09 Jan 2014 10:58 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

My remark on the national laws was meant to be tongue in cheek. It's just that different regions and, in a lot of cases, different town halls tend to read these laws in different ways. What happens in one place seems to be totally at odds with what happens in the next area. For example, you won't be seen at our med centre with an EHIC only but will be directed to the A&E at the hospital. Get a temporary SIP card with the EHIC and a padron cert and you can see the GP. This doesn't happen at the town 10km away where they won't put you on the padron if you aren't here permanently.
Maybe I should have said surely there must be some sort of coordination but obviously not.

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03 Mar 2014 8:59 AM by jimmyjjohn Star rating in Arizona . 14 posts Send private message

** EDITED - SPAM - Against forum rules **


This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 3/3/2014 10:03:00 AM.

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