NIE applications by power of attorney

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28 Jun 2011 12:00 AM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

Last week in Fuengirola police station I was advised that from 30 June 2011 it will no longer be possible to request NIE numbers by power of attorney and the options are the applicant attends in person or applies through the Spanish consulate in their home country.

I have yet to have this statement confirmed so just wondering if anyone else has an update.

If it is the case then it's a real pain as in Fuengirola NIE numbers are usually available on a next day basis.

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28 Jun 2011 3:47 PM by joanmalaga Star rating in Costa del Sol. 419 posts Send private message

 First i have heard! This is going to cause some problems!


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28 Jun 2011 5:57 PM by claire T Star rating in Torremendo, Orihuela. 688 posts Send private message

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Hi - we have not been able to do them via PoA for a while.  We also have different systems all over the place, so the quickest way to get a number if you are in Torrevieja or Orihuela Costa, is for a lawyer to drive to Cartagena or Alicante (both about 45 minutes away), WITH the client, make the application and then go back a week or so later to collect the NIE on their behalf.  Here in Orihuela Costa you need to wait 2 weeks for an APPOINTMENT to even make the application!!!   Most of my clients come out for a week or even just a few days so it is impossible to get a number locally for them.

I really don't understand why they are making it so difficult to get a simple ID number - I thought the government wanted foreign buyers?????


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28 Jun 2011 6:13 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

Apparently it has something to do with fraud and tax evasion.


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28 Jun 2011 7:08 PM by acward Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

When we had to obtain NIE numbers around 19 months ago, we used Jo Ann & Lynn from "niein1day".

We had to go over to Alicante ( turned the visit into a holiday ), but they did all the paperwork, met us at the Police Station - or you can arrange to meet at the Airport - and it was all sorted within an hour. They charged  around  75euros, were very friendly and professional.

Allan & Chris


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28 Jun 2011 8:37 PM by PK Star rating. 18 posts Send private message

               You don’t need to go to Spain to obtain your NIE number went to the Spanish Consulate in Manchester they were very helpful and processed the forms for us and there was  NO   charge  the forms were returned within two weeks.

                You can download the NIE forms from their website but make sure you have all the relevant paper work when you go otherwise they will not be able to process the forms , the website should tell you what paperwork you need if not there is a phone number you can call however, they are not very quick at answering the phone.  Good luck.


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30 Jun 2011 1:37 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

As I started this thread I thought I should give you an update.

The law has indeed changed and as and from today and it is now no longer possible to apply for an NIE under a power of attorney.

Fuengirola police station has introduced the change today and they are turning lawyers/gestorias away with POAs.

As usual it would appear there was no formal notification issued to lawyers and no signs up advising of the change in procedureunless you read all the law!

This change will cause real problems because not everyone requiring an NIE can attend a Consulate in their home country and some have no intention of ever setting foot in Spain to  apply in person. Remember not everyone requiring an NIE does so becuase they are buying property.

The police say consulates will now issue an NIE within 5 days - I have yet to confirm this to be the case as that would require a change in their current procedure also. But it may be the 5 days start when the application reaches Madrid?

see decreto 577/2011 art 206

Artículo 206. Número de identidad de extranjero.

1. Los extranjeros a cuyo favor se inicie un procedimiento para obtener un documento que les habilite para permanecer en territorio español que no sea un visado, aquéllos a los que se les haya incoado un expediente administrativo en virtud de lo dispuesto en la normativa sobre extranjería y aquellos que por sus intereses económicos, profesionales o sociales se relacionen con España serán dotados, a los efectos de identificación, de un número personal, único y exclusivo, de carácter secuencial.

2. El número personal será el identificador del extranjero, que deberá figurar en todos los documentos que se le expidan o tramiten, así como en las diligencias que se estampen en su pasaporte o documento análogo, salvo en los visados.

3. El número de identidad del extranjero, NIE, deberá ser concedido de oficio, por la Dirección General de la Policía y de la Guardia Civil, en los supuestos mencionados en el apartado 1, salvo en el caso de los extranjeros que se relacionen con España por razón de sus intereses económicos, profesionales o sociales, que deberán interesar de dicho órgano la asignación del indicado número, siempre que concurran los siguientes requisitos:

a) Que no se encuentren en España en situación irregular.

b) Que se comuniquen los motivos por los que solicitan la asignación de dicho número.

Los extranjeros que se relacionen con España por razón de sus intereses económicos, profesionales o sociales podrán solicitar personalmente el NIE a la Dirección General de la Policía y de la Guardia Civil, directamente o a través de las Oficinas de Extranjería o Comisarías de policía. En el caso de que el extranjero no se encuentre en territorio español en el momento de la solicitud, solicitará la asignación de NIE a la Comisaría General de Extranjería y Fronteras, a través de las Oficinas Consulares de España en el exterior.

El procedimiento habrá de ser resuelto en el plazo máximo de cinco días desde la entrada de la solicitud en el registro del órgano competente para su tramitación.

4. Lo dispuesto en el apartado anterior será también de aplicación para la solicitud de los certificados de residente y de no residente.

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30 Jun 2011 1:48 PM by campana Star rating in Marbella. 472 posts Send private message

campana´s avatar


"The Spanish Consulate General DOES NOT ISSUE NIE NUMBERS.

NIE numbers should be obtained in person at the nearest Police Station in Spain where you plan to purchase property or buy shares.

The Spanish Consulate General will only transfer your application to the relevant authorities in Spain through Diplomatic Mail.  Applications take between 1 - 3 months when applying through this Consulate General. Once the application is in process it will not be possible to give any  information on this matter. Further enquiries will  have to be referred to the competent Spanish Police Authorities:

  • D. G.  de la Policía
    Comisaría General de Extranjería y Documentación
    c/ General Pardiñas Nº 90
    28006 Madrid"

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30 Jun 2011 1:49 PM by joanmalaga Star rating in Costa del Sol. 419 posts Send private message

 Thanks Faro, this is really going to make things complicated for people wanting to purchase in Spain , i dont believe it will only take 5 days, it may at the begining and then it will stop!

Its going to be a nightmare for people buying as it will increase the time needed for completion of a property, unless notaries and authorities start to accept the applications to proceed with signings, this would be difficult as you normally only have 1 month to pay the taxes!

I guess we will just have to wait and see how things go!


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30 Jun 2011 2:04 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

It's not so bad for conveyancing becuase you can always get people to do their NIE application in person when in Spain.

The real problem is in other areas - eg probate, tax, litigation etc


This message was last edited by Faro on 30/06/2011.

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30 Jun 2011 2:20 PM by joanmalaga Star rating in Costa del Sol. 419 posts Send private message

 Faro, when buying a property soo many clients dont come over till after completion, of course this will also cause huge problems

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30 Jun 2011 2:23 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

but surely they come to view?

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30 Jun 2011 3:00 PM by joanmalaga Star rating in Costa del Sol. 419 posts Send private message

 normally when they come to view its a weekend or they dont have long, its not open on a weekend! Eitherway, i guess the main point is that it will create problems

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30 Jun 2011 3:08 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

You'll have to get them to come for a long w/e and then waste one day getting NIE. But at least you've been warned!

It's a 3rd world country. Today Malaga tax office (that's the one beside El Corte Ingles) has no electricity. Probably did not pay the bill and of course that means another day they cannot process or investigage CGT refunds.


This message was last edited by Faro on 30/06/2011.

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30 Jun 2011 3:45 PM by Johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

A really good solution to many problems in Spain is if you are not satisfied ask for the COMPLAINTS FORM.  It works.  


Everywhere which deal with the public must have the forms, if they say they don't call the Policia Local. They attend, demand the forms and if not produced issue a fine and close the establishment. That includes everywhere, including the Guadia and the Polica National !


One usually does not get as far as completing the form as everyone suddenly becomes helpful and you get what you need.


I know a Dutch guy who got his NIE immediately instead of waiting three weeks for an appointment to apply, as he had been told, before he asked for the complaints forms !


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30 Jun 2011 3:52 PM by campana Star rating in Marbella. 472 posts Send private message

campana´s avatar

Yes, John, what you say is quite correct.  There is a complaints procedure in place.


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30 Jun 2011 3:59 PM by Johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message



I just do not understand why people don't use it instead of writing to English language newspapers and complaining to us.  They seem not to know that the police chiefs, hospital heads etc don't read English publications ! 

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30 Jun 2011 4:00 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

not sure I agree!

if you are in and out of these offices on a regular basis you might not want to make enemies.

it's one to complain in a shop but to the police or tax authorities - i think not!

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30 Jun 2011 4:24 PM by campana Star rating in Marbella. 472 posts Send private message

campana´s avatar

I am with you all the way, John.  Believe me.  As you so correctly say it is unlikely that Spanish officialdom read English publications and sites such as this.

  I have never had occasion to ask for the complaints book, and in general have always been attended properly at public offices.  But I would most certainly make a complaint if I felt I had grounds for so doing.

Attitude counts for a lot when dealing with government departments, local authorities, the police and so forth.  If you are courteous and civilized towards them they will usually respond in kind. 



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30 Jun 2011 5:00 PM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

ok - so I go along to the tax office and file a complaint because they will not process CGT refunds when the Government have clearly told them to use every excuse in the book not to process refunds.

maybe every expat should go file complaints in every bank where bank guarantees have not been honoured, in developers offices etc and so on.

I see the plan now we bring the county to a standstill filing complaints.

But you've hi-jacked my thread - NO MORE NIE BY POA and that the law!

This message was last edited by Faro on 30/06/2011.

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