Prescriptions charges

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30 Jun 2012 12:52 PM by Glyn907 Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

Kallie: Please read the info in this thread to see what the latest state of play is wrt precription charges for us in Spain. That's as much as we know here at the moment.


Val:  I can't answer  your specific question as I am not qualified to do so. However, the date for submitting last year's Tax Return has passed so if you decide to submit one you will have to pay a small fine for missing the deadline.  You shuld note that this fine increases over time so best to do it asap.

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30 Jun 2012 12:56 PM by Val Star rating in Pinar de Campoverde .... 160 posts Send private message

Val´s avatar

Glyn,  We only became residents in January this year, so aren't elible to pay tax until next year, we will be paying non residents tax this year.   I just wondered if we could register ourselves so they know what our income is for payment of prescriptions.  I think we will go to see an Asesoria and ask the question.


 Make the most of today.  It has taken all your life to get her...

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30 Jun 2012 1:24 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

In view of :-

The NHS pays Spain a set amount p.a. (presently around £3.500) for each pensioner, regardless of what if any treatment, medication etc they need.
Maybe  it not will affect UK pensioners. 

Perhaps a call on Monday to Overseas Dept of NHS in UK will answer the question.

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30 Jun 2012 1:25 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

deleted duplicated post



I have just called  DHSS or whatever they are called now, on +44 191 218 1999.  I left a mesage asking the question we are concerned with,  re UK pensioners in Spain. If I get a reply I will post it.


This message was last edited by johnzx on 30/06/2012.

This message was last edited by johnzx on 30/06/2012.

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30 Jun 2012 2:30 PM by scubamike Star rating in Murcia province . 218 posts Send private message

scubamike´s avatar

I have read the conflicting stories regarding prescription charges I am assuming that each individual prescription is treated seperately  Most  common generic drugs for blood pressure, cholesterol etc  are less than 80€ per monthly pack and it is unlikely therefore that a refund will apply to alot of people

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30 Jun 2012 8:34 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

johnzx, As I don't think Spain has even worked  out the finer details of how to implement this it will be interesting to see what DWP (formerly DHSS) have to say!



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30 Jun 2012 9:00 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

I phoned DWP about this a few weeks ago--they said they pay for us to have the same healthcare as any Spanish national, so if a Spanish national pays towards prescriptions, so do we. However, it does seem we will pay twice. The amount the DWP pay-3,500 a year for our care includes prescriptions as well, doesn't it? It's so confusing!

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01 Jul 2012 9:31 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

From the extract I posted earlier (I have repeated it below)  it  is would appear that pensioners on just a UK State pension will not pay more than 8 euros a month, in total.
 I have 5 prescribed items so just 8 euros a month seems pretty good.
Apologise for repeating this, but some of us do not re-read the whole thread before contributing our penny’s worth.
Desde el 1 de julio, los pensionistas tendrán que pagar el 10 por ciento del precio de los fármacos que les receten los médicos de la sanidad pública. Los jubilados que cobren menos de 18.000 euros al año, abonarán 8 euros al mes como máximo en medicamentos; los que tengan unos ingresos superiores a 18.000 euros e inferiores a 100.000 pagarán un máximo de 18 euros, y los que ganen más de 100.000 sufragarán hasta 60 euros al mes (el porcentaje de jubilados andaluces con esos ingresos es mínimo). Por tanto, la inmensa mayoría está en la horquilla que abonará entre 8 y 18 euros mensuales por las medicinas.
La Consejería de Salud ha decidido que ningún pensionista andaluz, una vez que haya llegado al tope máximo fijado (los citados 8, 18 y 60 euros) tenga que adelantar más dinero por los fármacos. En otras comunidades, esas cantidades de más luego se les devolverán a los jubilados en un plazo de seis meses. En Andalucía se ha optado por no adelantar nada ni tener que devolver luego nada, según lo explicó ayer la consejera de Salud, María Jesús Montero.
Bing Translation.  I have not checked it.
From July 1, pensioners will have to pay 10 percent of the price of the drugs prescribe them public health doctors. Pensioners who earn less than 18,000 euros per year, will pay 8 euros per month at most in medicinal products; those who have income exceeding 18,000 euros and less than 100,000 will pay a maximum of 18 euros and those who earn more than 100,000 met up to 60 euros per month (the Andalusian retirees with the revenue percentage is the lowest). Therefore, the vast majority is on the fork you will pay between 8 and 18 euros per month for drugs.
The Health Ministry has decided no Andalusian pensioner, once reached the fixed ceiling (the aforementioned 8, 18 and 60 euros) have to advance more money for drugs. In other communities, these amounts more then are they returned to retirees within a period of six months. Maria Jesus Montero has chosen to not advance anything or having to return then nothing, as explained it yesterday the Minister of health, in Andalusia.

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01 Jul 2012 2:41 PM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message


my mother-in-law, a pensioner here on holiday, had to pay for the prescription at the farmácia & then reclaimed from the nhs once home. She was using Her EHIC & the prescription was from a hospital. I assumed that she paid full cost as the two items came to 43€.

scubamike , a pack of tablets for blood pressure & cholesterol for the month would barely reach 15€.

My understanding of the NHS standpoint was what camposol posted. The spanish have to pay then so do the foreigners.


Todos somos Lorca.

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01 Jul 2012 3:19 PM by lobin Star rating. 256 posts Send private message

 You should also take into consideration that approximately 425 basic medicines have been taken off the list that will be financed by the Spanish Public Health system.  This will come into being in August.  Everyone, workers, autonomous and pensioners will thus have to pay 100% of the price of these medicines even if prescribed by the public health system.

I have not been able to find a list in English, but the list in Spanish can be found here:

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01 Jul 2012 3:44 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


 Would you think that the medications which will no longer be on the list for one condition maybe still be there for other conditions ?


Example.  I use  diclofenaco for ankylosing spondylitis (rheumatic disease)  a chronic condition. 

I see that  diclofenaco will be excluded for traumatic injury.

 I assume I will still get it on prescription and the same will apply to others in a similar situtation with their medications?


Any ideas ?

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01 Jul 2012 3:46 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Johnzx-how many expats here are on just a state pension? very few, I guess; the majority have state, private and/or occupational pension and will pay 18 euros. Now, that doesn't seem too much, but on the top of ever increasing costs  it all adds up, particularly for a couple.Also I heard talk of those who have regular monthly prescriptions for chronic conditions having a different rate.

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01 Jul 2012 4:05 PM by lobin Star rating. 256 posts Send private message

 Hi, John.  I am afraid I don't have the answer to your question but from all I have heard on the news these past few days, it does seem like the ailment for which the medicine is prescribed is important and it my well be that your diclofenaco has been proven ineffective for traumtic injuries and it is excluded for that purpose, but still financed by the Health System for a chronic condition.

The commentators were saying over the news that many of these excluded medications are not really effective and that quite a few doctors prescribe them because the patients are demanding the prescription and not because the doctors believe they are effective or required.  Since you understand Spanish, there is a lot of information all over the internet on the new rules that could give you more light.   Google "medicamentos exdluidos de la Seguridad Social".

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01 Jul 2012 7:18 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message




Thanks for that.


My medication was prescribed  maybe 10 years ago by a Spanish Specialist, and having had the condition for almost 50 years I can confirm that it is an effect treatment.  Also it is around 3.40 euros for 30 days supply so pretty cheap too.  I buy it for my wife for migrane as its not worth her time going for a script.



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02 Jul 2012 12:12 AM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar



You are paying far to much for your Diclofenaco

I pay 1.90€ for branded 'Novartis Voltaren' (easy on the tum) 40 x 50mg tabs

Pharmacia at Los Cypresses Calahonda




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02 Jul 2012 3:02 PM by rose60 Star rating. 5 posts Send private message


If we were in England my husband would not pay for his insulin or heart tablets as they keep him alive.We paid all our working lives  in case this sort of thing happened.According to europian law we should be entitled to any medication we get in my own country free we should get here.

Forigners in England get it and have not paid a penny in so thats why we who have should.We can not get anything from Spain (thats as it should be) so our own counrtry should pay our medical needs when we retire, fairs fair.

How do Spain know how much pension you get when you pay your taxes in England and pay non resident tax here.


This message was last edited by rose60 on 02/07/2012.

This message was last edited by rose60 on 02/07/2012.

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02 Jul 2012 3:14 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Being UK citizens registered for ‘National Health ‘ care in Spain makes us equal to Spanish citizens in Spain.
 Thus, we are entitled to the SAME as them.
 What one might be entitled to in UK has no connection with Spain.

I hate to say it ,  but if you want what you would get in UK  go and live there.

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02 Jul 2012 3:18 PM by jane b Star rating in Bedar, Almeria. 222 posts Send private message

jane b´s avatar

 I now have experience of the new system in action in Andalucia having visited chemist for repeat prescriptions.  Took a while on the computer but it worked in the end.  

Apparently the Hacienda and the Seguridad Social are talking to one another and that is how they decide how much you pay, based on your tax return  

It is relatively straightforward.  In theory you pay up to 10% until you reach the monthly ceiling (lower level €8). However some drugs/other items are still protected and you pay less - for example my husband's blood sugar test strips are rated at 45c against an actual pack price of €45 and I suspect a similar equation will apply for his insulin when he next needs it.  I take a 5-year cancer prevention drug called Arimidex which has a pack price of over €60 and I am paying €4.

I am not sure what you mean when you say that you pay your taxes in England and non-resident tax here, Rose.  Unless things have changed in recent months, ALL residents are obliged by law to make a Spanish declaration even if no tax will be payable.  You simply have to prove how much your income is and what tax has already been deducted in UK to determine whether you have to pay more here as your overall level of tax is determined by your country of residence. That is what we always did before we got our pensions paid gross and now we pay it all here.  In the past the tax payable was less here than in UK but things have evened up a bit lately and this may no longer be the case but it still does not mean that you can avoid doing a declaration.  Our gestor charges about €55 for a joint declaration. Peanuts to stay on the right side of the law and if they are now using this information to decide how much you pay for medicines a small price to pay.

The only people who cannot get their pensions paid gross are certain civil servants, police, nurses and some others but even they still have to make a Spanish tax return.


This message was last edited by jane b on 02/07/2012.

This message was last edited by jane b on 02/07/2012.


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02 Jul 2012 3:51 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Jane B and Rose
How do Spain know how much pension you get when you pay your taxes in England and pay non resident tax here
I had missed that.
As you say Jane,  if Rose is living in Spain she MUST make her tax return in Spain,  and if there is any tax to pay, pay that tax in Spain.
The problem often arises when people think incorrectly they can choose where they pay, which of course they cannot. 
As you say Jane, apart from Government Employee pensions (not state retirement or private pensions) and income from rented property in UK, ALL other worldwide income must be declared here.

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02 Jul 2012 4:04 PM by jane b Star rating in Bedar, Almeria. 222 posts Send private message

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 I would strongly recommend that you look into this,  Rose, because they can go back four years or as long as you have held Spanish residency if less than 4 years and fine you for non-compliance as well as taking any tax (if any) due.  I think the fines used to be around €200 per year but they may depend on where you live.  There has certainly been a campaign in our area to check to see if people are paying and demand that they  make a declaration.

I know many people who do not comply or who have not done so in the past and I have to admit I don't really understand why not.  We don't use UK roads, UK education system or anything else provided by the state out of UK taxes and once having made the decision that we were here for the long haul we made sure that all our taxes go to support the country which provides the infrastructure where we live.  

State pensions and healthcare are another matter because they notionally are paid for by contributions made during your working life into the National Insurance system and I have no objection to the UK sending a flat rate sum to Spain to look after my health care, whether it is all used in one year or not - they don't charge you any more if you use more.  All perfectly fair and in line with what the locals get.


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