The Comments |
Well now you know - it was a secret, didnt want all and sundry to be asking for miracles but the way the buyers are nowadays, miracles is what they want!!!!!!!!!!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Oh god you would be suprised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im famed for my furry bits!
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
The never ending saga of Atlas International, Aroca Sequera, Tecnologia Urbanistica as reorted in today's coastrider.
Macarena II – “not a word from Tecnologia”
Since I wrote the story of the Macarena II residents a couple of weeks ago, I have been out and about visiting residents who are facing the same or similar problems.
The story has been the same. All bought Tecnologia homes through Atlas, and all used Aroca Seiquer solicitors, and all are still awaiting their deeds.
One source told me he had found out there was a mortgage outstanding on his property, and decided to do something about it. Like everyone I have spoken to about this issue, he does not wish to be named. He told me: “I didn’t feel that Aroca were getting anywhere and I was deeply concerned about the mortgage on my property. I decided to demand a refund from Aroca, and employ a new solicitor. The process took a further few months, and cost me more money, but I got my deeds in the end.”
This resident kept every shred of paper relating to his case, and also some information which had been given to him by another resident who also faced the same problem. This information is a list of urbanisations, owner names, and mortgage amounts. The list appears to have been faxed at some point by a legal firm called Garrigues. The date on the list has been obscured, but I recognised a couple of people on the list who know there is still a Tecnologia mortgage outstanding on their properties, suggesting that at least some of the information is current. The list contains 130 names, with combined mortgages of more than 10 million euros. Where the list came from initially is unknown by my source. My source also gave me copies of literature issued to him by Atlas and Aroca. Contained within an information sheet issued by Atlas, entitled ‘Payment Protection and Property Guarantees’, the company states: “Before we release a property for sale, checks are carried out to ensure that the builder wholly owns the property and that there is no debt attached.” Likewise, in a letter to my source, Aroca stated: “Prior to completion of the house purchase Aroca:- conduct a search of the Land Register to check that:- the seller owns the property; it is free from any mortgage; it is free of any charges or cautions.”
I wrote to all three organisations: Atlas, Aroca and Tecnologia, to ask about the list, to ask how legal firm Garrigues was involved, and to ask for comment on the assurances contained within the literature of Atlas and Aroca. Marco Locatelli, Atlas International Client Service Manager wrote: “In reply to your email dated 4th July, we confirm that the Atlas Group has sold and completed approximately 950 properties in various urbanisations of Tecnologia Urbanistica, which also include those mentioned in your email.”
“We can also confirm that, as far as we understand, the large majority of our clients have their corresponding Title Deeds free of debt. However, please note that some of our clients use lawyers that are not Aroca Seiquer. In these cases, we do not have any information with respect to the formalising of the necessary Title Deeds.”
“Atlas, and also Aroca Seiquer, is providing legal support to those clients who have agreed to initiate legal proceedings against Tecnologia Urbanistica where there has been a delay in the formalisation of the Title Deeds. In addition, we are still maintaining continuous contact with Tecnologia Urbanistica with the aim of obtaining solutions for the clients that find themselves in this situation.”
“In the development of the previous negotiations, Atlas has had the support from Garrigues (prestigious legal firm of which you can find information on their web page, To this end, we are not aware if Garrigues has defended the interests of other Tecnologia Urbanistica clients that are not of the Atlas Group.”
“Finally, as we have mentioned in our previous correspondence, we are confident that our efforts will bring these matters to a satisfactory conclusion.”
Mr Locatelli did not comment on my question as to whether Atlas was aware there were mortgages on properties at the time of final payment for residents of Macarena II.
I spoke with Chari Lopez of Tecnologia briefly about arranging a meeting but she was later unavailable for comment in time for my print deadline.
In addition to those urbanisations contained on the lists I have been given, others in El Galan, which falls under San Miguel de Salinas, also have no deeds for their Tecnologia properties. These residents do not believe there are outstanding mortgages on their homes, but that due to illegal building their urbanisations have yet to be accepted officially by the town hall.
One urbanisation recently had their builders’ electricity cut off for a second time this year. Two months ago, they endured five days with no electricity. After investigation, they were told that Tecnologia had not paid the bill. Some now have generators of their own because they fear this will continue to happen. Other residents in the Las Filipinas area near to the Bosque Lomas urbanisations have also contacted me. They do not own Tecnologia homes but their properties face a row of unfinished Tecnologia villas, and just along the road is an unfinished Tecnologia hotel. The grounds of the hotel are now being used to dump rubbish, and I along with two residents confirmed with two workmen that they were doing this on instruction from Tecnologia. Those residents who talked to me told me that Tecnologia has blighted the whole area, because they have left so much work unfinished, it is simply acting as a magnet to others who wish to dump rubbish, and is an excuse for the town hall not to provide basic services such as road cleaning.
I, along with residents from the various urbanisations affected, attended the PSOE presentation at Asturias Restaurant on Saturday and made PSOE Councillor, Rosa Martinez, aware of the extent of the problem. I also handed over a file of photographs to highlight the extent of unfinished work and dumping near to the Bosque Lomas urbanisations.
When I initially wrote about Macarena II, I had no idea the story would generate such a lot of interest from people all over the area who are facing the same problems, or other problems associated with this issue. I am now waiting to hear from the PSOE representative who is an expert in urbanisation law as to the recommended next steps for those who still have no deeds, and I will report those recommendations as soon as I can.
R Griffin |
I would jus like to say that I bought through Atlas, more than once and that I have never had any problem. At no stage are you obligated to use the aftercare services that the company have, and also at no stage are you asked to pay for the services of the after care services! On my first property I used the aftercare service of Atlas and on my second property I didnt as it was so easy! I went out there and completed myself - I think that some people may be just feeling slightly lazy! The properties are of good price and standard and yes mistakes do happen but do you really think that the company would intentially ruin a property, the answer is no. You are told from day one that you can use your own solicters etc, you are never told that you HAVE to use theres. I think that its a shame that this has been said that the negativity is awful considering that the company can arrange a visit to see your property before its ready and a web page with live feed. What else could you ask for! As for your deeds, maybe it would be best to research yourself rather than believing word of mouth - as we know where that get us - no-where! You never know, you may be plesantly surprised!
Copy of another disgruntled Atlas customer's letter in this week's Coastrider.
Copy of letter to Snr. Marco Locatelli, Client Service Manager, Altas
International Re: Article by R Griffin
Dear Sir,
I read with interest your remarks regarding your efforts for your clients regarding total completion, i.e. all necessary documents, together with your recommended solicitors Aroca Seiquer. In our urbanisation “Colinas de la Pinada”, Orihuela Costa, 10 of the 15 properties were purchased through your company Aroca and Tecnologica.
Up to date as I understand it 13 properties have the “Escretura – Deeds”.
Two properties nos. 2 and 13 have had the land re-mortgaged by the builder.
The 13 properties have not received their “Certificado of Habitation” despite having paid in full to your company, Aroca and Tecnologica. As a result we have not paid a Suma nor do we have a name on our road, nor do we receive post, this despite having lived in my property for 4 ½ years. I challenge you to live up to your boasts regarding your after sales service to your fully paid up clients, and obtain full completion for •Colinas de la Pinada”, that is ensuring the properties have been properly registered, the issue of the “Certificado of Habitation”, then we can register for the Suma, have a street/road name sign, have post delivered to our post boxes, live a normal life, just like your representatives promised us six years ago when they sold us the properties.
Atlas, Aroca and Tecnologica have all been paid in full, you have all failed badly in your responsibility to your fully paid up clients. I and my neighbours look forward to you sorting out the problems raised and not ignoring the issues as you have done in the past.
Yours in anticipation
E. Critchley (Presidente – “Colinas de la Pinada”
This may be of interest to any estate agents or lawyers reading or anyone in the same situation.
Basically (as stated previosly on this thread ) I bought an off plan property from ATLAS INTERNATIONAL in march 2003. The property was never built and I was offered a different property. On my inspection trip with ATLAS INTERNATIONAL we were told that all monies payed prior to the completion of the property were guaranteed by the bank - a government requirement I believe.
The other day I received a letter from the ATLAS lawyers AROCA asking me to go and see them. It appears that moves are being taken to get TECHNOLOGIA URBANISTICA to pay off the mortgages on our properties which will be taking at least another year!
I have checked my final statement from ATLAS INTERNATIONAL which shows that I have paid them (ATLAS) 103,425 euros and the total pending payment would be 43,709,80 euros which was delivered via ATLAS straight to the builder thus finalising the deal.
Yesterday I discovered that the amount owing on the house is 102,000 euros! How could this have happened?
Hi Fly380,
Forgive me if i have this wrong but it sounds liker the amount outstanding is a builders mortgage?
Is the amount outsatanding the figure proiduced by a search on the property by your solicitors.
In all honesty there is no telling what could be going on with either party as Technologica are probably the worst promoter to deal with thus the fact that for years we have refused to sell their product(this is my opinion only).
still here after all these years!
Yes I guess it's the builder's mortgage which should have been spotted by the lawyers. The money was payed by me but spirited away by TU. How do they get away with it. I see they are now causing financial difficulties for Torrevieja Football Club. That is the headline in today's Round Town News.
Hi Fly380,
"How they get away with it?" is unfortunately a question i cannot answer.
All any self respecting agent can do is not promote their product.
I have always wondered how they had the nerve to sponsor Torrevieja anyway with all the bad PR surrounding them.
Maybe your money went on fighting previous legal battles?!
All the best
still here after all these years!
Georgia thanks for raising an interesting point with regard to F.C. Torrevieja which is a club that is well supported by a lot of ex-pats
If Urbanization Technologica and Atlas are the same company and cannot afford the obligation to F.C. Torrevieja it makes you wonder how safe deposits and transactions through their companies are .
I have been soundly against Agents as you well know from experience mainly because i have dealt with Iberian International Atlas' sister company.
The answer is deal with the smaller agents the buck stops with the individual you are dealing with.
Hi LAM1963,
There are 2 very damning reports in this weeks Coastrider concerning the situation of Technologica Urbanistica.
One of the reports concerns Torry F.C
I always empathise with people who have been mis-treated by agents,the sooner thay are exposed the better it will leave more room for all the ethical guys who beleive in treating people the right way.
If technologica Urbanistica do not pay Torry f.c the sponsorship money owed from last year they are in a high risk of having to file for bankruptcy,what does this tell you about the chances of the average Joe getting any joy from them????!
still here after all these years!
Yes, Georgia, I saw that.
Concern among Tecnologia homeowners
Recent news reports about the demise of Torrevieja Football Club due to claims that sponsor, Tecnologia Urbanistica, has failed to deliver on its promise has caused alarm among residents with Tecnologia mortgages currently outstanding on their properties.
According to reports, building firm Tecnologia is withholding some 60,000 euros in sponsorship from last season, and without receiving the promised 200,000 euros pledged by firm for the coming season, the Torrevieja FC could face bankruptcy.
One resident, who has a Tecnologia home with an outstanding mortgage called me and said: “This is a worrying situation. All along we suspected that Tecnologia was in financial trouble and yet time and again the company has denied it. If Tecnologia cannot afford to pay their sponsorship money, then what hope do we have of this company ever clearing the mortgages on our properties?”
I tried to call residents of Macarena II whose battle to get their deeds and outstanding mortgages cleared is still in progress, however at the time of going to press, nobody was available for comment. Recently I was given a list of other urbanisations affected by Tecnologia’s failure to hand over deeds.
I have had no confirmation from those organisations involved as to whether the information -detailing outstanding mortgages of some 10,000 million euros - is up to date.
The resident, who would prefer to remain anonymous, said: “We have had to put up with promises from Tecnologia for years since we bought our property. It is about time the company came clean and stopped messing around with people’s lives. It’s scandalous, and I hope that this latest news about Torrevieja Football club will finally reveal what is really going on. It is about time Tecnologia owned up. They owe it to all the customers who are still waiting for their deeds, and whose lives are on hold due to this company.”
An email from a different resident confirmed these sentiments, and I am certain that residents of Macarena II will be watching how this story unfolds with a great deal of interest.
R Griffin
hI More,
Do you remeber Howard and Kay from the forum?
They popped into the shop to see me the other day and had a chat for about an hour.
Really nice couple now living just down the road at Daya Nueva.
still here after all these years!
Yes, Georgia, I recall them. Hope they were enjoying themselves. Are they out there permanently now as we haven't seen them on the forum for ages. If you see them again please say hi from me, you know who I am Wasn't Howard a keen guitarist ? Yep, he was, see my memory is fantabidosie.

hI More,
Yep,they are out here permanently now,just waiting for the Telefonica man to appear and grant them three wishes,internet,phone and cable.
We all should be retired by then!seriously, i think they should be online in a couple of weeks.
Sooooooooooo Hot again today,looking forward to your visit,they found a dead dolphin washed up on Guardamar beach,do you want me to save you a bit,what do you fancy leg or wing?
Talking of Dolphins,little georgia had her picture taken the other day in the water with them,she got to feed them,you should have seen her face!!
They certainly are a very special animal.
still here after all these years!
You beat me to it morerosada. My god 10,000 million euros owing! That's a lot of Menu del dias. I shall never forget that it was ATLAS INTERNATIONAL that led me into the jaws of TECHNOLOGIA. I hope they can afford to bale us out before they go broke.
Another interesting article from today's Coastrider for those of us who bought Tecnologia properties via Atlas/Iberian. I shall be there on 20th Sept.
PSOE Party takes on the Tecnologia problem
The largest opposition party in Orihuela, the PSOE Party will resume its public meetings on the coast, starting this Thursday, 13 September, with an evening to inform people about the plans for the expansion of the N332 on the coast. The following week, on Thursday 20 September, PSOE will be holding a meeting specifically for citizens who are experiencing problems with the much-publicised developer, Tecnologia Urbanistica.
The aim of this second meeting is for the PSOE Party to gather evidence to present at the Town Hall plenary session, which takes place towards the end of September. A PSOE representative said: “We are aware that many residents have concerns about obtaining deeds, habitation certificates, have to endure power cuts and live near half-finished buildings that are unsightly and dangerous. One of the PSOE Party’s objectives is to tackle unfinished urbanisations, and we realise that this developer has caused many problems and affects many people’s lives. We believe something needs to be done about this and intend to make our concerns known at the next official Town Hall meeting through our councillor, Rosa Martinez.”
The PSOE Party wants to understand the scale of the problem and would welcome both written and photographic evidence from residents affected by this developer. The meeting is not limited just to those residing in Orihuela Costa, as the PSOE is aware that urbanisations outside the municipality are also affected. The Party has confirmed that they will report the scale of the problems to their Vega Baja representative in Valencia.
This announcement by the PSOE Party came in the same week that Macarena II residents once more spoke out about their long-awaited deeds. Many home owners in Macarena II have Tecnologia mortgages looming over their properties but were told last week that thanks to the sale of land in La Fortuna, their mortgages will be cleared and their deeds handed over.
This could happen as quickly as January, according to one resident: others have been given different timescales, however, Atlas International, the real estate agency which sold many of the properties on Macarena II confirmed this to be the case. The company said: “Atlas International have received notification from our legal representatives of the existence of a recently signed agreement between Tecnologia Urbanistica Group and the Banco Guipuzcoano, according to which most of the outstanding Tecnologia mortgages – including the Macarena II properties sold by Atlas International – will be shortly cleared.”
Having been given promises of deedsigning dates on several occasions, Macarena II residents are cautiously optimistic about this latest development. However, one resident said: “I won’t believe it until it happens as we have been given promises before. But even if it does, we believe that all the companies involved in this situation – Tecnologia, Atlas and solicitors, Aroca - should be taken to task for failing to deliver our deeds for so long. We would still like to get to the bottom of what has happened and welcome the fact that this issue will be brought to the attention of those at the highest level.”
Partido Popular Councillor Aniorte confirmed recently that he had briefed the Town Hall’s legal team on the issue of Tecnologia. The PSOE Party’s councillor, Rosa Martinez, will be asking what subsequent action has been taken, and why the situation was allowed to occur in the first place. Her focus will be to question how urbanisations are allowed to reach such a state of decline, not just for those living here permanently, but also in an area that relies heavily upon residential tourism.
The first PSOE meeting will be held on Thursday 13 September at the Asturias Restaurant to discuss expansion plans for the coast road, the N332. The second meeting, dedicated to those people affected by Tecnologia, will take place on Thursday 20 September.
Both meetings start at 19.00. Residents affected by Tecnologia Urbanistica are invited to bring with them written and photographic evidence detailing their concerns. There will be opportunity for residents to express their views to the wider audience, and to ask questions of PSOE representatives at both meetings.
R Griffin