The Comments |
Viva la UK the weather has been fantastic today visited a lovely Spanish style restaurant in alderley edge it felt like we were on holiday in SPAIN again
More please

Yes have to agree Rod,
So nice to sit outside and have a drink mind you only orange as driving, but lovely all the same and everyone seems more friendly when the sun is out! Or maybe it is my imagination.
Dear All,
amazing weather here if you like being dry and sizzled, the beaches are full to overflowing.
air conditioned cars and heavy shade at a premium.
_______________________ N. Sands
Hi all
Well all I can say is that I'm pleased for you but very jealous.
Why? Because I live in Scotland and the weather is VERY rubbish. Having spent a lot of time in Spain this summer we returned to Scotland last week and it was quite a shock. Winter woolies are already being dragged out of the wardrobe.
So please enjoy it while it lasts and don't mind me if I sound a bit bitter!
Sorry Mary.
Yes have seen Scotland has rain and is cold. I know it is a rude awakening going back when the weather is rubbish go back to Spain or come down South. But will not last for long so we have to make the most of it!
Norman it is lovely stop being a grumpy old man! Make the most of it!!!! 
I have been checking forecasts a bit enviously, as the forecast was better for London than here in Jumilla! Having said that, we sat outside a local bar with our dog at lunchtime, in the shade, enjoying coffee, wine and tapas and paid the princely sum of 9€ - so we can't complain!
One reason for the checking of forecasts: I am going to London next weekend and it looks as if temperatures will be dropping during the week. There I was, hoping to travel light (Ryanair, hand luggage only!), but it looks as if I will have to wear a warm jacket and jeans at Alicante airport.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
Snow is forecast sue but you can buy a coat from Primark for 8 pounds And throw it away when you leave the UK or give it a charity shop cheaper than the hold luggage You've just gotta think outside the CIRCLE sometimes LOL Rod
Thanks for your good advice Rod! I have 5 days to diet and exercise like mad, then I should be able to fit into my oldest daughter's clothes while I am staying in London. If not, Primark here I come!
We are going to Germany just after I get back, but luckily we are flying with Lufthansa so I can pack my winter coat and woollies, wellies and umbrella - oh and maybe a few summer clothes just in case! 
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
Dear Pat,
"Norman it is lovely stop being a grumpy old man! Make the most of it!!!! "
I believe I have, I enjoyed the shade and the warmer evenings plus the outside refreshments.
but the pate and visage are suffering increased damage, working time is limited and productivity suffered, the rabbits are breeding again and becoming a plague, how can free food become a plague you might ask? but it is so and they are eating the grass the horses need which puts pressure on our limited winter hay supply, correction they are eating everything. Even the kids get hot and stressed if the wind drops. My wonderful apple tree is laden with red apples but only a fraction of the size they should be.
the pool and the sangria might be the answer for a short while but I would soon be bored, sorry. In any case you have to be rich for that lifestyle for life don't you.
In any case I have built myself a little glass shed in the garden for reading and radio listening and hope for some rain soon. I would include a picture if I knew how, it is quite cosy and I don't know how anyone could live in Scotland except on the West coast perhaps. We would be frozen without our wonderful gulf stream - better make the most of it before we louse it up.
_______________________ N. Sands
Dear All,
well the sizzle is over, the flu jab taken but still no rain, the vest and jumper can wait a little longer.
_______________________ N. Sands
Dear Norman
You definitely don't have to be rich to live in Spain - we are pensioners and have a far better lifestyle than if we had stayed in the UK, certainly than if we had stayed in London!
OK. We now live in a flat and don't have a pool: our original dream went a bit pear-shaped as we should have been living in a house with a shared pool, but that's another story (told in more detail in my book!) However there are three outdoor pools in the sports centre down the road, plus an indoor pool nearby for the winter months and, though John and I don't swim, John's daughter, son-in-law and grandsons went there when they came over for a holiday. If we fancied sangria it's not expensive here, so we could certainly afford to indulge.
We actually prefer red wine so on Sunday we went out for tapas and vino tinto. We had a couple of gambas and stuffed mussels followed by manchego cheese, jamón and bread. The total for the tapas, four glasses of wine and two coffees was 9€. On Saturday night we went to a concert in the local theatre and paid 4€ each for the best seats. We meet both Spanish and British friends several times a week for coffee (less than 1€ for a café solo and usually 1€ for a cortado), we go for free Spanish lessons twice a week, and have the occasional menú del día for between 8€ and 12€, depending on where we go. During the winter months we will go to the theatre on a regular basis for concerts and dance displays - our Spanish isn't quite good enough to cope with drama though! So, to repeat what I said earlier, it is possible to have an active social life in Spain without being rich. 
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
I guess the true cost of living stems from the indigenous population who,s income in comparison too other countries such as Germany and th UK is much lower.
It just makes you wonder how much these coastal resorts crank up the prices
Good for you SUE may it long continue and have an SAVE an extra glass of RIOJA for me next time.
The true HAPPY STORIES are always the best and make my day.
That is very true, which is why it is easier for UK pensioners to have a comfortable lifestyle here but harder for those who have to earn a living in Spain. When we are on the coast I have to admit that we tend to avoid British bars, as they are usually a lot more expensive, and look for Spanish bars where the cost of a glass of wine is less plus they are more likely to give you a free tapa!
Living in Jumilla we usually drink the local wine, though we occasionally buy Rioja or other wines in the supermarket when they are on special offer. A friend back in the UK bought some Jumilla wine from Sainsburys, and sent me a message on facebook., saying it was pretty good. We didn't recognise the name, so I googled it. It turns out that it is produced by BSI, who are literally just down the road from where we live! A few days later I was in BSI so asked them about it. It is produced for export only and we were told that it was a lot of hard work, but obviously lucrative for them. So ignore your Rioja and pop into Sainsburys to buy their Carta Roja now! I believe that the Gran Reserva in on special offer!!!
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
Dear Sue,
we said it before, but we can buy cheap and substantial here at the carveries and eat-as-much as like places.
but I like the sound of your option too and long may you enjoy it, but we could never join except for holidays.
you have enthused me with the red and we buy the rioja too when it is on special, thank you I am now off to Sainsburys to try your suggestion
_______________________ N. Sands
Wifes just made her weekly shopping list and we have added your wine recommendation
Many Thanks
Rod and Norman
Thanks for your support of the wine industry in my local town!
To totally digress, when we first visited Jumilla about 5 years ago we discovered that the wine being sold in Sainsburys was from Bodegas Bleda, who at the time were situated near Hotel Pio XII, which is where we were staying. Since then Bodegas Bleda have moved into the countryside, about 3km from Jumilla, and have a lovely new bodega there. We suspect that they didn't want the work involved in a large contract while they were moving into new premises - certainly Magui at BSI told us they have to work very hard!
I'd be interested in hearing your opinion of the wine. We buy wine directly from BSI, Bodegas Viña Campanero and Bodegas Silvano Garcia on a regular basis as they are all within walking distance of our home. To be honest, most of the young wines from last year weren't as good (in our opinion) as those from 2009, especially Tavs from Hacienda del Carche. We loved the Tavs 2009 and were disappointed when we first tried Tavs 2010. We have heard on the grapevine (geddit?!) that 2011 is going to be a good year, so fingers crossed!
PS Sticking to the theme of this thread, it's good that you can all buy Jumilla wines in the UK - however it's even better living here where it costs a lot less!
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
Hello Sue,
hope you are right, in expectation I have ordered 6, but at half price it is still £6 per bottle which is more than I would usually pay for red wine.
we have bought Rioja - Lagunilla Reserve 2006 from Morrisons on special for less which was great but not on special when attempted to fill up later.
all being well I collect tomorrow - is it good with steak which is sometimes a weekend treat.
_______________________ N. Sands
Hello again Sue,
well nearly missed out somehow, managed to get some 2004 at £5.99 with Decanter bronze and IWSC bronze both dated 2010 which was OK but not as good as the Rioja.
the man on duty offered what he said was a better one - a 2007 Crianza Decanter recommended at £6.99 not on offer, I have to say he was quite right it was very good and soon became something of a favourite.
Thanks again for the tip, if ever it comes on offer I will tell, but not until after I have secured a few cases.
I guess you pay much less?
_______________________ N. Sands