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Hi all,
I have a friend who is a pensioner, he is a resident here in Spain and he has been told from Sunday 1st July all pensioners will have to pay full price for all prescriptions. Could anyone tell me if this is true as my friend is worried that he may not be able to pay these charges as he and his wife would have to pay about 50euro a week for their prescriptions.
Many thanks
Starting 1st July, pensioners will have to pay 10% of the price of prescriptions up to 8 euros per month if your annual pension is under 18.000 or up to 18 euros per month if your annual pension is higher. It is not full price, it is 10% up to a maximum per month depending on annual income. I don't know how this will work in practice but possibly through your social security number the pharmacist will check what your annual pension is to determine when you have reached your monthly limit.
I was informed that in July we would have to pay 10% of the cost of prescriptions,Which is still not good,but better than 100%
edited with extract from
This is from Sur on line:-
Desde el 1 de julio, los pensionistas tendrán que pagar el 10 por ciento del precio de los fármacos que les receten los médicos de la sanidad pública. Los jubilados que cobren menos de 18.000 euros al año, abonarán 8 euros al mes como máximo en medicamentos; los que tengan unos ingresos superiores a 18.000 euros e inferiores a 100.000 pagarán un máximo de 18 euros, y los que ganen más de 100.000 sufragarán hasta 60 euros al mes (el porcentaje de jubilados andaluces con esos ingresos es mínimo). Por tanto, la inmensa mayoría está en la horquilla que abonará entre 8 y 18 euros mensuales por las medicinas.
La Consejería de Salud ha decidido que ningún pensionista andaluz, una vez que haya llegado al tope máximo fijado (los citados 8, 18 y 60 euros) tenga que adelantar más dinero por los fármacos. En otras comunidades, esas cantidades de más luego se les devolverán a los jubilados en un plazo de seis meses. En Andalucía se ha optado por no adelantar nada ni tener que devolver luego nada, según lo explicó ayer la consejera de Salud, María Jesús Montero.
Bing Translation. I have not checked it.
From July 1, pensioners will have to pay 10 percent of the price of the drugs prescribe them public health doctors. Pensioners who earn less than 18,000 euros per year, will pay 8 euros per month at most in medicinal products; those who have income exceeding 18,000 euros and less than 100,000 will pay a maximum of 18 euros and those who earn more than 100,000 met up to 60 euros per month (the Andalusian retirees with the revenue percentage is the lowest). Therefore, the vast majority is on the fork you will pay between 8 and 18 euros per month for drugs.
The Health Ministry has decided no Andalusian pensioner, once reached the fixed ceiling (the aforementioned 8, 18 and 60 euros) have to advance more money for drugs. In other communities, these amounts more then are they returned to retirees within a period of six months. Maria Jesus Montero has chosen to not advance anything or having to return then nothing, as explained it yesterday the Minister of health, in Andalusia.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 26/06/2012. This message was last edited by johnzx on 26/06/2012.
I am wondering how one will be required to prove what income they have and to whom they have to prove it, chemist, doctor …… ?
If it is by showing their Spanish tax return, then those who have chosen to not make the obligatory for resident’s tax return, in spite of them having a UK state retirement pension and living here, may have problems.
Also, what about those who are on holiday using the EHC, what will they pay ?
I edit a newsletter. This was in today’s report:-
Part payment for medicines in Catalonia
From this month the Catalans must pay 1 euro for each medical prescription. The intention is to collect 50 million euros to help reduce the huge deficit in the public health sector.
There was no mention about anything being imminent for the rest of Spain
We only became residents in January this year, how will they know what our earnings are when we won't start to pay residents tax until next year seeing as you pay in arrears?
Make the most of today. It has taken all your life to get her...
John, the 1 euro of Catalans has already started. The 10% for pensioners starts July 1. Catalans pensioners will have to pay 10% plus 1 euro starting July 1. The determination of your monthly maximum will be fixed by each regional government. Andalusia has announced that their systems are prepared to stop charging after each pensioner has reached his limit. Others say any excess will be refunded within 6 months. There is no mention in the press as to how it will be worked out for pensioners who are not on a Spanish pension but I believe in practice they will have to pay the full 10% and then be refunded when they can justify the amount of their annual income. The first few months there will surely be a lot of confusion.
"" Also, what about those who are on holiday using the EHC, what will they pay ? ""
Johnzx. same as before , pay full cost, obtain receipt & claim back from the nhs at home.
Todos somos Lorca.
.... same as before , pay full cost, obtain receipt & claim back from the nhs at home.
Gus do you mean that UK penioners now pay for prescription and then claim back the cost in UK ?
If so, then this is confusing,
it's from
Medicines prescribed by health service practitioners can be obtained from any pharmacy (farmacia). You will be charged up to 40% of the cost unless you are a UK or EEA pensioner. However, you must be able to prove that you are a state pensioner, otherwise you will have to pay. This is non-refundable in Spain but you may be able to seek reimbursement when you are back in the UK.
I think the UK document quoted refers to medicines obtained on an EHIC.
Residents who have obtained their Spanish health cards via an E120 when they became pensionable in UK have up till now paid nothing. In Andalucia those who have a health card via an E106 (which means they are not pensionable and are entitled to be in the system for a limited time on arrival) pay up to 40% except for medicines which are considered life-sustaining in which case they pay a nominal amount. As far as I know there has never been the opportunity to claim back the difference in UK in the latter case.
Beats me how they will decide what we earn unless the hacienda has much better links with the Social Security than it appears - joined up administration is not their strong point!
My last post was in reply to Gus, who was replying to my comment "Also, what about those who are on holiday using the EHC, what will they pay ? "
Thus it was specifically regarding pensioners on holiday
Also, I had raised th question about how we can prove income.
My post was:-
................................... If it is by showing their Spanish tax return, then those who have chosen to not make the obligatory for resident’s tax return, in spite of them having a UK state retirement pension and living here, may have problems.
PS It really does make things simplier if people read the previous posts before putting in their twp penny worth .
This message was last edited by johnzx on 30/06/2012.
OOPS - sorry John, brain not yet in gear (or addled by temperatures up in the 50s!)
I am a UK Pensioner, living in the Alicante area and have a SIPP card. I was under the impression that if I am a UK Pensioner, living in Spain, the UK reimburses the Spanish authorities for my medical treatment, including prescriptions. If this is the case I should not have to pay anything towards my prescriptions as the Spanish authorities would, in fact, be charging twice. Am I correct in my understanding.
You are right and wrong
The NHS pays Spain a set amount p.a. (presently around £3.500) for each pensioner, regardless of what if any treatment, medication etc they need.
How that will fit into any changes has not been published, as far as I know.
Thanks for that info Johnzx. Not long before the deadline for the start of charges so need a decision asap !!
I read in the courier and the round town news yesterday that the goverment
are cross checking with the hacienda (tax office) to find out how much you
have in income every week.
then it states that you have to be a fiscal(Tax) resident to only pay the 10 per cent
I do not know what pensioners will have to pay if they are only a resident and not paying
tax in spain as the tax authority will have no record of you.
it also said the doctor will give you a different prescription which will have some kind of a code on
which tells the pharmacy how much to charge you according to what you have declared your income
to be to the tax office (hacienda)
It also said that your costs over 8 euros a month (if you are under 18,000 euros a year)
will be refunded automatically every 6 months into your bank account.
hope this helps
we are pensioners and are selling our house here in wales to live in spain,would we have to pay prescription charges as this may alter our plans
Can we declare to the tax office now what our pensions are even though we won't be paying residents tax until next year? My husband is diabetic and needs monthly prescriptions.
Make the most of today. It has taken all your life to get her...