Why go back to the Uk? Is Spain not cheap enough?

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03 Oct 2012 4:23 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

Hiya John i promise it wasn't really bad hahahahahahaha.  I just felt I was being personally attacked and was having a bad day here with my son and so lashed out! 

I actually referred to my photo being genuine and I have others post cancer to back this up, which I can post and the fact that one person on this site has met me!  As you know I had a nose cancer which has left obvious defects but I am still recognisable as per my photo pre cancer.  But my post was edited.  So I guess this one will be also.  Let's see eh?  Oh yes I did refer to a certain persons lack of intelligence, maybe that's what got my post edited.  I don't have tourettes but constantly feel I have altzheimers, must be getting old.




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03 Oct 2012 4:53 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 just to clear one thing up,i never asked for any post to be removed,never had,never will do.

I never even read the removed thread just presumed it was profanity or abusive.

This reminds me of the playground at school...i have been posting on here for years giving advice....

No more,its boring watching people bicker like 6 year olds.

My business is my business,end of.

www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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03 Oct 2012 5:06 PM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

Foxi, Camposol, John, MetGB etc

Why bother ???????



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03 Oct 2012 5:08 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 my sentiments exactly....why?

www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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03 Oct 2012 5:13 PM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

The question was posed in a different context - sorry  !!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Hint: "Inability"

This message was last edited by Harry07 on 03/10/2012.

This message was last edited by Harry07 on 03/10/2012.

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03 Oct 2012 8:48 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

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Have been using this site for about seven years - and don't need to defend Georgia as he is well able to look after himself - but some new members on EOS just really are so very ignorant!  Probably the reason why so many of us don't bother posting on here any more!

Yes, Georgia, agree with you - load of kids in a school playground!  

And just to keep to the thread - won't ever move back to the UK as haven't lived there for nearly three decades!   And just in case some of you new members didn't realise, it's not only British expats who live in Spain!!!  There are alot of other countries that people can return to and we are not all pensioners!!!!!

Let the slating begin!!!!!!! 



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03 Oct 2012 9:01 PM by MetGB Star rating. 52 posts Send private message

Seems to me from observation, that the most ignorant and biggest kid in the playground has been georgia.  Kids and gambling are illegal!

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03 Oct 2012 9:09 PM by wend691 Star rating in Lincoln & Rojales (C.... 178 posts Send private message

Ive been reading this thread with some interest, surprise and frustration. There's been a few times that I've started drafting out a reply then thought against it ....

No slating from me Pitby (nice to see you are still around - your contributions to EOS have been missed) ... I agree with you and Georgia.

Why should Georgia have to explain his business on here? That's a discussion purely between himself / his employees and those people who are seeking to place their properties on the market through his business.

The original poster was posing the question about why would people go back to the UK etc etc ....

I'm sure there are plenty of people who are interested in reading the viewpoints of people who live in Spain and are contemplating a return to UK (and the reasons) or alternatively, intend to stay in Spain. This could be a really informative and useful thread if people followed the theme (especially so given that there have been quite a few people recently who have been asking questions about where to move to in Spain, jobs etc!)

Come on guys, lets get back on track with this thread please

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03 Oct 2012 11:02 PM by mac75 Star rating in Valencia. 415 posts Send private message

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 wend691  I was just about to ask the same thing. I'm fairly new to the site and it appears from many veterans on the site that there was once a time when posts weren't offensive! It would be great to see that come back. I started to loose interest as some started writing about what ever came to mind. When I posted this thread I was and still am interested in knowing peoples reasons for wanting to go back to the UK as I am sure it will also help people who are thinking of coming to Spain. But recently the thread went completely of tracks and at moments even got very heated. It would be great of we can get this thread back on track as it has created a lot of interest, while at the same time avoiding rude and non relevant posts as the only thing we achieve with that is that people with valid opinions stop sharing them and at the end of the day it's all about that, isn't it? Sharing opinions. Any way, It would be much appreciated. Thanks to all :)


A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.

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03 Oct 2012 11:35 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Apart from the comment about Tourettes, I don't know what Georgia is supposed to have said that wasn't appropriate.  And it is very, very tempting to have a little dig back when suddenly you're ganged up on like Georgia has been.  As has been said by others, Georgia can charge whatever she wants for whatever service she provides.  Where's the problem?  If anyone doesn't like it, no-one is holding a gun to their head and making them buy a house from her.  I hate all this ganging up, hounding and scapegoating; it's so easy and so cowardly to do.  Leave her alone.  She's obviously very decent and very willing to give a large amount to charity (if anyone would accept her bet) and you can't fault that.  She's being accused of some kind of greed, but I can't see anyone else offering to put their hands in their pockets and do something good with their money.

Of course, this is the usual distraction that happens on so many threads.  I suppose it's entertaining for those of us who pop in and have a little read - there's a bit of Schadenfreude involved watching other people sparring, but it can get ugly.  Mac asked a legitimate question, and I suggest that if people have any more to say on it, they try to address his question. 

So, back to the question.  Personally, I don't think economics are always the main factor in a decision to return and, as others have said, it is often just a kind of homesickness, need to be close to the family etc. that drives the return to the UK.   I mentioned earlier in this thread or another (I can't remember where I said it), that someone else had made living in Spain sound like an endurance test, and they suggested that those were my words and not theirs.  They had a point.  I think that subconsciously it was an endurance test for me staying in Spain for over five years.  I had my reasons for giving it a good shot, but in the end maybe it comes down to personality, whether you can ever feel you belong in another country and culture. 

Of course I do have the major advantage of coming from Wales (!).  English people living in Spain said to me so many times that Britain had 'gone to the dogs' (to my mind there was always a hint of racism in that statement), but we never felt that way about Wales; we didn't feel we had left because we hated our own country, but more-or-less had moved to Spain just for the weather, despite also loving our own country.  And the time came when the weather was not enough.  We still enjoy visiting Spain regularly and have many friends in our village.  We have finished our latest project which was a trial and has convinced us never to invest in Spain again, because of the infuriating and Kafkaesque bureaucracy.  In the future we will try to see Spain purely as a place to go on holiday and stay in our lovely house in our lovely village.  And then we will come back to our lovely country, Wales.  Tamara has spoken about what people consider to be 'home,' and for us I think it was always Wales, despite assuming when we moved to Spain initially that we would stay there for ever. 


My account of moving to Spain.  http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/olives.aspx"><img


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04 Oct 2012 11:04 AM by 1962 Star rating in Iznalloz. 181 posts Send private message

Hi eggcup,

The problem with a lot of the posts that do get personal causing the original thread to get lost is because other posters get incensed and have to get into a heated discussion. Like yourself others have tried to reprimand and it does not work. The best way is just to ignore the taunts and keep to the original thread with an informative answer. people do not like to be dictated to and I have found a couple of your posts make you sound like a schoolteacher reprimanding children. This is an observation not an attack. Also I have not a clue what the word Scadenfreude or Kafkaesque means as I am sure a lot of other posters don 't know either.



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04 Oct 2012 1:14 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Schadenfreude is a German word, and it means 'taking pleasure in another person's misery.'

Kafkaesque refers to the Czech writer Franz Kafka - for me an example of Kafkaesque occurred to me personally, once when my husband and I drove across a bridge in Southern Germany, without realising we were leaving Germany and entering Switzerland.  The Swiss guard was very nice when we said that we didn't have our passports on us and said to turn back and try again the next day with our passports.  It was then we realised we had a problem; driving back across the bridge we came across the German guard who also refused us entry, as we did not have our passports.  He insisted on speaking to my husband who kept saying he didn't speak German, whilst I tried to explain to him in German what had just happened.  He just kept refusing to let us in.  'Okay,' I said in German, 'we'll just stay on this bridge forever.'  Kafka wrote about bureacracy not making any sense and I have found that often to be the case with the illogical demands made in Spain for the piece of paper that is always missing (when you get it, there is yet another piece missing).  Other people may be able to explain this better, but for me Kafkaesque therefore means a quite surreal and illogical experience.

In terms of me sometimes seeming like a schoolteacher, I can't really win.  If I explain things I can sound like a teacher or can seem patronising and if I don't sometimes people may not understand me.  I'd rather risk sounding patronising on the whole.  What I won't do is dumb myself down. 


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04 Oct 2012 1:41 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

eggcup, your German story is hilarious! Keep posting, if people don't understand they can always go a googling or ask !!



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04 Oct 2012 1:58 PM by Foxilady Star rating in surrey. 277 posts Send private message

Foxilady´s avatar

yes 1962 a lot of posters do get personal referring to my "tourettes" ** EDITED - Against forum rules **


This message was last edited by EOS Team on 04/10/2012.


If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey

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04 Oct 2012 3:42 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Thanks for the support, Poppyseed.  Once more, I tried to get things back onto the subject in hand, but instead was informed that my manner might not be conducive.  Well, compared to a lot of people, at least it's civilised.  I thought people might pick up on the elusive issue of what constitutes homesickness that I mentioned.  Incidentally, I like the German word for that too 'Heimweh.'  Literally, 'home pain/hurt.'  Maybe some people don't feel it so much.  I certainly came across some 'rootless' people during my years in Spain and they were the type to say that they didn't feel homesick, but then that's because they had nowhere to belong to.  It takes an extremely high level of fluency in the language to feel at home in a foreign culture.  They say we and the Americans are divided by a common language, so how much harder it must be for a British person to feel at home in Spain (and I'm not talking about feeling at home on an urbanisation full of other expats).

In our village, Spanish people who originally came from a town maybe 10 miles away were seen as outsiders.  Only people whose families had lived in the village for generations were truly deemed to belong.  We have been very accepted, not least because our children went to the local school, we and the children have made great friends there, we bought property there, we employ local people when we need work done, we're regulars at the bar (?!) and so on.  But we would always have been different and outsiders to some extent, even if we'd stayed there for the rest of our lives and maybe that is not enough for some of us.  Again, maybe that's why people return to the UK (back to the theme again).


My account of moving to Spain.  http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/olives.aspx"><img


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04 Oct 2012 11:37 PM by mac75 Star rating in Valencia. 415 posts Send private message

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 Eggcup, your comment on "the type to say that they didn't feel homesick, but then that's because they had nowhere to belong to" is exactly my case. I moved around so much as a child from town to town and school to school, that I never felt I belonged to anywhere in particular. I've been  in Valencia for more time than I have ever spent in one place in the UK. To be honest the only things I really miss still are flavoured crisps and lucozade! Now and again they have some, but a very small selction, in a shop in liria 30km away, but apart from that Valecnia is very badly off for UK products. I'm just thinking of those Salt and Vinegar Squares! Forget about homesickness, I'm getting "crisp-sickness" now! :)


A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.

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05 Oct 2012 10:01 AM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

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Eggcup - you can't leave that brilliant story unfinished!!! How did you get off the bridge? Or are you in fact still there, posting away, sharing a flask that the nice Swiss guard brings you???

By the way, l think Georgia is a man but i'm not 100% sure. S/he talked about a wife, but fortunately these days that's not proof one way or the other, though there's a higher percentage chance that he's a chap.

Back on point, yes l'm still exploring these issues of home and roots etc. I've met a few people who seem successfully to have put down genuine roots in two countries. But l feel one needs to spend real time in both to keep that going, not just living in the UK and having a holiday home in Spain. Fundamentally, if one's Spanish neighbours perceive that someone is just "holidaying" in Spain, then it's probably not "home". It's very important to me to have enough fluency in the language to understand what is going well or badly for my neighbours - to be able to sympathise or celebrate a harvest, a political event, a new law etc. And to do that we need e language.

So as for returning, l'm FAR too new to be thinking about leaving, but if l ever do it won't be due to prices in Spain. I certainly find life much cheaper, including gas and electricity and internet. As you say Eggcuo, it would be due to homesickness (ehich l am trying to avoid by going back for a couple of weeks every couple of months for the time being) or perhaps health.

Who knows what the future will hold? But for now - each month l find more to delight me and nothing to say l've done the wrong thing.


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía. http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/tamara.aspx

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05 Oct 2012 11:06 AM by 1962 Star rating in Iznalloz. 181 posts Send private message

Getting back to the original thread, "Why go back to the UK? Is spain not cheap enough?"

There must be a thousand different reasons for people returning to the countries from which they came. I am sure that the credit crisis is the predominant factor regarding this. But it is a world wide problem.  My daughter has lived and worked in the USA for over 20 years and is lucky to have an excellent job, and her husband has his own business. She lives in Arizona which for years has been popular with people from colder parts of America owning holiday homes for the summer (they are nicknamed snowbirds)  but because of the downturn in finances many of them can no longer afford these homes and similar to here there are thousands of bank owned properties.  I was over there last year and could not believe how food shopping costs had escalated also. If you are talking about people who have lived in spain as opposed to people who own holiday homes, again there are lots of different reasons e.g. where you live, your private finances, have you started a business that has failed? (there are lots of them) The beaurocracy, fallen on hard times and there is no way out etc. etc. I now live in a village and the living costs are so much cheaper than living on the coast (where we lived from 2008 - 2010) Every 6 months we had to pay over 600euros community fee for the upkeep of the community we lived in. This was without utility and council bills,  we had paid in full for our apartment and it was still costing us over 100euros a month to live there admittedly we had the use of a swimming pool whenever we chose but in the summer it was mainly taken over by noisy holidaymakers. We never considered it our home and made the decision to sell and move inland. The life here is so different and if you like nightlife (unless it is barking dogs) forget it but council bills are so much cheaper and no community fees. If we want to swim there is a lovely pool in the village at a cost of 3euros per person per day or 30euros per month one off payment. What I do find dearer in Spain is furniture and white goods, car insurance, and house insurance. We have also found that some local tradesmen will give extortionate quotes for jobs that need doing (I know that happens anywhere) and these builders have lost out to us because of their greed. My village is fully Spanish speaking only, there are not many of us expats here about 8 couples altogether, there were more apparantely before we came and left for different reasons failed businesses, affairs between couples so split up and went separate ways. (yes it's true). 4 evenings a week there are spanish lessons all free at the local college, and there is train and bus transport, Granada being only 25 mins. by car where you can find Lidyl, Al campo, (huge store) Aldi, Carrefour, Media Mart (Huge electrical store) Brico Depot, and Aki also. We as a village are directly off a motorway so not isolated, but for anyone thinking of moving to a village it is not everybody's cup of tea. I also like the fact you can get fresh fruit and veg all year round at good prices and everything is sold by the kilo so more for your money. Also it's possible to get clothes reasonably cheap, and good quality if you shop around. When we lived on the coast we used to go to "La Canada" (big shopping centre) where they had opened a Marks and Spencer but could not believe the prices they were charging so never bought there, I found Dunnes Stores in Feungirola cheaper and better choice.





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05 Oct 2012 11:07 AM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

"each month l find more to delight me and nothing to say l've done the wrong thing."

Thats nice to hear Tamara !


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05 Oct 2012 3:28 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

Well, Tamara, I never mentioned leaving the bridge...


My account of moving to Spain.  http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/olives.aspx"><img


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