Why go back to the Uk? Is Spain not cheap enough?

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29 Sep 2012 12:08 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 What a good post Baboal - and I know what you mean about the tone of a lot of the threads.  I hardly post now and a lot of the regulars who used to be active have gone.  I am just always surprised at how quickly people make personal attacks on here. 


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29 Sep 2012 12:20 AM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 posts Send private message

But you class a post that attacks a nation in general ('grumpy Brits, etc.)  as a 'good post' - the mind boggles

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29 Sep 2012 12:50 AM by mac75 Star rating in Valencia. 415 posts Send private message

mac75´s avatar
REIDPJ please don't take it that way, I appreciate your contributio, I really do. But what I understood from you was that you think if people are bored in the UK the chances are they will be bored in Spain. But that doen't need to be if they come here for the right reasons. The post is not intended to attack anyone, it's a mere observation. Lets please not turn this into another one of those threads where people start to take offence , grumpy brits is hardly an attack on a nation, let's keep things within perspective. I was just curious as to why many Brits are wanting to move back particularly right now. Somehow I don't think it's boredom all of a sudden. I tend to think it's the negative atmosphere in the air, and they might be scared of whats around the corner.


A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.

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29 Sep 2012 3:19 AM by tillymint666 Star rating in Almeria. 10 posts Send private message

I know a lot of people who have either returned to the u.k. or are hoping to return because of health issues.  Unless you speak fluent spanish - medical problems can be made more stressful because you need to have a good command when dealing with doctors and hospitals.  I know - I've had more than my fair share - and I'm not fluent at all - but I'm fairly confident and willing to have a go - which makes any visits to hospital not so bad.  However, friends who have had major health issues have mostly returned to the u.k. - because they feel better dealing with english speaking medical people.  The medical care is good here - but they seem to feel that you should just put up with pain (back problems, hip and joint pain etc.) - because you are old - and you are less likely to get treatment for 'non life threatening' conditions.  There seem to be more medical support in the u.k. - health visitors etc. - so I think it's health issues that make folk want to go back.  It's certainly NOT the weather!!!!

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29 Sep 2012 6:06 AM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

I would also like to compliment Bobaol on his excellent posts. I was also particularly impressed to read that he can live very well on 1000E per month since I was banking on a much higher figure (perhaps because I currently live in one of the most expensive cities on earth !).

Regarding positive/negative comments about Spain, I see no harm putting it all out there so people can then make their own deductions. Granted there is occasionally an element of point scoring - personally everyone has been extremely helpful to me thus far & no one has been in any way offensive !



This message was last edited by Harry07 on 29/09/2012.

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29 Sep 2012 9:23 AM by midasgold Star rating in Mijas.. 93 posts Send private message

My cost of living is about 70% of that in the U.K.

Yes it is possible to live on 1000e ( 2 people ) and enjoy

a good lifestyle. A positive outlook to life also helps even here

in the sun.   My Rioja calls - bye.

If lucky, there is another day.

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29 Sep 2012 9:39 AM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 posts Send private message

Hi mac75

The point I was trying to make about boring lives is that moving to Spain isn't the great 'cure all' that some believe it is going to be (e.g. it won't fix a broken marriage; it won't turn introverts into extroverts; it won't turn a couch potato into an Olympian).  And that once these people realise this (by these people I mean some of those who return home, those who your OP asked about; not those who choose to remain in Spain, happy or not) they may decide that the 'Spanish dream' is not for them. 

Now, if you wish, I can lay out my life's timeline (I have lived in Bahrain, Kenya, Germany, Holland, Ireland, the USA, various places in the UK, and even Spain for 5 years), and list all the pros of living in the UK, along side all the cons of living in Spain (which I could do without 'having a go' at the Spanish); but that would have nothing to do with your OP - whether helpful to some or not.




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29 Sep 2012 10:25 AM by ketesh Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Having just moved back to the UK, I'd have to say that financially it is easier to live in the UK if you have kids. It cost me 600€ per year to send my kids to public school, that was just for books. By buying second hand uniform for school here, it cost me just 20£. I had to pay over 1000€ for one of my kids medical care which was not covered by seguridad social (like glasses) here I pay nothing. I had to pay 50€ every couple of weeks for my Crohns meds. Here, I pay less than 8£' We were paying nearly 200€ per month to Iberdrola, and we were still paying for gas for the heaters. Here we pay about 100£ for gas and electric. If we can't pay, in the UK they won't just cut you off. Iberdrola, well we all know what happens there. Children's clothing, my word, it is horrendously expensive in Spain in comparison to the UK. And finally, the thing that makes a huge difference to those of us working with children, wages. My husband gets paid double what he earned in Spain. The main reason things seem expensive in the UK is the fact that people get paid more, but in Spain, due to the crisis, were reduced to just 600€ per month. Our rent alone was 600, so you can see how hard life was. The reason the Indignatos are di indignant is that for a country where over a quarter of the population are living on around 400€ a month, things ARE really expensive. Not to mention that if you get into financial trouble which is common, people like Ibi just take your money in embargos. Often leaving you with an empty bank account and hungry mouths to feed.

We always said, if we were living off UK pensions in Spain and no kids, Spain would seem like a paradise.

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29 Sep 2012 10:44 AM by graeme13 Star rating. 33 posts Send private message


Good morning all,

I tried before coming to Spain to do as much research as possible. Watch countless "living the dream" programmes. As much as i enjoyed the positives from the programmes i paid attention to the negatives knowing it would not be plain sailing especially with a young family.

I certainly did not come here to "repair a marriage", did want to become a different person , we just wanted to try something different from our current lifestyle. In fact, none of the programmes i watched suggested they would do that.

To date(6 years on), i cant fault where we are, what we do, why we came, when we came and who we still are.

Nobody could have seen this economic crash but we have adapted in ways we didnt think we would or could.

 We did not come to earn more money but more lifestyle and i can say our lifestyle is better than we could ever of imagined. This is the 3rd country we are living in so i can say this with some conviction.


I never look back and compare its just that where we are is enjoyable, pleasant, fullfilling etc etc and dont regret it for 1 moment.


Have a great Saturday folks.




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29 Sep 2012 11:25 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 And thank you ReidPJ for demonstrating my point!!!!  It has become virtually impossible to post on here without drawing personal comments in response.   Boggle away!! 


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29 Sep 2012 11:33 AM by gerrryuk Star rating in Mezquitilla, near To.... 179 posts Send private message

gerrryuk´s avatar

 Brilliant Graeme, you are saying what I believe most of the foreigners are thinking.

Do unto others as you would want them to do to you. I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.

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29 Sep 2012 11:46 AM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 posts Send private message

I wouldn't argue against the content of Graeme's post, I'm happy that he's more than happy; I would only ask what it had to do with the OP.


This message was last edited by REIDPJ on 29/09/2012.

This message was last edited by REIDPJ on 29/09/2012.

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29 Sep 2012 12:03 PM by kathym Star rating in Oliva, Valencia. 22 posts Send private message

There is no comparison IMO.  I've lived in Spain for 9 years, and in France for 5 years before that.  France was lovely, but did get expensive!  I was widowed here in Spain over 5 years ago, but never considered returning to the UK.  In my case it's also true that I have many more friends here than in the UK, and I enjoy my lifestyle.  I can go out in the evening without running into lager louts, eat out when I want to, wander down to the beach.....

I don't have a large income, but I manage quite well.  It has become easier in recent monthswith the pound regaining some of its lost ground.  I know that there's no way I could afford the same lifestyle in the UK as I have here.

In my experience, the reason many people want to return to the UK is fear.  They beoieve everything they read in the British press about Spain - some rubbish about the government making plans to repatriate expats from Spain etc.  Many people make no attempt to learn the language.  I spoke French pretty fluently when I left France, and my Spanish is more than adequate now to deal with most situations, although many people speak Valenciano here!   My husband died here in Spain, and I couldn't fault the medical treatment he received - yes, I did have to stay in hospital with him to provide care, but that's what you'd want to do, isn't it?  Far better to do that that have to waste trained medical personnel's time providing that sort of care.

My complaint this summer is that the weather has been too hot so I couldn't get out and about as much as I wanted.





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29 Sep 2012 12:08 PM by k 5ive Star rating in Cambrils. 116 posts Send private message


Having just moved back to the UK, I'd have to say that financially it is easier to live in the UK if you have kids. It cost me 600€ per year to send my kids to public school, that was just for books. By buying second hand uniform for school here, it cost me just 20£. I had to pay over 1000€ for one of my kids medical care which was not covered by seguridad social (like glasses) here I pay nothing. I had to pay 50€ every couple of weeks for my Crohns meds. Here, I pay less than 8£' We were paying nearly 200€ per month to Iberdrola, and we were still paying for gas for the heaters. Here we pay about 100£ for gas and electric. If we can't pay, in the UK they won't just cut you off. Iberdrola, well we all know what happens there. Children's clothing, my word, it is horrendously expensive in Spain in comparison to the UK. And finally, the thing that makes a huge difference to those of us working with children, wages. My husband gets paid double what he earned in Spain. The main reason things seem expensive in the UK is the fact that people get paid more, but in Spain, due to the crisis, were reduced to just 600€ per month. Our rent alone was 600, so you can see how hard life was. The reason the Indignatos are di indignant is that for a country where over a quarter of the population are living on around 400€ a month, things ARE really expensive. Not to mention that if you get into financial trouble which is common, people like Ibi just take your money in embargos. Often leaving you with an empty bank account and hungry mouths to feed.

We always said, if we were living off UK pensions in Spain and no kids, Spain would seem like a paradise.

A bang on post! Fine if you are one of the happies living here on your pension and totally oblivious to real world eveyday life scenarios. However if like me you have kids and live do as you would have to in the UK, you are definitely worse off. Just look at how much it costs to send kids to school. I should know I have just had to send my twins to school for the first time. No expenses like that in the UK and prescriptions for kids are free as well. Gas and electric are ridiculous here no matter how careful you are. As for phones and mobiles well! It does not matter how much you dress it up for normal families it is far more expensive to live here.

As I always say to people, you cannot live off of cheap booze and sunshine alone.

England may be expensive for a few things but then you have much higher wages to compensate. I don't smoke and only drink a small quantity. Plenty of Lager offers in UK supermarkets anyway if you must drink. Life in england bring it on!

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29 Sep 2012 12:22 PM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 posts Send private message

And your comment, Roly2, is a shinning example of what you're complaining about

I suppose that I'm off your Christmas card list now...................

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29 Sep 2012 12:25 PM by graeme13 Star rating. 33 posts Send private message



 Hi ReidPJ


I can reply if you tell me what OP stands for?




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29 Sep 2012 12:26 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

The problem sometimes can be that often people move to other countries for various reasons, ie unhappy or grass is greener, and eventually they realise that wherever they live, they have taken themselves with them.  I believe that providing you have a roof over your head, food on the table and good health you live where your heart is happier.  And all the other niggles will generally disappear,   you make it work because you are living where you want to be.


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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29 Sep 2012 12:33 PM by REIDPJ Star rating. 239 posts Send private message

Hi Graeme

OP = Original Post/Poster.  It was asking about why people were leaving Spain, not why they were staying.  I know that the vast majority of people, who make the move, are very happy before and while they live in Spain (I, personally, have no problem with Spain - although I prefer to live in the UK, I visit Spain 8 or 9 times a year), but being happy is not a reason for leaving.



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29 Sep 2012 12:56 PM by damatt Star rating in South Wales/Algorfa. 78 posts Send private message

This is a question I have asked many times and can never get the answer I was expecting. Reading through the posts, we all come up with reasons why we think these people are wanting to go back to the UK, my feelings are they miss their friends and family who, when they first moved out came to visit them but the novilty has now worn off and some may even have lost touch or with the older ones, their friends may have died. Many I know do not intergrate even with those living close to them or as they do not speak even enough Spanish to say good morning to the Spanish or other nationalities.

A couple of points that have been raised I would comment on;

£1000 per month pension transferred to Spain was at 1.50 now 1.25 that makes a difference of €250 per month or €8 per day

There was a mention about transfers and costs, sorry what costs, if you shop around with the FX companies, there are a few who will do the monthly transfer for free - DO NOT use the Banks, just set up a standing order and do it automatically.

Suma, I pay €250 per year in Spain and £1800 in the UK

Water I pay €25 per month in Spain £40 per month in UK

Gas & Electricity is €70 per month in Spain £180 per month in UK, this summer the heating has hardly been off.

How many of those who moved to Spain STILL want the

english food, so pay high prices for a tin of beans with the blue lable

daily newspaper

Go out twice a week for a 3 course meal - would they do that in the UK, you would be lucky if they went out twice per year.

My feeling is that the true reason is they are homesick and are using the crisis as an excuse, but if they move back, will they still be able to afford to live the high life they had in Spain


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29 Sep 2012 1:07 PM by dustyjack Star rating in Near Gandia, Valenci.... 9 posts Send private message

We've been here in Spain for 19 years now, firstly in Andalucia and now in Valencia Province.  We have been quite happey here and have no complaints.  Well, maybe that, try as I may, I will never be fluent enough to speak easily to my Spanish neighbours.  I can be polite of course but it simply is not the same as being able to gossip over the fence I think.  And when you have medical problems it is important to be able to express yourself precisely to a Doctor or Nurse, not just in general terms.

We came here in the first place because we could afford a better lifestyle here than in the UK on one Pension.  However I shall be getting my Pension soon and also there wil be an inheritance and between them it will be possible to live quite well where we are thinking of in the UK. So, much as though I regret it, I think in the long run we will return.  But we might keep the house here, let it occasionally and live in it sometimes too. The main reason we might go back is that, if one of use becomes seriously ill - and it can happen as one gets older - we would prefer to be ill in our own language.

To anyone asking about the cost of living here I would say this:  If you live in a City it will be more expensive - just like it often is in the UK.  If you want to live in an Urbanisation where the other Brits live (it is easier in day-to-day living), that will cost you too - absolutely everything is more expensive.  There is an annual fee( I forget the name of it) for the upkeep of the grounds, communal areas, lifts etc) which can be quite high.  That is on top of your low local "rates".  But if you choose to live in a "proper" Spanish village where there are very few foreigners (as we do) life is quite cheap to live.  But facilities are more limited.  If you want a busy nightlife forget it.  Mind you we have 14 Bars/Restaurants here, although they are pretty basic.

Do your research first and bear in mind one thing - you ain't going to get any younger - although you might FEEL younger living here in Spain. :>)

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