Why go back to the Uk? Is Spain not cheap enough?

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30 Sep 2012 12:42 AM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

before i am corrected missed an "r" erroneous hahahahahahaha


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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30 Sep 2012 12:45 AM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

 Oh, for goodness sake.  Well done you for moving all the way to Surrey.  I'm sure you must be very proud for being so daring.  Perhaps you could start a thread on why Surrey is such a good place to live.  I'm sure it wouid be really rivetting.

Next week. watch my "Why I think LLandudno is a good place to move to", it would have as much relevance to the Eye on Spain people that yours have.

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30 Sep 2012 12:45 AM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

Came up twice for some reason.  Would hate to be accused of repeating myself like so many others do.


This message was last edited by mariedav on 30/09/2012.

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30 Sep 2012 12:55 AM by lucas423 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Wish i was joking about these gangs but police are posting letters through my families doors in Manchester warning about these new scams so get a grip on reality before your tuppence gets taken.

I have permenantley lived in spain for over 10 years without residency and have cars on U.K plates. You just pretend your on holiday all the time.

Get your gadjets,phones and golf clubs cheap from 'ebay china' and your white goods from 'ebay espana' which all come with a 2 year gaurantee.

Solar power is the way forward.

And if you moan all the time its probabley because you dont speak spanish and alienate yourself from society.

BENEFIT BRITAIN gives you money for sitting on your arses in you free houses.Thats why people go back in my opinion.

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30 Sep 2012 1:29 AM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1217 posts Send private message

 Thank you, kathym.  I was very interested about the pensioners you know who are now regretting the move back to Britain.  There is a couple just up the road from us who have moved back from Callahonda (not sure if that is the right spelling or even where it is) who are now regretting the move back.  They find it virtually impossible to book an appointment with the local GP.  They have to phone at 8 in the morning and, when they eventually get through, find that all the appointments are gone.  My Mum, now 86 and living in Lincolnshire. says she has to walk to the surgery at 8 and join the queue to get an appontment, go home again and walk back for 11 or whatever and then sit there for hours waiting for the doctor.  I went to our surgery in Spain with a temporary card and they gave me an appointment withing 20 minutes.  It was only an ear infection but I was really impressed with the service.  The coupl also told me that they were now having to go to the "social" (whatever that means) to prove that they are actually in need and do live in Britain. They are left feeling that they are scroungers in their own country and a burden on society.  

Anyway, that is all a bit gloomy. Now something to depress you even more.  We went to our local "hostelry" last night.  A pub just up the road.  I had a large glass of wine (and I must admit it was large, about a third of a bottle) and hubby had a pint of the local bitter.  It actually cost £7.;85.  Seven pounds and eighty five pee for two drinks!  This was a Friday night and there couldn't have been more than five people in the pub at any one time.  Mind you, my son in law thought this was quite reasonable as he reckons it would have cost nearer a tenner where he works in Central London!  

Our next visit to Spain will be in November (gosh, that seems a long time away) but only for a couple of weks this time.  We will, unfortunately, be flying instead of bringing the car on the ferry so will have to hire for a couple of weeks.  That means we can't stock up the car with the 1eruo 60 bottles of Rioja, the pint cans of Amsel at 50 cents, the Serrano ham at 13 euros a kilo (£3.99 for 5 small slices in Asda) or the packs of alioli.  Never mind, I'm sure my nice house in Surrey wonl't be broken into whilst we are away as it has done once before (plus the garage (twice) and the garden shed 3 times. 





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30 Sep 2012 9:31 AM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

If you can live well in Spain on 1000E per month (as several people here have suggested) - then its a great proposition.

Costs 4 times that where we currently live & the culture, scenary, sunshine & food are no match compared to Spain !!



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30 Sep 2012 9:39 AM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

In terms of comparing the relative advantages of the two countries, although one naturally draws upon one's own experience when forming an opinion, this does not mean this can be generalised into a universal truth.

Taking the example of the GPs' surgery: in the UK  where we live we also have the annoying system of having to ring constantly from 8am and then possibly not getting an appointment; but when my Spanish neighbour in our village in Spain goes to the GP, she has to stand around for hours as there is no appointment system.  At least once she had to wait from 8am till 2pm, together with other villagers and the doctor didn't come at all, as he was dealing with an emergency in another village.   The doctor himself is so rude that many people won't go at all, but go to the hospital instead.  And I know there are also GPs' surgeries in the UK with this 'waiting around' system and also with doctors who are not the best.  I don't think this is a Spain-UK difference.

In terms of thefts and burglaries, my own experience is that I have been stolen from in Spain time and time again, but only rarely in the UK, if we're talking about palpable things (as opposed to white collar crime); because so much of the life in Spain is outdoors I think it is easier for people to steal things from your garden, your shed and so on.  On the other hand, I know burglaries and thefts go on everywhere and obviously there are blackspots in the UK and Spain.   I know of people who have been burgled in both countries, but I couldn't draw any conclusion from that.  To make an assessment of this, one would have to look at the crime statistics for each country and then decide which country is the worst.  So, really, we're just talking about individuals' perceptions and impressions, which is fair enough, but that's all they are.

Regarding the price of alcohol, there is no argument.  I'll go with my 1 euro glass of wine any day, instead of the £5 (more or less) one that we can pay in restaurants and pubs in the UK.

And by the way, regarding 'Calahonda' - there are a few places with this name, these dotted about and the two words together mean 'deep bay.'  Let this be a warning as we could have drowned with our kids paddling in the sea years ago, as not thinking twice about the meaning of the words, we didn't realise there was a kind of shelf not far from the shoreline, with a massive drop.


My account of moving to Spain.  http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/olives.aspx"><img


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30 Sep 2012 10:35 AM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

pmsl here,  I didn't move to Surrey have been here for years, and was merely attempting to inform you.  I think that large glass of plonk must have left you with a come down, hence so acerbic.  


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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30 Sep 2012 11:09 AM by wend691 Star rating in Lincoln & Rojales (C.... 178 posts Send private message

Lucas423 - how can you live in Spain for 10 years without residency? From a legal perspective, shouldn't you apply / hold a Residencia if you live in Spain for more than 183 days per year and shouldn't the car be imported / registered / have Spanish plates in Spain after you have been residing in Spain for 6 months+?

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30 Sep 2012 11:38 AM by k 5ive Star rating in Cambrils. 116 posts Send private message


Which brings me back to the roaming Romanies. what a load of rubbish!

Who said anything about Romanies, I said eastern Europe that does cover a massive cross section of countries. A sweeping statement on you part  indeed and one without foundation!

My wife's cousins are twins. One is a Local Guardia and the other is the mossos de squadra's answer to CSI. Information reaches them reliably and they are indeed rife around here. They are constantly informing of the criminals latest tactics. Maybe everything is OK in your litle bubble, well good but do not presume to know what is going on everywhere! They don't put several locks on massive security doors and bars on windows in Spain for nothing!

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30 Sep 2012 11:51 AM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

My sentiments exactly k 4ive.  I haven't seen any areas in the south of England with properties adorned in this manner.  Neightbourhood watch works well here.  I have spent much time in Spain over the last 40 years and realise I am not aware if that scheme operates in Spain as well.  It works very well here I have to say.  Which will come in handy if those gangs descend on us lol.


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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30 Sep 2012 11:59 AM by k 5ive Star rating in Cambrils. 116 posts Send private message

I am quite well involved in the local community and such a thing does not exist it would seem over here. Although I do only comment for this area and would not like to make such sweeping statements as other have done on the rest of Spain!

BTW I live on the top floor and have a door a bank would be proud of. I have never in my life had to do such a thing in any part of the UK I have lived in.

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30 Sep 2012 12:05 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

k 5ive, do you have a panic room as well just in case hahahahahahah


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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30 Sep 2012 12:24 PM by k 5ive Star rating in Cambrils. 116 posts Send private message

Not yet lol! Although if anything bad happens in the world we will get ourselves to my father in laws house, he is fastidious about security!

As for the original question of is Spain not cheap enough? Well the thousands of people protesting in Madrid currently don't seem to think so! ;-)

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30 Sep 2012 1:00 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

I have to say I agree with them, Spain has a way to go yet.  As do many other european countries.  I have Spanish friends who cannot afford to buy in their own country, which is so sad for them.


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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30 Sep 2012 1:31 PM by MetGB Star rating. 52 posts Send private message

Wow is there no end to the trolls on here.  Marie you come on all sweetness and light, and like a flash

"Oh, for goodness sake.  Well done you for moving all the way to Surrey.  I'm sure you must be very proud for being so daring.  Perhaps you could start a thread on why Surrey is such a good place to live.  I'm sure it wouid be really rivetting.

Next week. watch my "Why I think LLandudno is a good place to move to", it would have as much relevance to the Eye on Spain people that yours have."

Is there really any need for this?   Someone is merely pointing out there are some safe places to live, even though it is in UK.  We often share opinions on Spain and UK here and Foxi has, apart from being friendly been very helpful with some legal aspects as well.

Please stop this nasty attitude, and perhaps as has already been suggested cut down on the vino and the depression it obviously causes.

Now let's get back to civilised chat!


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30 Sep 2012 1:41 PM by sox Star rating. 81 posts Send private message


If you only have negativity towards Spain then why are you on this forum ?

Do you enjoy being so full of doom and gloom, I amongst others love Spain and enjoy reading all sorts of topics on events in Spain and love spending as much time as possible in Spain, but am getting shocked at people making derogatory comments about Spain whilst sitting in Surrey, Middlesex, Scotland or wherever, can you try to be positive for a while and leave this forum to people who love Spain.


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30 Sep 2012 1:47 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

errm excuse me, i dont think you have read my posts.  I have never said anything derogatory or otherwise about Spain, in fact if you read my posts I have always been positive about Spain, in fact have lived in Spain!  And I love Spain which has always been evident from my posts.  So please do not question my validity regarding being on this forum, I have every right to be here and even if I had been negative, which I have NOT, then that is my right.  So please I would be grateful if you would confine your nastiness to personal contact in the real world and not in here.  And stop trolling.  Thank you


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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30 Sep 2012 1:48 PM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

All "objective" comments about Spain can be helpful.

Readers are free to make their own deductions.


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30 Sep 2012 1:51 PM by k 5ive Star rating in Cambrils. 116 posts Send private message


If you only have negativity towards Spain then why are you on this forum ?


This is a forum for different peoples experiences is it not? I post from my own particular experiences be it negative or positive, as I am entitled to do as long as I do not offend anyone. That is what a forum is for.

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