How bad has it been in Spain

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09 Feb 2011 12:05 PM by amep75 Star rating. 79 posts Send private message

 hey norm how can you type with your frozen fingers??

22c here today

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09 Feb 2011 12:27 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear Two,

you may joke but it is a serious problem, this computer thing, they can take over your life, but today I have time on my hands.

My intervenor has left me in to wait for a DHL delivery, a new monitor of all things.

I have no authority to extend the heating time so am relying on tucking the hands under the armpits of a thick wooly jumper in between sentences.

I would estimate that my WFA was used up in November, did consider a polystyrene igloo in the lounge but could not get that approved either, but did manage a greenhouse with armchair for when spring comes.

22 degrees, are you teasing?



N. Sands

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09 Feb 2011 12:32 PM by amep75 Star rating. 79 posts Send private message

 yep 22c funny how all the locals think it is chilly

this iswhy we came here cant stand the cold and sittin on radiator all day

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09 Feb 2011 12:46 PM by Toddie Star rating in Nr Elche Alicante Hu.... 107 posts Send private message

 Nice to see you also have a sense of humour too Norm.   Oh god, got to go, been caught sitting down again when I am supposed to be chopping up tonights WHA.  hehe.  One thing that might bring you a bit of comfort  though, the past two morning we have had thick fog and it's been freezing cold, but the sun is shining now and 20 deg.

Enjoy your greenhouse, thats one thing I would have liked but the budget wont go that far, have to make do with a polli tunnel,  well to tell the truth a few well placed bin bags on some bambo.


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09 Feb 2011 1:44 PM by patman Star rating in Chester and Los Alca.... 84 posts Send private message

patman´s avatar

Sorry TA. Didn't realise you were ony joking.



may the farce be with you

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10 Feb 2011 1:47 AM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

jek´s avatar

@floella -"And there was me thinking we were debating not arguing."

Debating and arguing are synonyms. In a debate, the proposer argues in favour of the motion.  The only difference is that there are no compound verbs using "argue"; there are several using "debate".  For example, if you argue over complicated mathematics theories, you maths debate; if several people argue at the same time, you mass debate.  Compound verbs are also common in fishing.  For example, if you can use many different baits for a particular fish, there will always be one that is most popular and most successful.  If you use this, you master bait.

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10 Feb 2011 10:40 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Is 'pedantic'your middle name jek .

The use of the words 'debating' and 'arguing' in the same sentence would be  incorrect IF both sides used data and politeness to prove their points. However it is obvious this was not forthcoming from some of those with 'anti' WFA views.

So in replying to a poster who thought this thread was degenerating into a slanging match I used both words to ensure it was understood  the 'pro's' were parrying the blows thus keeping this thread polite.

Only fair that you or Norman should have the last word

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10 Feb 2011 12:46 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message

Well JEK

It would seem you have a masters degree in baiting from that well known chinese

university in Wanking




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10 Feb 2011 12:51 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

I have always wanted a higher degree

can it be obtained by postal course?


N. Sands

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10 Feb 2011 3:28 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar



I'm sure a Spanish estate agent would sell you one





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10 Feb 2011 7:02 PM by jek Star rating. 249 posts Send private message

jek´s avatar


Not sure about postal course but you can do it via the internet - just google "inter-course".

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10 Feb 2011 7:59 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Tried both

am deeply shocked at what the internet gives.

I suspect I have been given a bum steer

Behave yourselves and stay on topic


N. Sands

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