The Comments |
Fred, you quoted part of a post by Floella & asked where she was. I said she'd already just said ( a few posts back) that she lived in the Lorca valley.
I'm not 'trying' to say anything other than that!
Dear All,
do all the "sillies" have the same specification and pretend they are skint while they throw logs on the fire at 10 degrees?
Oh dear, this member hasn't provided any information yet.
_______________________ N. Sands
ns stands for no sense all his posts prove it
oh silly me, didnt take long for you to bite woof woof
A few of us were just wondering Norman, how cold do you let your home get before you give in to some form of heating, or does all your hot air keep you warm ?
Time to go and chop down another olive tree for tonights heating allowance. This message was last edited by Toddie on 06/02/2011.
_______________________ Toddie
On what information jek do you base your ' Expats in Spain are not needy and are in the same category as those higher rate taxpayers.....' statement ??????
Many we know, ourselves included, relocated here to hoping to make our paltry pensions go further in preference to having to apply for tax credits. Something which is abhorant both to my generation and their forefathers so we are as far removed from the 'gimme brigade' as you are from correct info.
Unlike these days, when everyone is encouraged to invest in a private pension upon leaving education, it wasn't until 1980's that workers, not in a firms' pension scheme or paying into Serps.. i.e self employed... even had the option of a private pension scheme. Consequently most folk over 70 didn't have sufficient years to save for that magical 'pot' of money .To most of us it's more like a half filled coffee cup !!.
Norman. Still think it's silly and wasteful to throw logs ona fire when it's 10c.
24C - top range of comfort
21C - recommended living room temperature
Less than 20C - death risk begins
18C - recommended bedroom temperature
16C - resistance to respiratory diseases weakened
12C - more than two hours at this temperature raises blood pressure and increases heart attack and stroke risk
5C - Significant risk of hypothermia
Source: West Midlands Public Health Observatory
Thanks for the info floella, very interesting. Norman, you are a silly billy. I took your advice last night and resisted the urge to indulge in a lttle bit of heating, however as the night time temperature plunged to 5 deg and the old ladies lips froze together ( the only upside of the operation ) I had to give in as I started to go stiff in all sorts of strange places. You really must remember your backside is for sitting on and other unmentionable body functions, it is not supposed to be used for speaking out of, but dont worry you will get the hang of it one day, just keep practising you give all of us a good laugh and we love winding you up !
Oh well cant sit here chatting all day, must put the other half out in the sunshine to thaw out.
_______________________ Toddie
hi toddie dont you reckon poor normie is just jealous with his popo frozen to the chair whillst spewing out jibberish from his mansion in northampton i live on the costa del soll 22c at the mo 12c in northampton eat your heart out normie baby
Dear All,
having spent the last three months with thermal protection to head and feet more or less 24/7, plus only limited excursions outside with so much covering that movement is restricted, it is not easy to sympathise with those baking in the sun all day, when they complain that it gets a little cooler at night.
Perhaps they need better housing to maintain their care home temperatures.
I can only guess of course but imagine that for me to maintain those temperatures here would have cost at least three wfa's
_______________________ N. Sands
no wonder you arer so miserable i am begining to sympathise with you the rubbish weather is why we left the uk its lovely here and much cheaper too did you see the report that said the english are the most depressed people on earth?
Hi amep75, same here today up around the 20s, missus has thawed out nicely now, and good news it's only going to drop down to 7 deg at night the rest of this week, almost tropical lol !!
Dont think I shall be listening to Norm's sound advice again though, still need to continue to polute the atmoshere with the log burner a bit longer, will resist the urge to fire up the underfloor heating though, to expensive to run on a fixed budget. Maybe need to check out the new range of thermal underware on offer in Primarni. I did laugh to myself last night the thought of Norm as Ebeneezer Scrooge as he denied poor old Bob another lump of coal for the fire, humbug !!
So all in all to sum up the heading to this forum " How bad has it been in Spain " bloody awful, but dont tell Norm that, lol ( only joking just a ploy to keep the miserable buggers out )
_______________________ Toddie
hi toddie here in fuengirola coldest day in december was 15 c never need heating
went to milan for xmas blXXdy freezin never again
we love it here good cheap food
good cheap public transport
only bother is from people in uk who cant move themselves did you see report sayin peopel in uk most depressed in the world and no wonder
Agree with comments, everytime we have to go to the UK cant wait to get back here. Nobody speaks to you in the street, shops or bars, and they cant make a decent cup of coffee either, only an over priced cup of luke warm froth with a bit of choc powder plonked on top to mask the taste. The one thing we love here is to stroll through the local village and chat to the locals, so friendly and kind. Plenty of free activites and fiestas going on all through the year. Living in the huerta it can be a bit cooler at night in the winter than on the coast, but who's complaining, got all mod con's to keep us warm if need be. If you can support yourself then its a great place to live, the fixed budget goes so much further than in the UK. The kids can play out all year round without fears of perverts, the education is excellent and they can now speak three languages, plenty of field trips throughout the year which is something they hardly ever had in the UK.
Just watching the luchtime UK news about all of the anti social behaviour by youths who seems to be controlling many area, that's one thing that has not caught on in this area yet thankfully. We can still walk the streeet at night without the threat of mindless faceless youths in hoodies attacking us.
Maybe this forum should have read " How bad has it been in the UK " sure you would get far more input !
_______________________ Toddie
Thank you for your helpful information, which I have used to justify turning the electric fire on: it is only 18 degrees in the living room, even with the sun shining through the glass balcony doors, so I am now heating it up to the correct temperature!
We live inland, just over 500 metres above sea level, so it does get cold in winter and especially at night. We have had a few weeks where the minimum temperature has been below freezing, though this week it will be 2 or 3 degrees, and the maximum will be 15 or 16.
Norman, we don't pretend to be skint, however we are far from wealthy, which is why we moved to Spain (as did Floella) so that our pensions will go further. We live in a two-bedroom apartment on the edge of town, we don't have a car so we walk everywhere, we buy fresh fruit and vegetables in the local market and we have enough money to socialise with our Spanish and British friends - especially as two cups of coffee cost us less than 2 euros and during this month there is a tapas trail so we can enjoy a glass of wine and tapa for 2€. We go out for the occasional menú del día at around 8 euros (though we did have a mdd for 3.80€ last week!) and find that we don't need to eat much in the evening, if at all, so it's hardly an extravagance. We miss having free travel in London, as now we aren't entitled to a Freedom Pass so have to pay when we go back to visit our families, however we appreciate the free entertainment that we enjoy in Spain including concerts, art exhibitions and numerous fiestas .
We have both worked in the UK for over 40 years, and we were still living there after turning 60, so I suspect that most reasonable people won't object to us being entitled to the WFA . 
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
Dear All,
the benefits of a warmer clime are undeniable and it is good to read your enjoyment in your choice.
and Sue was not the guilty party, claiming to be skint.
nevertheless there is no sensible reason why the unfortunate "left-behinds" should subsidise the "runaways" in their enjoyment whilst we at home suffer the miserable deprivation of our climate.
sorry Sue, no reason at all, it is a monstrous injustice, no question.
should be stopped immediately.
_______________________ N. Sands
Hi, Im the guilty skint person, basking in the free Spanish sunshine, streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetching the fixed income to last another five years till I get my well earned UK pension after paying into it for forty years. Shame I dont qualify for the WHA, still I can cut down another tree. I'm sure the majority of expats are in the same position as us, but are we moaning, no !
You dont have to be wealthy to live in Spain Norm, but a fixed income does streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech that little bit further.
Enjoyed this little bit of banter Norm, I bet you are a barrel of laughs, your neighbours must love you. lol
_______________________ Toddie
Dear Norman
Sorry, but life is not always fair!
I could say that I spent over 40 years subsiding other people in the UK while I was working there. As an example, we had a neighbour who was a single Mum with two kids and who didn't work. Another neighbour pointed out that the single Mum could still afford her cigarettes and she had just bought a new winter coat while the two of us, who were working hard and paying taxes, were wearing the same winter coats that we had worn the previous two winters! I went back to work when my children were very young as my husband was out of work at the time and we didn't want to claim benefits when I was capable of getting a job. By the way, we were living in the north-east of England at the time, and believe me the winters there were very cold and our heating bills were high! However I didn't go around complaining about "subsiding" other people, I was just glad that I had a good job and didn't have to claim benefits, which meant I also had my self-respect. While I was living in the UK I didn't complain about people living in Spain who received WFA; I didn't complain about wealthy people living in the UK who received WFA even though they could afford to live in detached properties with central heating and take numerous holidays abroad: I didn't complain about well-off pensioners having a Freedom Pass even though they could easily afford to pay for travel on the tube or get a taxi into central London if they felt like it.
Don't forget that many pensioners living in Spain have worked hard all their lives and probably sold their home in the UK to be able to buy their home here. We know many people who have to watch their pennies very carefully to be able to live on their pensions here and they need their WFA to help pay their heating bills, as it can get very cold in Spain too.
If you want to complain about injustice - surely you can find worse injustices than British pensioners in Spain receiving a couple of extra pounds a week through their WFA?
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
here here Sue very well put, totally agree with what you have to say. There are plenty of scroungers living in the UK that have not done a day's work in their lives, I heard on the UK news recently that there are complete households that have never had jobs and have lived off of government hand outs for years !
However I think our mate Norm just get's his kicks out of being the Victor Meldrew of EOS. ( I dont beleive it ) Funny what some people get off on lol.
_______________________ Toddie
Agree 110% Sue and Toddie. Every person who works and pays their dues subsidises others indirectly. That is acceptable but mention WFA, which was the cheapest option to increasing the State Pension, to expats and suddenly we are the baddies !!!
Think some folk need to get a life.
2nd warmest day ,this year, today. Have no idea what temperature was but was able to take lunch outside without wearing the thermals . Long may the good weather and WFA continue.