Why go back to the Uk? Is Spain not cheap enough?

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29 May 2013 8:04 AM by Antonp Star rating in UK. 20 posts Send private message

ladies and Gentleman. The question was. Why go back to the UK? Is Spain not cheap enough.

Yes Spain is cheap enough. I think it is a great place. 

The reality is. If you are fit and well live in Spain. Don't forget to come back every 6 months to keep in touch with your doctor and refresh yourself with the NHS. Then when old age creeps up on you. You have had the best of both worlds. Simples

The problem with debate is the fifth amendment.



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29 May 2013 9:06 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Certainly the reality Anton is ,where I live in Spain , the NHS is far superior to that in UK.
So why return to UK for anything....simples.

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29 May 2013 9:09 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 Met GB - I have never been offensive to anyone on here, but I would ask you to look at your logic again.   You can only have been paying £6000 a year in NI (to cover pension and everything) unless you were an employer.  You say you have full pension, plus benefits plus (and this is the problem), private rental housing paid for by the state.   This could be worth a very substantial amount, and whatever you have paid will not come close to the amount.    

I do hope that your cancer treatment goes well, and if it helps you get through the day, do also believe that the questions raised have been because of resentment.  I assure you, in my case, and I believe in others, resentment is not the correct term.   It is a question of whether or not an individual has  integrity I think.

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29 May 2013 9:47 AM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

 Metgb has totally missed the point.  It is the boasting of being able to live better in UK on benefits than he would on benefits in Spain that is annoying people.  He totally misses the point that, had he worked in Spain and paid far less into the system, he would now be retired on a state pension over double what his income is now.  He says he can go to India for 3 months of the year.  ** EDITED - Inciting**  Now, I never earned a third of what he claims to have been receiving but I have retired to Spain before the OAP kicks in and have an income 3 times what he is getting. so the "few paltry euros" hardly applies.  Maybe a little more forethought in the good days would have avoided the cap in hand existence in the bad days.  And, no, I didn't scrimp and save in my younger days.  I have been around the world twice, have spent what I could afford on nice things and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  I didn't miss that automatic 10% in a savings account nor the 6% into my pension funds.  That the tax I pay in UK now partly goes to fund a profligate is more annoying than anything else.

And, breathe.......back to subject and ignore WUMs.


This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 29/05/2013.

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29 May 2013 10:54 AM by MetGB Star rating. 52 posts Send private message

As is usually the case some don't read the posts carefully.  I was an IT employer and the second point is I don't have to scrounge off son, he works for BA and automatically gets a relative free travel.  I take the point about living in a property nearly wholly paid for by the state but this is capped at £1,700 a month which I know is a good amount, but I chose to live in the same area I have lived in for many years near friends and family and excellent health care. And I get to live in a 3 bedroom property as well as a retiree.   I know for a fact with my present financial position the better place to live is here in the UK - FACT.  Beautiful area, lots of space and close to the village and good free range farm shop.  I do however miss certain foods in Spain ie langoustine and in India of course the portugese style of cooking.  But as they say, we can't have everything.  And how bad is it that some ex pats keep a footprint here and still use our health system when they don't even live here, talk about splitting hairs!

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29 May 2013 11:22 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

As is usually the case some don't read the posts carefully. I was an IT employer and the second point is I don't have to scrounge off son, he works for BA and automatically gets a relative free travel. I take the point about living in a property nearly wholly paid for by the state but this is capped at £1,700 a month which I know is a good amount, but I chose to live in the same area I have lived in for many years near friends and family and excellent health care. And I get to live in a 3 bedroom property as well as a retiree. I know for a fact with my present financial position the better place to live is here in the UK - FACT. Beautiful area, lots of space and close to the village and good free range farm shop. I do however miss certain foods in Spain ie langoustine and in India of course the portugese style of cooking. But as they say, we can't have everything. And how bad is it that some ex pats keep a footprint here and still use our health system when they don't even live here, talk about splitting hairs!

I dont think to many people didn't read your post carefully, you made it quite clear you earned over £180,000 pa...close to £3,500 per week and were basically pot less, skipped NI payments, had no savings, and very well of due to the benefits you get, now your letting us know your rent is capped at £392.00 per week for a three bedroom house, next you will be telling us you are the only person in this house as well.

It's a very wise and careful person who has kept  "A footprint here"  shame you were not so wise and careful as to foresee the fact that one day you too would be old and might need extra money and did more with this fabulous for many years over £180,000 pa,  but if indeed  your post is true...which i have no doubt isn't....then you fit in very well with what is now becoming the norm in England......"Stuff the system....let others who worked hard pay for me".


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29 May 2013 12:04 PM by MetGB Star rating. 52 posts Send private message

skipped NI payments!  ** EDITED - Against forum rules ** You DID not read my posts did you?  And yep all true and perfectly valid, legal and moral.  I wouldn't live in Spain all year round if someone paid me too as I am aware most Spanish people cannot abide the Brits and wouldn't be disappointed if you all decided to leave Spain.


This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 29/05/2013.

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29 May 2013 12:20 PM by Antonp Star rating in UK. 20 posts Send private message

From Anton,

** EDITED - Against forum rules ** I take nothing with me I buy it all when I get there and I love tipping. I try a different restaurant every day. When I am in the UK I have standards to maintain and an image to keep up. In Spain. Well I just enjoy myself and know body knows me. 

I have yet to have a McDonalds not exactly Spanish.




This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 29/05/2013.


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29 May 2013 12:45 PM by 1962 Star rating in Iznalloz. 181 posts Send private message

EOS, this post is not nice, should it be removed do you think?



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29 May 2013 12:56 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Against forum rules **
Quote " I am on a UK pension living in the UK on a pension with pension credits as I was SHORT some contributions, due to living in various other countries over the years " unquote.

MetGB If what you have written is true then as a former IT employer I do think you have been incredibly rash with what you have written in some of your postings but hopefully, for your sake, no-one from any Government agency knows about this site.

This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 29/05/2013.

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29 May 2013 2:25 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Against forum rules ** You DID not read my posts did you? And yep all true and perfectly valid, legal and moral. I wouldn't live in Spain all year round if someone paid me too as I am aware most Spanish people cannot abide the Brits and wouldn't be disappointed if you all decided to leave Spain.

Not much point in telling anyone you wouldn't live in Spain all year round even if someone paid you to,  because you wouldn't get paid any benefits in Spain...that's why your stuck in England.





This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 29/05/2013.

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29 May 2013 3:10 PM by MetGB Star rating. 52 posts Send private message

more yawns - flo do you really think I am mentally challenged?  I have actually committed no crime whatsoever.  I am out of here as you are all bullies plain and simple and the moderator should take a look imho.

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29 May 2013 3:53 PM by eos_moderators Star rating in España. 173 posts Send private message

eos_moderators´s avatar

 Come on, please stay on the topic, don't get personal and try to keep your calm while being respectful to each other at the same time.

We don't want to have to go back and remove all the posts... to and fro

so please stay on the topic.



EOS Moderators
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29 May 2013 4:19 PM by Antonp Star rating in UK. 20 posts Send private message

What was the topic


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31 May 2013 12:01 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

More bullying it seems.


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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31 May 2013 1:07 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 Why on earth reignite this when it has died down nicely!!

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05 Jun 2013 3:20 PM by lmjohn Star rating in S Wales & Piedra Ama.... 14 posts Send private message

lmjohn´s avatar

The first 5 pages of this thread was really interesting.then as usual it ends up in a slanging match.

Shame really


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