Spain needs reform NOW

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27 Jul 2012 10:13 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Avaaz deals with larger campaigns... there is no harm in making suggestions for a banking campaign to 38degrees.

Every "little" campaign group adds to the educative process.


This message was last edited by ads on 27/07/2012.

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27 Jul 2012 10:44 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

At my age there is probably insufficient time left to even get my deposit back, Maria hasn't reported any success with Interlaken.

However this was posted with Avaaz ........

"I am 65 years old and have terminal cancer and not long to live. I can do very little practically because of this. The state of the world and the amount of violence and injustice breaks my heart. Through your organisation even I can make a difference and try to help make this world a better place for others before I leave it. This is a positive and peaceful action which gives me great comfort. I am no longer helpless and powerless, I can vote, I have power to change things even now.

Thank you for giving me this priceless opportunity at such a time as this. Peace and democracy in Syria would be such a fantastic 'going away present'. However, this was really just to say say thank you for giving so many people who care a voice which is now heard world wide. 15,000,000! What a voice to be reckoned with. Thanks to you all."

Because I do not beat donkeys and encourage my children to do the same, kick dogs or starve cats, doesn't mean I am a "bunnie-hugger", thank you.

I recommend revolution and the guillotine, but in the meanwhile whatever small steps can make a difference for those of you that have longer to play with.

This forum gives us a small voice and if that can be amplified through bigger internet choices - long live the internet.

So few people vote the traditional way and we are at the mercy of the party activists, a system that itself should be swept away.

So any voice for the citizen is more than welcome.

I do not want to be labelled and partisised, I just want a fair deal for all citizens, that has my vote.



N. Sands

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27 Jul 2012 3:42 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


Maria has suggested that the best way forward for return of monies is not against an ailing developer who breached the terms of contract, but a declaratory action against the Bank who provided a generic Bank Guarantee for the development you refer to (since no individual BG's were provided),  so perhaps your case is worth further investigation? Each case is different, depending on specific circumstance, but perhaps you are already aware of this and are waiting until there is an actual case win and return of monies against the Bank in question..... in which case watch this space!

As for citizens voices, there are all too many who sadly are not prepared to step up to the mark, but that does not mean that the educative process should stop, nor that frustration should ever overwhelm the aspiration to improve the world in which we inhabit. Surely part of the educative process is the recognition that we should never play into the hands of those for whom reform would act as a deterrent  and finally make accountable.

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27 Jul 2012 9:21 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Thank you Ads,

but you must face up to the truth, the crooks appeal with the aid of the totally corrupt lawyers knowing full well that claims will wither including by death, the lawyers are trained not to have any conscience that would affect their lust for everlasting fees, they really don't care who they are in bed with since, they are basically crooks themselves. They have absolutely no concern since their grip upon Joe includes charging exhorbitant fees regardless of outcome, they can never be wrong no matter how stupid and incompetent/corrupt they are. They have no shame and society requires none of them. It is an insane system.

Dear old Goodstitch fought it for little real loss, much fee loss and lived to regret it and disappear from the forum.

I will indeed watch this space as long as I am able.



N. Sands

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28 Jul 2012 8:36 AM by TheEqualiser Star rating in Spain. 26 posts Send private message

TheEqualiser´s avatar

Kay Burley interviews 38 Degrees campaign group director David Babbs, unemployed farther of 7 children living of UK state benefits.


This message was last edited by TheEqualiser on 28/07/2012.

Common sense is not so common.

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28 Jul 2012 1:25 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

So what is the solution???????

castration and confinement for the unemployed?????

then what for the miscreants that have been exposed?????

what then of Potblack's "Cameron & Brookes telephone sex tape ‘’David I am touching myself’’"???????.

is it wrong to have a different weekend diary to one's wife's????????

fair play and even-handed punishment all round, I think

lets hope they don't enjoy the punishment - the deviants


N. Sands

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28 Jul 2012 2:13 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Thanks for that Equaliser. I'm personally not interested in politicising the situation (far from it actually), moreover I'm interested in identifying the truth behind the Banking situation and to learn how it has impacted on everyone’s lives, on nation states, that those far more knowledgeable than I have disclosed within this and other threads.

It's only by understanding the realities that we can hope to strive for solutions, debate ideas re reform, and one part of that process just might be to tap into campaign groups who appear to provide an opportunity to widen the knowledge base, in the hope of at least trying to bring these facts to light.

As for the uncomfortable realities relating to return of monies for those impacted by the Banking Guarantee scandal in Spain, it is for individuals to decide whether they trust that the rule of law, i.e. existing law 57/68, in place from the outset, will be enforced in Spain. This is crunch time in that regard, and in the interim all eyes will no doubt be focused on existing high profile cases (such as the Finca Parcs group). All we can do is hope and trust that they will be successful in their claim to make the Bank accountable according to the law, to witness the enforcement of this law in Spain with return of monies (including costs), so that others may in turn receive justice. Only time will tell if this rule of law relating to Bank Guarantees will be consistently enforced in Spain. One step at a time....



This message was last edited by ads on 28/07/2012.

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28 Jul 2012 3:05 PM by theequaliser Star rating in Spain. 26 posts Send private message

theequaliser´s avatar

‘’Here's an update and an example of how campaign groups can influence some change’’. 

Hang on a minute ‘’aids’’ your the one who introduced 38 Degrees not me!.

Plus all this advice and wisdom you are you are giving your mate Norman. Are you going half’s with his legal costs?

Common sense is not so common.

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28 Jul 2012 3:13 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

it is for individuals to decide whether they trust that the rule of law, i.e. existing law 57/68, in place from the outset, will be enforced in Spain............

Only time will tell if this rule of law relating to Bank Guarantees will be consistently enforced in Spain. ............



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28 Jul 2012 3:28 PM by prospain Star rating in Spain & Hong Kong. 38 posts Send private message

prospain´s avatar

Ads I am not sure you have full understanding of Spain thinking!!!

In Spain it is a tricky problem to find the particular calibration in timing that would be appropriate to stem the acceleration in corrupt banking created by falling incomes without prematurely aborting the decline in the inflation generated risk premiums. Spain recently announced its new, easy to use and improved cutting edge technology leverages innovative, robust and high-performance outcomes while uniquely positioning it to focus on non payment of off plan bank deposits and world-class partnerships. Next generation outcomes are easily scalable and flexible up to 120 percent. Spain bankers are educators these days, or corrupt mangers, or learning facilitators who posses effective instructional delivery skills which they demonstrate in microteaching sessions. In Spain banking is called the corrupt learning process and corrupt learning is called adjusted behavior. Bankers don't study; they spend time on task in their corrupt learning environment. Today marks the 20th anniversary celebrations of Spain’s outside the box organizational resources. Their government believes in parallel logistical options. They believe the solution can only be dot-com digital corruption flexibility. The Spanish bankers recommend three dimensional administrative mobility to avoid repayment of deposits. Spain now offers diplomas in synchronized reciprocal corruption innovation. Their politicians recommend holistic policy programming.



This message was last edited by prospain on 28/07/2012.

Don't steal. The government hates competition.

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28 Jul 2012 8:57 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Is this what Aifos had in mind when it told Goodstitch to wait a while??????????????????.


N. Sands

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30 Jul 2012 8:52 AM by prospain Star rating in Spain & Hong Kong. 38 posts Send private message

prospain´s avatar

Clearly Spain reform is taking place. Not sure this is the right direction though. !!!!

King Juan Carlos of Spain kicked out from WWF presidency after row over hunting trip by a vote of 226 to 13.

King Juan Carlos of Spain has been blacklisted as an unfit honorary president of a leading conservation group after the row over his elephant hunting trip to Botswana earlier this.

Don't steal. The government hates competition.

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30 Jul 2012 7:03 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

The World Justice Project (WJP) has indicated that “the rule of law is essential to thriving communities and to the success of virtually all fields of endeavour.

We can only conclude therefore that until the Spanish Government ensures that adequate consumer protection is provided via timely, consistent enforcement of law, with adequate deterrents to rid the country of corrupt practice, that Spain will sadly continue to suffer the consequences.



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04 Aug 2012 8:22 AM by Peakmark Star rating. 12 posts Send private message


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