Green Power Sucks!
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If Spain is (allegedly) the greenest country in Europe; if it is ahead and a shining example of the natural generation of power it is not a good advertisement for it. My electricity bill, and those of others, suggests to me that it is the most expensive form of power generation imaginable. Bring on the more cost effective nuclear power stations. Wind power? Blighted landscapes and blighted electricity bills.

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"Bring on the more cost effective nuclear power stations". Tell that to the good folk of Fukushima or Chernobyl or Three Mile Island - those that are still alive, that is! And with the threat of terrorist attack these days would you want to live within radiation distance of a nuclear power station? And you'd better be quick. Uranium is scarcer than oil and expected to be exhausted sometime between 2050 and 2100 - but the waste product of nuclear energy will remain a threat for 10,000 years.
Spain the greenest coountry in Europe - hmmmmm - where did you hear that? I very much doubt that, but I obviously could be wrong.
Have you considered trying to use less electricity? Or install solar power? I not, just smile and pay your bill :-)
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