Hello, I am actually going through this at the moment though have to say that CAM bank have been awful to deal with, to the point that they eventually stopped speaking with me saying that it had gone to their "legal department" and there was nothing that could be done!
We starting falling behind last year and despite asking the bank for help they said they could do nothing. We asked to go interest only, change the length of our mortgage, remortage, freeze charges ...all was denied point blank. They said that whilst we were in arrears they could do nothing.
Towards the end of last year we managed to make a few mortagage payments although by then our account was frozen so these payments were never credited to our mortgage debt. They eventually took these payments towards their charges!
Their only advice to us was to borrow money from friends or family.
We even got a lawyer to try and help us but the only offer CAM gave us was for us to give them back the property but rent it from them for at least 7 years. This was not an option we wanted. We cannot afford to do this, we are currently out of work and have no other assets. We offered to get the property rented to a 3rd party so that the rent went to the bank but this was also rejected.
We have been told by the lawyer that it will go for repossession now because we turned down their "good offer". This we have been told can take up to 2 years. We were told that the bank will win regardless if we try and counterclaim and that the property will be repossessed for auction and if no one bids for it then the bank will take half of the valuation figure and go after us for the rest plus interest, costs etc. This I think is a little naughty as the bank originally overvalued the property to give us a mortgage and now they will only take half the valuation price if no one buys it. And with the way the market is we are probably in negative equity aswell.
We really do not know what to do now, our mortgage has now gone up to over 1500 euros a month, we are still being charged daily, the local branches of the bank will no longer deal with us and the lawyer now says there is nothing more he can do. We cannot afford the mortgage payments and according to the bank our arrears are now nearly 20k, although the mortagage deal we were put on is somewhat confusing and we actually have 13k sat in the account seemingly doing nothing but no one will explain anything to us.
We too would be interested to hear if any one else has dealt with CAM on this.