The Comments |
Residents on the Costa Blanca learned today (The Coastrider) that ‘the majority of GPs based at local health centres are not fully qualified and would not be allowed to work as General Practitioners in the UK or other European countries.’ – Dr. Roman Jimenez Gil: President Puma 22 Organisation.
Dr Gil believes that the lack of medical qualifications is putting local residents of all nationalities at risk. He has a list of misdiagnosis cases.
The organisation has written to the head of primary care, and also to the commission charged with overseeing it. It requested a list of all the GPs working within the health centres, and their specific qualifications. Many if not most of these GPs are not Spanish. They are cheap imported labour. After several months the relevant authorities have not responded. Ask yourself why; what have they got to hide?
How can anyone justify this deplorable state of affairs? The health and wellbeing of so many people jeopardised. These patients, through their pension entitlements, have paid enormous sums of money for what is basically a Third World health service? If this gets out to the northern European media, and it will, I foresee another Spanish own goal equalled only by the Land Grab debacle.
Not only is our health at risk. If Spain’s reputation plummets further they will be back to an oranges and lemon economy, and you will be living in the Third World economy with a health service to match. Sort it: Like now! (and please, don't shoot the messenger).

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
It is amazing how these 'reports' turn up just before the elections!!
Last week, at 8am, outside the salud, Claro were distributing leaflets and now we find we are all possibly being treated by unqualified doctors.
Just once, it would be really good if the proof was garnered BEFORE the damming statements!
I am not shooting the messanger.................just wondering about the validity and timing of the statements but of must be true if it is in the papers!! 
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Mr Pegman: You have a strong real estate commercial interest in the area covered by these non-GPs. If this makes the headlines in the UK then it won’t do your business much good. The thought of seeing this disclosure in the Daily Mail must give you sleepless nights. If you are then able to find a client try telling him or her that it is all twaddle; ironically something which estate agents are notorious for.
Karen! The unqualified GPs will still be misdiagnosing patients long after the elections are over. Are you happy with that situation? You say it would be good if proof was garnered? Did you read my comments and the full report which was published in the newspapers?
It tells of how Puma 22 (I am not a member) has tried for months to obtain a list of the doctors employed in the area - with details of their qualifications. These have not been forthcoming. It is known by other means that non-EU unqualified doctors are employed by our health centres. Are you really telling us that you are happy with this information being withheld from the public? If so then I have heard everything. Unbelievable!

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
After reading the newspaper reports I have withdrawn my comment , however I still believe that if this is true then the Puma 22 action group should publish the names of these " unqualified GPs" and also the Health centres where they are working
After living here for many years I have found that it is only at election time that these report surface.
I do not live in the areas concerned and am very satisfied that the GPs in my health centre as well qualified, however I do accept your points and would always advise my clients accordingly .
By the way Mike I understand that in a past life you were an Estate agent so do I take it that you told your clients a load of twaddle
This message was last edited by fpegman on 27/04/2011.
Overseas Property Company
Real Estate sales - rentals and Lloyds insurance agency.
Fine; I can live with that. Two points: Puma 22 are desperate to publish the names of these quacks and provide details of their true qualifications. It is not Puma 22 that is withholding them. They are demanding them so they can be published. As I say these charlatans will still be treating us long after the elections are over.
Yes, I was in the real estate business and was so concerned at the sharp practice in the industry I edited The Whistleblower, which exposed the worst offenders. I am now retired from real estate; I no longer have a vested interest. I have always said that most of the smaller estate agencies delivered integrity. I was one of them and I am proud of the testimonials I received from delighted clients – and other estate agents.
Otherwise I do care about the Costas and I damn those in government whose ineptitude and corruption ruin the regions’ reputation. This impacts on us all, including the real estate industry. Let's not shoot the messenger hey?

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Like the market, it evaporated. I had several thousand in its address book but the market plummeted until there were so few it wasn't worth it. You're a champ for surviving; very few did. They blame the government but the big names were culprits too; like McAnthony International. I can't think of a big name developer / agent that acted with integrity though VIVA in the Sol was okay and accountable.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Without wishing to interrupt this Estate Agents Reunited Mutual Admiration Society, what we have here then is an ex estate agent spreading gossip under a sensationalist headline for which there is absolutely no independent evidence. Now there's a first 
This message was last edited by jek on 27/04/2011.
Coastrider feature 
Worrying though if it's true. A friend of mine had pains in her arm November some years ago & went to her Dr. in Torrevieja. He said she needed physio on it but it got worse so, in desperation, she flew back to the UK & went to her old Dr just before Christmas same year. He sent her to hospital for immediate tests where she learnt she had bone cancer in her shoulder, stayed in hospital for chemo, never got home as she died there March 13th, a few weeks from diagnosis. She was 49.
Still feel it would have been good if the writer of the article had proof that some/all/any of the doctors at the Salud were under qualified BEFORE the article appeared. After all without proof there is no validation.
1. Several years state of collapse, went to Salud, admitted to hospital within one hour, stayed three weeks, wonderful care.
2. Just before Xmas......husband very ill, racing heart,, good care AND after care..............controlled now.
3. Lump.......salud Wednesday, Peruvion doctor as own doctor ill................scan Tuesday.
Under qualified or waiting, good treatment.................lets deal in facts here please.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Karen! With respect that is precisely what I - and PUMA 22 have done.
"The majority of GPs based at local health centres are not fully qualified and would not be allowed to work as General Practitioners in the UK or other European countries.’ – Dr. Roman Jimenez Gil: President Puma 22 Organisation.
Are you questioning the doctor's integrity? British government's officials do not. You, Karen, have talked nothing else but hospitals. Dr Gil talks only of health centres (Docs in Boxes); not hospitals which neither he nor I criticise. Do you know the difference between a hospital and a health centre?
"The organisation has written to the head of primary care, and also to the commission charged with overseeing it. It requested a list of all the GPs working within the health centres, and their specific qualifications. After several months the relevant authorities have not responded. Ask yourself why; what have they got to hide?"

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Sir, you are very rude.
Three times I mentioned the SALUD ( Spanish for Health Centre ).
The point I wanted to make is that I would rather have validation BEFORE I shouted my head off.
Enough now.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Dr Gil "alleges" "claims" "believes"
Lets see some solid proof
Just because they there is no response to Puma 22ś comments, it does not mean they have something to hide
maybe they just dont recognise them....
If Dr Gil needs to ask for proof, he clearly doesn't have any. So it's supposition, gossip. Fact: - there is no evidence to support the sensationalist claims.
From thread: Scandal of the Unqualified Doctors!
Without wishing to interrupt this Estate Agents Reunited Mutual Admiration Society, what we have here then is an ex estate agent spreading gossip under a sensationalist headline for which there is absolutely no independent evidence. Now there's a first 
I do not think this comment was called for unless you have evidence to to prove its wrong
Overseas Property Company
Real Estate sales - rentals and Lloyds insurance agency.
Why when someone is trying to improve the situation people just do not believe it and criticize this person?
Just ask using the form available in your health centre the qualification of your doctor. Most russianas, if not all, and from south america are not qualified. I just want to know how many of the doctors employed by Torrevieja salud are, and that is what I want. I have seen many mistakes and people coming to puma22 asking for help. I do not say these doctors are bad people, in fact I like most of them, but if they are not qualified, then they should undertake the training to get qualified. This is what happens in Germany, UK, but not in Spain.
If you do not believe me, that is not my problem. I just try to improve the quality of health we all get and push Spain into Europe.
As for proof, I have proof, but I do not know exactly how many are in this situation and by going to the papers maybe this situation will get better.
I do not get any benefits from exposing myself but I am trying to improve my country
But generalising does not help anyone, specifics do. "some if not all" does not help confidence in the doctors of the nationalities you mention that are qualified.
If you have proof of doctors that are not qualified and you are trying to help then publish their names!