Spain needs reform NOW

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24 Jul 2012 6:30 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

"But that will probably have to wait until enough people comprehend the magnitude of the crimes and their leader’s failings that put us where we are today."

Those with in depth knowledge of the financial problems/impact and sympathetic to the need for reform etc- have you thought of drafting your thoughts and concerns to AVAAZ as a means of identifying to the worldwide public the magnitude of the crimes and leaders failings that you refer to, and request if they can organise a worldwide petition to start making Politicians take steps against the Banks/speculators that are causing such harm to their citizens? 


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24 Jul 2012 8:03 PM by Well Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

Sorry ads I have already chosen my approach to this issue and have been working on it for nearly a year now. Having worked too closely with the powers that be for too many years I am more than aware of their unwillingness to address criminal acts by the rich, and therefore powerful, until circumstances make that unavoidable because the investigation is presented to them or an investigation is forced upon them from offshore.

The police refused to investigate the Libor rigging, something that is likely to prove the mother of all frauds. They also refused to investigate my case. At present I am still dealing, after nearly a year with the fallout from my family being terrorised by our home being ransacked. The people who did it left pension papers from a cabinet downstairs on a pillow of our bed upstairs. That does not seem like the modus operandi of the local burglars, but it was not enough to interest the local police. All I got from them was a letter telling me they were sorry to hear that I was a victim of crime.

There were other telltale signs of a “professional job”, one being the obviously violent destruction of irreplaceable personal items, yet no disturbance of the Christmas presents stacked down the stairs that even I regularly knocked, despite taking care not to. Anyway, as you may be able to imagine “message received”. By the way, the guy who I believe ordered the ransacking, and who I know directed several vicious campaigns at work, including mine, initiated when my father suffered a series of strokes that eventually led to his death, was last week hired by Barclays. The start of the final act of his pogrom was performed when I was at the funeral. Looks like he had to earn his stripes before moving up the food chain.

So, sorry, no ads. When I put my head above the parapet again it will be on my terms with the deck stacked in my favour. Personally I still feel sick about what happened, but they did not do this just to me, and I am responsible for the welfare of others even more vulnerable. To quote a member of HR who supported the thug in a suit “it is what we do”. Anyway that may give you more of an idea of what they are capable of against those they consider they own.

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24 Jul 2012 8:06 PM by D_B_S Star rating. 178 posts Send private message


you are right if you give a government or an individual money at a low rate of interest they will spend it. So Spain and the UK will continue to spend until someone calls time.

Until that 'time' Spain and the UK will continue to kick the can down the road.

Looking fwd to The London games then getting out of it and back to the safety of Oz.





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25 Jul 2012 6:47 AM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

potblack´s avatar


Hello Well
I don’t quite get the story. Who has burgled your house and for what? Is your property in Spain? Are you accusing a government agency like the CIA/FBI or MI6/MI5 or Bob Diamond of Barleys?
Does anyone else know what ‘’Well’’ is going on about? Does this story have a bearing on ‘’Spain needs reform now’’.?

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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25 Jul 2012 10:20 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

It was somewhat encouraging that the CPS are bringing some charges, but is it any use, or will we just see a closing of ranks and more buckets of whitewash?

I had no wish to ask and reopen what appears to be old wounds but since the question has been posed, I assume Well is some sort of whistleblower who has suffered rough treatment that is often meted out to such people by our very corrupt society, even if it is not so brazenly open as the spanish model.

David has raised the question of safety, as an ordinary joe I have only sympathy for those in Greece without funds when the end happens as all predict, my few euros are now back in £'s but I did not like the rate, another loss for holding too long.

Obahma has now decided the end is nigh and ordered the printing presses to print him the cost of his India trip extravaganza, plus his other "last throws".

Pundits tell us with certainty that China has now decided enough is enough and is withdrawing credit to US which will now become the wild west because only certain states will be able to afford police forces with millions of starving "robin hoods" at large with the only currency in use will be commodities.

Spain is doomed to follow Greece with the Nordics following China's lead of withdrawing credit. Italy not far behind and may even overtake on the last bend.

Here will that nice Mr King Q ease us into oblivion also and will I still be able to fly to Oz in time, and will they let fundless old codgers in???

Is this what they call a peaceful retirement?

Regards whilst I can still afford them




N. Sands

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25 Jul 2012 10:21 AM by Well Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

OK potblack, I did not post any of what you claim, but the sceptical tone is received loud and clear. I posted initially because l'actualité was about to hit the fan with Spanish bonds/bailouts/banks. That makes it is too late for “reform”. Reform will now be visited upon Spain. The morning after my initial post the “Spain is at the tipping point” headline was everywhere in London and a $3bn bond sale north of 7.5% then confirmed that. Yah can’t afford it, and it won’t be the filthy rich paying the bill.

If you think that after that confirmation of the inevitable, Spain will remain immune from New York banking practices, the ones London suffered from after 2008, then it is my view that you have another think coming.

I tried to point out from personal experience something of what can happen to the little people if they are unfortunate enough to be on the wrong side of that cancerous juggernaut. I did not suggest any of the organisations or the guy you mention as party to any of that. In fact you missed the one party that I did name, but as this is the end of my last post I shall now add something to the “Barleys” and go and sit in the sun as suggested by another sceptic. Adieu.


This message was last edited by Well on 25/07/2012.

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25 Jul 2012 11:16 AM by maddiemack Star rating in Grantham, Lincolnshi.... 194 posts Send private message

Come back, Well....we need posts like yours.  There are lots of people who read and contribute to this site who are as well-informed as they can be about the recent global crisis (given that so much is kept secret).

As I see it, there are two ways of looking at can either ignore what's going on in Europe and the USA (and the rest of the world!) and get on with your life as best as you can (I'm beginning to wish I'd done this!) or you can find out as much as you can....and get on with your life as best as you can!  I belong to the latter category because I'm hoping that the 'better informed, better prepared' rule applies.  However, I am left feeling very downhearted (depressed) at times as I can't see any way that us (the 99.9%) can do anything about stopping the b******s that rule us carrying on as they always have since their alliance was first formed.

Most people now understand that it's the banks that have brought us down and, knowing this, shouldn't we all get out of the banking system?  But, hey ho...they've got the whole financial world stitched up and working via a banking system so how can we get out of it?  I keep searching for answers on this one and, so far, I haven't found any real alternatives...paricularly not for the ordinary 'man in the street' that works and has his wages paid into his bank account!

And this message applies to us all....whether in Spain or the UK.  It isn't JUST Spain that needs reform.

D_B_S   Can you explain why Oz is safe, as far as you're concerned?  I do believe there must be something in what you say as my brother-in-law (a banker) left the UK for Oz over a year ago!  BTW, he's working for a bank over there......


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25 Jul 2012 12:04 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Don't you just love it - between depressions - having jacked up the VAT to 20% - to pay for the deficit................

the swines are now falling over themselves to confess that they have personally been paying their builders cash to evade it - the confessions of criminals who criminally control/manage us........

If that doesn't make those made redundant "to pay for the deficit" want to take up arms and revolt...........what will???????????

they don't really believe this con about being better off on benefit, do they////

don't they know the benefits have been cut also???

we need all priviledge swept away with no party system and citizen rule absolute - zero tolerance - it is the only fair and modern system we deserve.

and what was it that put the wind up them..............afraid of exposure

perhaps there is some hope in "citizens worldwide"  - ......or even UKIP?


ps we need you well - we cannot afford to lose info, we just don't have the knowledge and experience - keep posting, especially now as things unfold or unstick


N. Sands

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25 Jul 2012 12:05 PM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

potblack´s avatar


Sorry Well.
The sceptical tone was not meant. But your post did seem a bit ‘’Watergate’’ stuff. I just could not help asking. I still don’t understand your post fully. Maybe I am a dummy. I now guess you were a whistleblower of some sorts, or were you an undercover secret agent?

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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25 Jul 2012 12:33 PM by Well Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

“Hi, I’m back – this is the Central Scruuuutinizer. The White Zone is for loading and unloading only,” as Frank Zappa said.

 After the beatings we have taken since 2008 it is ridiculous how good a “Barleys & Comeback” in the sun can make us feel.

Actually just found the article below as I was sipping my “Barleys”. I think it helps define “cancerous juggernaut”. I would not want to lob platitudes at you maddiemack, and thanks for the love, but there may just be a way to get these guys to “straighten up and fly right”. Naturally it would not be easy and we absolutely must insist that the US president does not get the powers to switch off the internet, as he is apparently seeking. Not sure how we do that, but there are a lot more of us than there are of them, so while the lights are still on we could point out how unpopular he would be if he chose to do that.

Wikileaks has actually rumbled the foundation of the edifice that created this mess, and you can see what the powers-that-be are doing to those guys. I am not advocating Wikileaks, blond Australians or airbeds in interesting embassies, but it is clear for the world to see that it got their undivided attention.

I am one of the very few who can actually write about what went on in the international banks I am familiar with because the arrogant b******* who worked me and mine over failed to get me to sign a non disclosure agreement. A payout and a signed document shuts most ex-bank employees up. Anyway it is nice to be a wanted man for a different reason, even if it is just for a short time.

By the way I would not be surprised if L. Randall Wray listened to a bit of The Frank from time to time. I cannot include his photograph here, I don't think, but still, his stuff rings true to me. My brother, a onetime master of the universe for some Silicone Valley DotCom millionaires would claim none of what follows is true. What more proof do you need of its efficacy.

Corporatism and Fraud are Why We’re Screwed:

Randall Wray | 23 July 2012 20:27



By L. Randall Wray.

As the Global Financial Crisis rumbles along in its fifth year, we read the latest revelations of bankster fraud, the LIBOR scandal. This follows the muni bond fixing scam detailed a couple of weeks ago, as well as the JPMorgan Chase trading fiasco and the Corzine – MF Global collapse and any number of other scandals in recent months. In every case it was traders run amuck, fixing “markets” to make an easy buck at someone’s expense. In times like these, I always recall Robert Sherrill’s 1990 statement about the S&L crisis that “thievery is what unregulated capitalism is all about.”

After 1990 we removed what was left of financial regulations following the flurry of deregulation of the early 1980s that had freed the thrifts so that they could self-destruct. And we are shocked, SHOCKED!, that thieves took over the financial system.

Nay, they took over the whole economy and the political system lock, stock, and barrel. They didn’t just blow up finance, they oversaw the swiftest transfer of wealth to the very top the world has ever seen. They screwed workers out of their jobs, they screwed homeowners out of their houses, they screwed retirees out of their pensions, and they screwed municipalities out of their revenues and assets.

Financiers are forcing schools, parks, pools, fire departments, senior citizen centers, and libraries to shut down. They are forcing national governments to auction off their cultural heritage to the highest bidder. Everything must go in fire sales (pun intended) at prices rigged by twenty-something traders at the biggest and most corrupt institutions the world has ever known.

And since they’ve bought the politicians, the policy-makers, and the courts, no one will stop it. Few will even discuss it, since most university administrations have similarly been bought off—in many cases, the universities are even headed by corporate “leaders”–and their professors are on Wall Street’s payrolls.

We’re screwed.

Bill Black joined our department in 2006. At UMKC (and the Levy Institute) we had long been discussing and analyzing the GFC that we knew was going to hit, using the approaches of Hyman Minsky and Wynne Godley. Bill insisted we were overlooking the most important factor, fraud. To be more specific, Bill called it control fraud, where top corporate management runs an institution as a weapon to loot shareholders and customers to the benefit of top management. Think Bob Rubin, Hank Paulson, Bernie Madoff, Jamie Dimon and Jon Corzine. Long before, I had come across Bill’s name when I wrote about the S&L scandal, and I had listed fraud as the second most important cause of that crisis. While I was open to his argument back in 2006, I could never have conceived of the scope of Wall Street’s depravity. It is all about fraud. As I’ve said, this crisis is like Shrek’s Onion, with fraud in every layer. There is, quite simply, no part of the financial system that is not riddled with fraud.

The fraud cannot be reduced much less eliminated. First, there are no regulators to stop it, and no prosecutors to punish it. But, far more importantly, fraud is the business model. Further, even if a financial institution tried to buck the trend it would fail. As Bill says, fraud is always the most profitable game in town. So Gresham’s Law dynamics ensure that fraud is the only game in town.

As Sherrill said, without regulation, capitalism is thievery. We stopped regulating the financial system, so thieves took over.

A century ago Veblen analyzed religion as the quintessential capitalist undertaking. It sells an inherently ephemeral product that cannot be quality tested. Most of the value of that product exists only in the minds of the purchasers, and most of that value cannot be realized until death. Dissatisfied customers cannot return the purchased wares to the undertakers who sold them—there is no explicit money back guarantee and in any event, most of the dissatisfied have already been undertaken. The value of the undertaker’s institution is similarly ephemeral, mostly determined by “goodwill”. Aside from a fancy building, very little in the way of productive facilities is actually required by the religious undertaker.

But modern finance has replaced religion as the supreme capitalistic undertaking. Again, it has no need for production facilities—a fancy building, a few Bloomberg screens, greasy snake-oil salesmen, and some rapacious traders is all that is required to separate widows and orphans from their lifesavings and homes. Religious institutions only want 10%; Wall Street currently gets 20% of all the nation’s output (and 40% of profits), but won’t stop until it gets everything.

There is rarely any recourse for dissatisfied customers of financial institutions. Few customers understand what it is they are buying from Wall Street’s undertakers. The product sold is infinitely more complicated than the Theory of the Trinity advanced by Theophilus of Antioch in 170 A.D., let alone the Temple Garments (often called Magic Underwear by nonbelievers) marketed today. That makes it so easy to screw customers and to hide fraud behind complex instruments and deceptive accounting.

A handful of thieves running a modern Wall Street firm can easily run up $2 trillion in ephemeral assets whose worth is mostly determined by whatever value the thieves assign to them.

And that is just the start. They also place tens of trillions of dollars of bets on derivatives whose value is purely “notional”. The thieves get paid when something goes wrong—the death of a homeowner, worker, firm, or country triggers payments on Death Settlements, Peasant Insurance, or Credit Default Swaps. To ensure that death comes sooner rather than later, the undertaker works with the likes of John Paulson to handpick the most sickly households, firms and governments to stand behind the derivative bets.

And the value of the Wall Street undertaker’s firm is almost wholly determined by euphemistically named “goodwill”—as if there is any good will in betting on death.

With these undertakers running the show, it is no wonder that we are buried under mountains of crushing debt—underwater mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans, healthcare debts, and auto-related finance. Simply listing the kinds of debts we owe makes it clear how far along the path of financialization we have come: everything is financialized as Wall Street has its hand in every pot.

Thirty years ago we could still write of a dichotomy– industry versus finance—and categorize GE and GM as industrial firms, with Goldman Sachs as a financial firm. Those days are gone, with GM requiring a bail-out because of its financial misdealings (auto production was just a sideline business used to burden households with debt owed to GMAC, the main business line), and Goldman Sachs buying up all the grain silos to run up food prices in a speculative bubble. Obamacare simply fortifies the Vampire Squid’s control of the healthcare industry as it inserts its strangling tentacles into every facet of life.

Food? Financialized. Energy? Financialized. Healthcare? Financialized. Homes? Financialized. Government? Financialized. Death? Financialized. There no longer is a separation of the FIRE (finance, insurance, and real estate) and the nonFIRE sectors of the economy. It is all FIRE.

Everything is complexly financed. In the old days a municipal government would sell a twenty year fixed rate bond to finance a sewage system project. Now they hire Goldman to create complex interest rate swaps (or even more complex constant maturity swaps, swaptions, and snowballs) in which they issue a variable rate municipal bond and promise to pay the Squid a fixed rate while the Squid pays them a floating rate linked to LIBOR—which is rigged by the Squid’s banking brethren to ensure the municipality gets screwed. Oh, and the municipal government pays upfront fees to Goldman for the sheer joy of getting screwed by Wall Street’s finest.

The top four US Banks hold $171 Trillion worth of derivative deals like this. Derivatives are really just bets by Wall Street that we will get screwed—it is all “insurance” that pays off when we fail. Everything is insured—by them against us.

What is healthcare “insurance”, really? You turn over your salary to the FIRE sector aka Wall Street in the hope that should you need healthcare, they will allow your “service provider” to provide it. But when you need the service, ‘Wall Street’ will decide whether it can be provided.

Oh, and Wall Street’s undertakers have also placed a bet that you will die sooner than you expect, so it wins twice by denying the coverage.

Finally, US real estate—the RE of the FIRE–underlies the whole kit and caboodle. That is the real story behind the GFC: given President Clinton’s budget surpluses and the simultaneous explosion of private finance, there simply was not enough safe federal government debt to use to repo against the explosion of collateralized OTC derivatives positions taken on by financial institutions with one another starting back in the mid 1990s. Wall Street needed another source of collateral for financial leverage.

You see, all the top financial institutions are dens of thieves, and thieves know better than to trust one another. So (derivatives) transactions between fellow thieves have to be collateralized by safe financial assets — which is the traditional role played by Treasuries. But there were not enough of those to go around so Wall Street securitized home mortgages that were sliced and diced to get tranches that were supposedly as safe as Uncle Sam’s bonds. And there were not enough quality mortgages, so Wall Street foisted mortgages and home equity loans onto riskier borrowers to create more product.

Never content, in order to suck more profit out of mortgages, Wall Street created “affordability” products—mortgages with high fees and exploding interest rates—that it knew would go bad. Even that was not enough, so the Squids created derivatives of the securities (collateralized debt obligations—CDOs) and then derivatives squared and cubed—and then we were off and running straight toward the GFC.

Wall Street bet your house would burn, then lit a firebomb in the basement.

Mortgages that were designed to go bad would go bad. CDOs that were designed to fail would fail.

Suddenly there was no collateral behind the loans Wall Street’s thieves had made to one another. Each Wall Street thief looked in the mirror and realized everything he was holding was crap, because he knew all of his own debt was crap.

Hello Uncle Sam, Uncle Timmy, and Uncle Ben, we’ve got a problem. Can you spare $29 Trillion to bail us out?

And that is why we are screwed.

I see two scenarios playing out. In the first, we allow Wall Street to carry on its merry way, as the foreclosure crisis continues and Wall Street steals all homes, packaging them into bundles to be sold for pennies on the dollar to hedge funds. All wealth will be redistributed to the top 1% who will become modern day feudal lords with the other 99% living at their pleasure on huge feudal estates.

You can imagine for yourselves just what you’re going to have to do to pleasure the lords.

This will take years, maybe even a decade or more, but it is the long march Wall Street has formulated for us. To be sure, “formulated” should not be misinterpreted as intention. No one sat down and planned the creation of Western European feudalism when Rome collapsed. To be sure, the modern day feudal lords on Wall Street certainly conspire—to rig LIBOR and muni bond markets, for example—and each one individually wants to take as much as possible from customers and creditors and stockholders. But they are not planning and conspiring for the restoration of feudalism. Still, that is the default scenario—the outcome that will emerge in the absence of action.

In the second, the 99% occupy, shut down, and obliterate Wall Street. Honestly, I have no idea how that can happen. I am waiting for suggestions.

L. Randall Wray is a professor of economics and research director of the Center for Full Employment and Price Stability at the University of Missouri–Kansas City. His current research focuses on providing a critique of orthodox monetary policy, and the development of an alternative approach. He also publishes extensively in the areas of full employment policy and the monetary theory of production. Wray received a B.A. from the University of the Pacific and an M.A. and a Ph.D. from Washington University, where he was a student of Hyman Minsky.

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25 Jul 2012 1:22 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

My wife says ordinary joe (me I suppose) cannot take too much truth, it is bad for him.

Well, it certainly hurts!!!!

But, thanks is all difficult but believable.

So, what next?


N. Sands

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25 Jul 2012 1:34 PM by Well Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

No need for the “sorry” potblack. You inspired "Barleys&Comeback", a fine beverage. It is just that I cannot have words put into my mouth or postings, even obliquely in the position I have been left in. You can see from what I have posted some of what they did to my family. I am just about to set off to the storage centre in which our remaining possessions are kept while the house is being repaired. I am nothing mysterious, just one of the very few from the engine room who can tell it like it actually is.

Having been at the centre of the computing “universe” (that is actually what they call it) of one of the world’s biggest banks (it ain’t now) our team was targeted for termination “with extreme prejudice” when the Americans arrived in 2008. Having wrecked one “bank” they are now close to taking down another.

I was told the other day that one of the PWC consultants who engineered the mess is on record saying that I “would be a problem”.  Well they sorted the hell out of that by getting a “hatchet man in” to deal with me while I was preoccupied with my father's passing. He, and his acolytes spread their magic and he is now moseying off to Barclays , so watch out there, boys and girls.

We were the last of the old guard they chucked out the door, because we were vital in keeping all the banks’ trades going and as they lost 85% of their share price they ran out of money for redundancies, and decided to bully us out of the place when they thought they had finished with us.

Thing is our stuff was also required to be in good order to ensure they complied with FSA regulations. There is no way that it is up to snuff now with one man and his dog holding the fort and that may stop them getting an IMM waiver which means they do not have to put £100’s of millions on deposit to trade in the UK. It should have been granted early last year, but not granting it could be Lord Turners two fingered salute to those who are closing down his organisation at the end of the year. I guess his hesitation is because he is weighing up whether or not it will send too much of a chill through The City, or even take the bank down.

The relevance to Spain - do not tangle with Vampire Squids. They are ruthless and painful.

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25 Jul 2012 2:35 PM by D_B_S Star rating. 178 posts Send private message

Maddiemack, it's a bit off subject but to answer your question ' Can you explain why Oz is safe'.

I can only speak from my own perspective. I lived in the UK for 40-years and had 2 properties in Spain, one in Barca the other near Alicante. I sold both Spanish properties in 2010/11 and my homes in London and The Chiltern Hills2011, when I took very early retirement from a US Investment Bank.

I was born in WA(Perth) and left to attend Uni in Oxford and never returned except for a visit every 2-years or so to see the folks.I have just repurchased property in the UK, Oxford as I love the UK Summer, great cricket that you can't get elsewhere in the world and The BBC Proms which are a bargain for the season and live in Perth aboard my sailboat.

For me Oz, and again I speak as a West Australian, has low inflation, low unemployment and a government state and country that doesn't borrow. Also WA has mineral wealth beyond imagination and India and China can't get enough. We also have the advantage of being small in population terms and placed at the arse end of the earth so are forgotten or ignored by most of the world so we get on and do our own thing. Local papers are more interested in dog bites man - man bites dog stories. the world is a long way off.

That's my take on it.





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25 Jul 2012 3:24 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Another question Well.

What do you make of the World Justice Project since it quotes the working definition of the rule of law as follows:

Working Definition of the Rule of Law

The WJP uses a working definition of the rule of law based on four universal principles:


  1. The government and its officials and agents are accountable under the law.
  2. The laws are clear, publicized, stable, and fair, and protect fundamental rights, including the security of persons and property.
  3. The process by which the laws are enacted, administered, and enforced is accessible, efficient, and fair.
  4. Justice is delivered by competent, ethical, and independent representatives and neutrals who are of sufficient number, have adequate resources, and reflect the makeup of the communities they serve.

What We Do


A worldwide rule of law deficit undermines efforts to make societies safe, lift people from poverty and build economic prosperity, reduce corruption, improve public health and enhance education. The WJP is tapping into a broad recognition that the rule of law is essential to thriving communities and to the success of virtually all fields of endeavor.

The WJP is unique in its engagement of stakeholders from a variety of disciplines, and is building an active network of governmental and non-governmental leaders from 17 disciplinary fields, representing all socio-economic levels of society.


This message was last edited by ads on 25/07/2012.

This message was last edited by ads on 25/07/2012.

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25 Jul 2012 4:51 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Well Ads,

that clearly was not a requirement of joining the EU

is it even an aspiration for members?

I once asked the forum if anyone actually knew of a Spanish/Greek/Portugese fisherman who ever discarded a single fish from his catch by order of the discard replies

I now ask do members know of a single politician in the EU that works to your Law definitions???????

still don't we have bigger things to worry about..................the yanks are now advising the yanks to offload their dollars into gold etc. and move to a safe state............they see the US soon defaulting.

will I soon be able to pay off my mortgage with what I find in the waste bins?????



N. Sands

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25 Jul 2012 7:18 PM by Well Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

Well, ads. If that is a working definition of the rule of law then our law is “such an ass”. Lovely aspiration, though I think corporates would see it coming and pound them with the sheer size of their legal teams. Banks in London have four of five “Magic Circle” law firms on retainer. There are obvious needs for legal services in investment banking, but it is the firm they leave off that is interesting. That bunch will be willing to “bend the law” to up their billables, and get back on retainer and it is not uncommon for the most gymnastic of those lawyers, a suspiciously heavy proportion being women in my experience, to end up on bank payrolls.


Two did me, one after the other. Not my most enjoyable experience with a couple of intelligent women. The first did not know that I had recorded the internal hearing, so when her findings in my case against my MD did not uphold my complaint, I was able to point out in forensic detail that her record of the hearing was factually incorrect, and thus her findings were wrong. She was a hungry little Rottweiler, but liked to gnaw down to the bone before considering the meat of the case. I was granted an appeal. Oh, I almost forgot. both of them were "independent" investigating managers.


The second one, would in real life possibly have been a reasonable person, having founded the women’s chapter of something within the bank, but in the appeal findings she wrote that in such cases as mine they would always have to find for the senior manager. That is despite the fact that he had been with the company for a total of eight months and I had been there 19 years.


However it was what that delightful tag team were trying to achieve that really impressed me. Along with the new American influence in HR they managed to stretch out their internal investigation with staff leave and numerous hearings to the point where after three months, I had three days to lodge proceedings with an employment tribunal.


As I posted earlier, I have spent too many hours in the presence of the powers-that-be and even in court for my sins, in a former life, though, not as a defendant. I have seen justice dispensed and justice denied and it always comes down to one issue. Is the judge intellectually rigorous enough to be on the bench? In the internal investigation into my complaint against my manager they were not, but then that is why they were “in post”, they followed senior management’s orders, and given my position those orders came from on high.


Outside corporates our laws are a Gordian knot, and gord knows Gord contributed hugely to that, but on the day it is about the competence and ability of the judge to interpret the law. Do we not daily see how difficult that is for some of them? A working definition of corruption would be useful in many cases, though. The only thing I can come up with is that corruption is wedge-shaped.


Also, with the EU lording it over us and in a globalised world, how can we know the laws of countries that we interact with? Personally, I cannot even read some of the writing and with much bank business on, or heading for the internet do countries like the US really have room for all of us in its prisons when we breach its sovereignty? Their definition of ass is, I think you will find different from our definition of ass.


 And as for the law in Spain? Don’t get me started . . . .eeee burro.


This message was last edited by Well on 25/07/2012.

This message was last edited by Well on 25/07/2012.

This message was last edited by Well on 25/07/2012.

This message was last edited by Well on 25/07/2012.

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26 Jul 2012 2:13 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message


it is really rather simple........

was the citizen deceived?


no question

but back to Spain as I have said many times those lovely friendly people love their corruption - it is their culture - just as is the animal cruelty - how many animal rescue centres are run by the indigenous population???

the BBC this morning tried to find the cost of the unused airport that is unlikely to ever open - it seems that it was never intended to - it was all just a con to keep the local construction company in monumental overpaid work - who in turn shared his bounty with local politicians and friends sufficient to bankrupt the local Caja.

the beeb never even managed to find out how much yes no yes no yes no public money went into the project - nor how much local officials were paying themselves or even how much they claimed in expenses - it seems that where public money goes and how much is a closely guarded secret in Spain

the only financial information they found was how little the locals were paid for their land that they were bullied into selling.

no need to worry about Spanish law - the government national and local are far above it - their tradition - their culture.


N. Sands

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27 Jul 2012 5:18 AM by potblack Star rating in Alicante & Singapore. 233 posts Send private message

potblack´s avatar

Hello Norman

That’s an interesting post regarding the beeb trying to get the story on the unused airport.

I think that good honest reporting by the media and press can help to reduce corruption by naming and shaming the culprits.  And before someone jumps on me, I admit journalists are not all whiter than white.

In the UK, the press are quite ruthless and indeed vicious at times in exposing wrong doings and scandals. What I would be interested to know, do the Spanish press operate the same way?. And if they do, why does it seem to be ineffective. Is it a case of the Spanish culture is beyond ‘’name and shame’’ and corruption is just their accepted way of life? Or are the press corrupt themselves and taking back hander’s not to name and shame?

All I can think is that some of the horror stories posted on here, be it politicians, banks or corrupt builders, if in the UK, they would have their photo’s and stories splashed all over the front pages, e.g. Bob Diamond & Barclays ‘Lie’ Bor and Cameron & Brookes telephone sex tape ‘’David I am touching myself’’.

Quick update since original post. The whole airport story is now number 1 on the BBC news website.



This message was last edited by potblack on 27/07/2012.

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.

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27 Jul 2012 9:38 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Here's an update and an example of how campaign groups can influence some change.

Please take a look at the email received today, and for those interested note the option to make your suggestions for a campaign close to your heart (banking reform and the threat to global democracy etc)..

Dear friends,

I'm a member of the campaigning organisation 38 Degrees. It's been a big week - we've won our campaign to make the Olympic corporate sponsors pay their tax. But that's just the latest in a long list of amazing things that over 1,000,000 38 Degrees members have helped make happen. Together, more than one million of us are showing that people power really can be a force for change.

Check out the website here:

The ideas and suggestions of 38 Degrees members help decide what we are going to campaign on together. You can be a part of 38 Degrees by visiting the website and taking action on an issue that matters to you.

Join in and help decide on future campaigns:



This message was last edited by ads on 27/07/2012.

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27 Jul 2012 10:10 AM by TheEqualiser Star rating in Spain. 26 posts Send private message

TheEqualiser´s avatar

ads, oh dear, or dear, or dear

Badgers: stop the planned mass shoot of badgers (38 Degrees Top campaign of 2012)

Do you actually think anyone is going to take any notice of your 38 degrees bunny hugging group campaigners when no one gives a toss about people being slaughtered in Syria and people starving in Somalia? Get real.

Common sense is not so common.

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