The Comments |
I am not on padron.
I just presented escritura.
I think if you don't own a property then you can present a rental contract.
This was Malaga also but it could vary from one trafico to next and from day to day .....
I'm not sure, but I would think that registering on the padron in Spain, if you are not a permanent resident here, may, indeed, be a fraudulent act. If you are not resident here, why would you think it's okay/legal to register as a resident here? You are not.
Check again the EU regulations - maybe not just the UK regulations (believe it or not there are many more nationalities who reside here!!!).
Why would you register on the padron here if you were not legally resident unless it was to take advantage of the system? And, pleeease, don't say to help the local authority raise funds!!! All property owners pay their IBI tax each year, oblivious to whether you actually reside here or not!
Would you all be so ready to give all the immigrants to the UK a vote in the elections? (although most of them probably do anyway!!)
So (nitram) we've established that you do not need to be on the padrón to register a car - obvious really since non-residents would then not be able to register a car kept at their holiday home. Yes, some town halls may (fraudulently) accept non-residents on the padrón, but that doesn't necessarily make it right.
As for taking advantage of the free services available if your town hall will accept non-residents on the padrón, I'm not going to get all moralistic about it, because if the bureacrats in charge can't figure out the correct procedure, what hope is there for the citizens? If you can get away with it, good luck to you. But to say of receiving free healthcare "it's not like we're defrauding anyone"? Perhaps it's a victimless crime, or perhaps it's only like receiving stolen goods. Either way, I'm quite sure (P&R) that you registered with the doctor in Spain believing you were doing the correct thing and that you genuinely don't realise that it's not quite right, and as I say, it's the fault of the "system" and not yours, but as non-resident pensioners, who exactly do you think pays for the "free" treatment and indeed medication that you have access to now? Have you contributed to the Spanish social secuirty system? Can Spain reclaim any costs from the UK? I just hope you never complain about waiting lists in the UK due to all the foreigners burdening the system!
Apart from this, I wonder why you even bothered with the hassle of the padrón and registering with a GP, since all you need is an EHIC issued by the UK to receive emergency treatment while in Spain?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
It's quite common in many regions for doctors / healthcentres to issue temporary cards to EU citizens who are visiting & entitled to health care under the reciprocal system. It's far easier for them to ensure that ,using this card , all charges are reclaimed from the relevant countries health authority. I know a lady on another forum whos father is here on holiday & has been taken ill & this is what they have done, They normally tie up the issue of the temp. card with the recipients EHIC card . In addition this is a common practice in Germany where my own father used to be issued with a card when visiting my brother for 3 months at a time.
With the padrón , yes you are meant to be fully resident to be on it but it varies from area to area. Some want them on to increase their revenue from the gov. In Cataluña the police their consider you are a resident if you have an NIE number !
Todos somos Lorca.
Legal tip 118. My child has an otitis: what are my rights in Spain?
22 July 2009 @ 09:57
As a minor age foreigner, your kid has same rights as any spanish national for the treatment of that otitis. So you basically need to go to the next " Centro de salud" ( the old called " ambulatorios") and askfor a medical urgent visit. Just bring yours and your kid´s identification card.
You have got rights for the medical visit and for the prescription of medicines ( also supported by the Government), so..... those anthibiotics will cost you much less than going through the private medical system.
Below is the article ( number 12) of the Foreigners Act that provides such wonderful rights: Spain is different, yes.... Spain is very nice in terms of health assistance too.
A doctor friend of us has always said that Spain has the best Public Health system in the world.... yes, please, please allow to me this little bit of self-proud.
Best summer wishes,
Provision 12. Right to health care of foreigners in Spain
- Foreigners registered in the local census of the town they usually reside , have right to health careunder same conditions than Spanish nationals.
- Foreigners being in Spain for a stay have right to public urgent health care if they contracted any serious illness or suffered an accident, whatever the cause might be. They will have right to the continuity of that health care till they are discharged.
- Minor age foreigners being in Spain for a stay have right to health care under same conditions than Spanish nationals.
- Foreigner pregnant women being in Spain for a stay have right to health care during the pregnancy, delivery and post partum.

Painted by " Fresco Technique" Balcony, Barcelona ( Spain) by ** Mary** at
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
about 1 1/2 years ago I was sorting out an IBI payment in Benalmadena and the chap behind the desk said if the owner registers on the padron he will get a deduction in IBI. I said he does not live here and he replied that does not matter just tell him next time he is in Spain to do it but he has to come in person to do it etc.
I guess the idea there is give a little deduction on IBI but gain more from central funds.
Benalmadena/Aroyo must have one of the highest foreign populations certainly on CDS?
We aren't permanent residents here but have a holiday home. We were advised to register on the padron because the town would benifit because more people on the padron the more money they receive for services. We did so for this reason only, we were surprised when we did so and were told to go to the next desk for health services. They asked for our EHIC cards, put our details from the EHIC into their system, and then gave us temporary SIP cards which last for 6 months at a time and are renewed when they run out. There is also a doctor allocated, the name and address is on the temporary SIP Card. They gave us a leaflet which shows that the EHIC runs alongside the SIP. We understand that when we visit the doctor that the charge is claimed back from the UK.
Make the most of today. It has taken all your life to get her...
Yes exactly Val Thank you!
Like us and many others where we are.
So just like everything in Spain the law does not really matter it's just whatever is standard or acceptable practice.
Maybe you are supposed to be full-time resident to go on the paron?
But the Town Hall on a nod and a wink say just sign on because then they get a few more euros from central funds.
This is a minor issue but it really is no different to someone from the Town Hall saying go ahead and buld your villa on protected rustic land within 50m of some coast/river and pay the fine becuase this is what everyone does .........
In the UK most people live by the rules and would not dream of doing such things because the rules are more black & white and also more fairly enforced.
Sometimes you come across something totally illegal and you ask how did they get away with that and you get told - that property is the son of the judge/mayor/notary and married to the daughter of judge/notary/mayor - so of couse no problem there.
We didn't know we were doing anything wrong, we were advised by others in our village to sign on as it was advantageous to the town/village, so we did so. Had we known it was illegal we wouldn't have done so.
Make the most of today. It has taken all your life to get her...
Val said
'We didn't know we were doing anything wrong' many people have come unstuck in Spain thanks to that sentence? Just because you are told by anyone from a well meaning local, to a person in a position of legal trust, that you are doing the right thing, it doesn't mean you are?.......well it does until someone else comes along with a new set of rules, then it's your fault!!!
The padron is there for anyone to sign on regardless of whether you are resident or non resident,it basically means that at some point you will occupy a property within an area and will need use of facilities at some point in the year.
The padron allows the town hall to draw money from regional governmemt for facilities such as Police officers,schooling,healthcare,refuse collection etc..etc...
There have been cases where people have been reluctant to register on the padron and chemists have been closed down in an area because officially the town hall does not recognise that there are enough people in the area to service one, when in actaul fact the area could be full of people ready to use one.
Once you have your property deeds or rental contract anyone can sign on the padron and please do so.
I only commented on here as the thread turned into the usual......."what do you is Spain......its illegal.........blah blah blah"......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
still here after all these years!
......oh yes, and that's not the reality is it? zzzzzzzzzzzz.
goodstich - best to always agree with georgia
yes, I should know better 
Yes thanks for that Georgia, that was what we was told and that was why we signed on. Have to say at least roads get done in the village, not like the UK..
Yes and have to agree the way the thread was going Jeanie was only stating how easy it was.
Hope you are okay!
When you are new to a country you rely on the authorities to point you in the right direction, therefore if we were wrong in asking to go on the padron I would have thought the ayuntamiento would tell us so, as with purchase of a property we employ the service of a solicitor to check the legal side of things. I am pleased to read we were correct in doing what we have done regarding the padron.
Make the most of today. It has taken all your life to get her...
Hi Pat and Roy,
I am fine thank's a bit nippy here at the moment but at least the sun is coming out.
All the best to yourself and hope Roy is ok.
Best wishes.
still here after all these years!
You can't blame people signing on to the padron when the council in Mijas acutually advertises in the local media for holiday home owners to sign up.