The Comments |
I think you should have given the credit to the web page where you copied the info from
However, how reliable is that page ?
johnzx i bet you made a great detective, Get a life pal
This message was last edited by newworld on 31/05/2012.
In the detective stakes Pitby wins hands down
Apologies, jackt - from another thread about residency, I recall you enquiring about residence certificate, etc., and social security and mentioning that you paid Spanish income tax on your pension, so presumed that you were resident here (otherwise why would you pay income tax here?).
Again, sorry for the presumption
Loving this thread - what fun!
So, Jack, be honest: "I receive the uk state pension and other private pensions upon which I pay Spanish income tax", and you also enquired about getting on the Spanish health system. But: "I am not a permanent resident in Spain and spend about 6 to 8 weeks out here." Mmmm....something doesn't quite add up here...
I don't really think anyone owes you an apology.

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
After reading the history for Jackt, his age, mentions of pension, signing onto health and Padron me thinhs that somebody may not be giiving people the full story and as suggested this is just a rouse not to register a car onto Spanish plates
Let's be honest if you are not a resident, and paying tax then you are not entitled to anything, if you are a resident youi have to re-register the car and me things that perhaps Jackt is spending a little more time than 6-8 weeks in Spain because in another post he talks about a tennancy agreement
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
Jack Quote from another post of yours. We produced our tennancy agreement, NIE etc.
Do you really have a tenancy agreement for just a 6 to 8 weeks stay? Or is it that you come for 6 to 8 weeks several times a year? If that is so then if you are here for 183 in total in any 12 months you are resident (and tax resident too).
PS We don’t really care whether to are legal or not but consistency in posts is appreciated !
This message was last edited by elaineG on 01/06/2012.
It matters NOT what the law is BUT how that law used by your " friendly " Guardia/Police (who see us Brits as source of income)at the roadside check.
HIS word is the one that counts !
My dispute on a legal point cost me 1500e in solicitors costs - before I cleared of any wrongdoing or fault.
Its a great life here in Spain - I want a Rioja ! i
_______________________ If lucky, there is another day.
So, are the Spanish police stopping UK registered cars at Malaga Airport...?

_______________________ No me lo puedo creer!
Living in Spain as an Expat.
I fully agree with the Guardia checking on illegal british registered car, this needs to be sorted out, Yes its nice to drive about in a car not registered as its cheap, but as Im legal and re´registered my car within the required time( It cost me 1200e) I think its absolutley discussting that so many Brits cant be bothered, and its not only Brits, I have no problem what so ever taking details of these cars and going to the Guardia, If one of them crashes into my car and I have to pay for the repair myself the owner of the illegal car will be dealt with, and this crap about getting a MOT from the UK makes some of you feel you are legal then think on ?? you have to return to the UK within six months to have it legalised, thats longer than you are legally allowed to drive a Brit registered car here anyway.
This message was last edited by plumbjan on 02/06/2012.
For all those who paid for their foreign registered car to be registered legally. Does it matter if there are police at the airport, or anywhere else?
For all those who bought Spanish registered cars. Does it matter if there are police at the airport, or anywhere else?
For those who keep foreign registered cars legally in Spain. Does it matter if there are police at the airport, or anywhere else?
For those who are keeping foreign registered cars, in Spain, Illegally. It serves you right if there are police at the airport, or anywhere else and you get caught.
_______________________ The new, advanced way to find what you are looking for.
It's NO Problemo Just bung 'em 40 Euros which they will pocket and say no more !
By the way I don't agree with this practice but I know it goes on !!
For all those who paid for their foreign registered car to be registered legally. Does it matter if there are police at the airport, or anywhere else?
For all those who bought Spanish registered cars. Does it matter if there are police at the airport, or anywhere else?
For those who keep foreign registered cars legally in Spain. Does it matter if there are police at the airport, or anywhere else?
Well actually it does, if you wish to get to and from the airport in a reasonable time. And it matters for those who are totally within the law but still worry about being stopped by the Guardia. It is a purely natural thing for some people to worry about this.
My remark above was a joke but based upon the fact that the questioner never received an adequate reply. Instead he received a telling off and some went on a detection spree at his expense.
No wonder people are afraid to ask questions on this forum.
_______________________ No me lo puedo creer!
Living in Spain as an Expat.
If you are legal and you have all the appropriate papers, why do you think that the police would stop you? If they did, you can be quite sure that your vehicle will be remembered. As it would be if you were using it as an illegal taxi.
I don't think that a genuine question, from a genuine poster, would receive this response.
Although I know nothing about the original poster and have not wasted my time with any type of detection, if you read between the lines, something is missing!
Let’s hope that nobody asks if the police have new speed cameras.
This message was last edited by Abyss_Rover on 02/06/2012.
_______________________ The new, advanced way to find what you are looking for.
There are plenty of forums where the moderators will shut a thread down the moment they suspect a user of any illegality (such as using pirate software and then asking for advice on how to use it). At least here the original poster now has the benefit of the honest opinions (for that is all they are of course) of other members. If he/she takes offence at them, he/she can seek a more preferable response elsewhere. Nobody should be afraid to ask questions - but they should be prepared to accept whatever answers come their way afterwards.
(Just my opinion, of course!)
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
PAPA - you are out of date - it's a 50 - but leave it sticking out of the ashtray - you don't be done for bribery.
_______________________ If lucky, there is another day.
And he or she can always defend their self, if any post is incorrect? This message was last edited by Abyss_Rover on 02/06/2012.
_______________________ The new, advanced way to find what you are looking for.
Hi Midasgold
I only pay 40 Euros I always ask for some discount and get it
When I first emigrated to Spain, I had, or so I thought, every aspect of being able to just drive to Spain, fully covered.
It was but 2 days before travelling that I decided to double check with my UK insurance company ONLY to be told that as I was not going to be permanently returning to Uk within 3 months, neither my Green Card or my insurance were valid. Whilst I could ignore this new ruling and use my issued documents until I was covered with a Spanish company, if I had an accident I would be UNINSURED - and more than that, any such claim abroad would be investigated.
This was, so I was informed, new legislation introduced in 2006 - 3 months on a Green Card: having to be permanently resident in UK, and also returning there within 3 months - if not, I was uninsured.
There's no point in trying to buck the system, it's not worth it. If I had injured or killed someone and been sued, in addition to all the full weight of the law being thrown at me (in whatever Country) I could have been looking at personally meeting a compensation claim of hundreds of thousands.
Yet still I see UK carson UK Plates here which I know for a fact have been here for one year+ - no road fund licence: no MOT, not even Insurance.
Keep these morons who would risk anything to save a few miserable pesetas out of my (and your) way, that's all I ask.
The law is universal. as well as being unconditional.