The Best & Worst of Spain

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16 Oct 2012 12:14 PM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

What are the three best things & the three worst things about living in Spain (in priority order) ??



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16 Oct 2012 11:42 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar


1.  The weather.  Sorry, but it is a great factor.  As mentioned before, my wife suffers (suffered) from arthritis and so on.  Absolutely brilliant here and we both feel healthier.  In UK at the moment, people are scraping ice off cars, have had the central heating for ages and have to put on coats to go out.  We are still in shorts, eating outside and looking for shade.

2.  The food.  Regardless of those who have a downer on stuff you can't get, we find that absolutely everything is now available.  It tastes better, is far fresher and much cheaper than UK.  Restaurants of every type are abundant, great quality and affordable.

3.  The pace of life.  It is great.  No rushing around, no being barged in shops, no hurry to do anything at all.  The only thing that is rushed is the service.  You can go into a furniture shop at 10 in the morning, buy something and it will be delivered that afternoon.  UK furniture shops and you will get the "it might be available in 6 to 8 weeks" or whatever.  


1.  Whinging expats (mainly from UK).  They didn't do their homework, something has happened to put them off, they will constantly moan that "it's not like UK" but that's the real reason we moved here.  They call you "sanctimonious" without even knowing what the word mean.  Or "head in the sand" without realising that some people actually like it here and find it a vast improvement on life in other countries. If they don't like it here, please go home (but then they realise that they couldn't actually afford it because it costs so much in UK, house prices are too high (even though they have come down) but would never admit that they stay because it is so cheap).

2.  Whinging expats (mainly from UK).  No, it's not a repeat.  Communities can be spoiled simply because expats (mainly from UK) want, want, want without give, give, give.  They want everything done for them just like it is in UK without being prepared to give anything back.  We have a big influx of people during the summer and people leave bags of rubbish around.  I, being a good person, pick them up and put them in the bin.  Others simply moan about the people who leave their rubbish around.  How long would it take to actually put it in the bin?  No, much easier to simply moan about it.

3.  OK, not expats this time.  Red tape, or the interpretation of rules.  You can ask a question and get 10 different answers (OK, so it may be back to expats again).  One town hall will tell you that you need something (like residency) before you get padron but another will tell you it's the other way around.  One town hall makes you wait hours to get a bit of paperwork whilst another will give it to you straight away.  It's just the not knowing that is confusing.  (Mind you, post a question on an expat chat site and see the dozens of different answers you get, witness the driving license thread on here.)  Again, if we from the UK had an ID card  (like the rest of Europe) we could get things done, we could have one form of ID for shops, garages etc.  This didn't happen because, again, whinging expats fought against it by saying "we don't have them in UK so we shouldn't need them in another EU country!"  So we have to carry passports (which the expats whinge about) and then complain that we have to prove our identity (which no other European country has any problem with, just us).  

What do  I miss?  Absolutely nothing.  What would I like to change?  Whinging Brits! (But I guess you already figured that out.)


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17 Oct 2012 4:03 AM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

Great stuff Bobaol !!!!

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17 Oct 2012 12:33 PM by bbbreakfast Star rating in Bristol and Playa Fl.... 56 posts Send private message

bbbreakfast´s avatar

+1 Bobaol.


I have owned a property for 2 years in a mostly Spanish Urb, and the main differences I find are the way the Spanish and ex-pats approach life's trials and tribulations.


Dirty swimming pool;  Spanish complain to Administrator        Ex Pats Whinge and moan to each other

Red Day;   Spanish spend the day with family and friends        Ex Pats; Whinge and moan because the shops are closed.

Town hall; Spanish employ someone to sort paperwork           Ex Pats;;  Whinge and complain it is not like this in the UK 

Summary it is SPAIN get over it if you do not like the situation as it is for you LEAVE and go back to UK.Simples

I love Spain and the Spanish way of life and enjoy every second I spend in my second home.





Slanche James

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17 Oct 2012 12:58 PM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

Hi Bobaol & James,

Found your views interesting as someone who has not lived in Spain for any extended time !!

In your experience, is this primarily related to UK expats or does it apply equally to say Germans, Danes, Irish etc ??




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17 Oct 2012 3:00 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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1. raisng children with greater family values,freedom to grow up without fear and a greater quality of life.

3.being able to dive into a swimming pool after a hard days work.



1.Having to shop in the supermarket in the summer whilst some overweight Brit in speedos socks and sandles brushes his sweaty body against you in the queue whilst shouting at the girl on the till repeatedly "i want a bag,BAG,BAG,I WANT A BAG!!!" knowing full well she only speaks Spanish.

2 The phrase "it wouldn't happen in the UK" all people caught using this phrase should be given a compass pointing due North with instructions to follow their nose until they hear Polish being spoken en masse.

3.explaining to your kids who have been raised in Spain that whilst using Ryan air to go to the UK everyone stands up really early and rushes and pushes to the front and try to block you out, when they announce after 30 minutes of sitting watching the stampede that "parents with young children and the elderly or infirm" can try and break through the wall of bodies to board first,much to the disgust of the herd.

probably have a few more on either side but those spring to mind at the moment.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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17 Oct 2012 3:00 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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1. raisng children with greater family values,freedom to grow up without fear and a greater quality of life.

3.being able to dive into a swimming pool after a hard days work.



1.Having to shop in the supermarket in the summer whilst some overweight Brit in speedos socks and sandles brushes his sweaty body against you in the queue whilst shouting at the girl on the till repeatedly "i want a bag,BAG,BAG,I WANT A BAG!!!" knowing full well she only speaks Spanish.

2 The phrase "it wouldn't happen in the UK" all people caught using this phrase should be given a compass pointing due North with instructions to follow their nose until they hear Polish being spoken en masse.

3.explaining to your kids who have been raised in Spain that whilst using Ryan air to go to the UK everyone stands up really early and rushes and pushes to the front and try to block you out, when they announce after 30 minutes of sitting watching the stampede that "parents with young children and the elderly or infirm" can try and break through the wall of bodies to board first,much to the disgust of the herd.

probably have a few more on either side but those spring to mind at the moment.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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17 Oct 2012 3:28 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

bbbreakfast- I think people feel differently living here permanently, rather than a holiday home.I liked the bit about Spanish employing someone to do the paperwork - it's a nightmare, so Brits are entitled to moan. I hate it when these smugs say"if you don't like it, go back to UK" As a tax paying, Spanish speaking resident of 11 years, not a "guest" in Spain, I will not put up with bad service, rudeness, injustice from anyone of any nationality . Some will do the familiar shrug and say resignedly "this is Spain", but If I feel I deserve better I will say so and not consider it wingeing. On another post, I read that someone felt he was integrated, and a local, when a Spanish elerly person smacked his son round the head for some minor wrongdoing. Far from feeling integrated, I would feel enraged and that person would be explaining his/herself to the police. Just becuse it's Spain it's not automatically good.

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17 Oct 2012 3:38 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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  I would feel enraged and that person would be explaining his/herself to the police.


This happens in my village all the while..the same as it used to happen in the UK,even the police and teachers could smack you around the head...i tell you something though,you had a greater respect for all elders.

This was the 70's and 80's though.

I am amazed you find this strange,if you lived in a spanish village you wouldnt i dont think?!

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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17 Oct 2012 5:28 PM by bbbreakfast Star rating in Bristol and Playa Fl.... 56 posts Send private message

bbbreakfast´s avatar


I value your opinion as a resident of long standing however I feel you are being a little patronising to my post.

I may not be a full time resident but spend approx 4months a year in my Spanish home and converse and try to integrate as much as possible with the Spanish way of life.

My opinions are based on what I have seen during the last ten years traveling in Spain before deciding to buy in Costa Blanca.

I was not being judgemental just  observant of behaviour I witness with ex-pats where I live.

And in response to Harry07 you find rude and ignorant  people of all nationalities NOT just in Spain.

I admire the Spanish family values which sadly have slipped in the Uk over the last 20 years and there are many reasons for my veiw on this which I prefer to hold council on. 

I understand your thoughts but there is a difference with complaining about poor treatment of any kind and castigating Spain.



This message was last edited by bbbreakfast on 17/10/2012.

This message was last edited by bbbreakfast on 17/10/2012.

Slanche James

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20 Oct 2012 6:11 AM by dorisjmay Star rating. 15 posts Send private message

 Well said bobaol!! I would add one "worst" after being here for 10 years:

Expats (sorry) who come to Spain to make money, provide second rate services and then dodge taxes - not even registering their business interests, they do not respect Spanish law, get away with as much as they can and do not see a need to learn Spanish. There is, more often than not, a much better and cheaper service available from the Spanish.

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20 Oct 2012 6:23 AM by kernaghan Star rating. 20 posts Send private message


1. Weather

2. Affordable

3.Fresh food


1. Miss the family

2. Reading warnings on here that scare the crap out of me

3. Whinging expats

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20 Oct 2012 7:44 AM by ob123 Star rating in Southern Ireland. 191 posts Send private message

Pros..... 1. Good Weather

                2. Cheap fruit and veg

                3. Beautifull walks.

Cons.......1. Bumps on the road just hate them

                 2. Miss family and friends

                 3. I hate the Chinese Shops to many of them...



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20 Oct 2012 8:52 AM by fincaantas Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

the siesta---2 bites of the day

good climate

the majority of Spaniards


a few local ignorant spaniards

the ancient beaurocracy

baeking dogs

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20 Oct 2012 9:20 AM by aimejorar Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Best: most Spanish are warm, friendly and it's easy to have conversations with strangers, if you take the trouble to learn the language.
The climate
Cheap and abundant food, particularly fish, and cheap and friendly restaurants.

Worst: the bureaucracy
The allegedly endemic corruption
Carelessness with the environment, whether it be litter, pollution or constantly barking dogs

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20 Oct 2012 10:18 AM by graeme13 Star rating. 33 posts Send private message, people , food ...etc etc etc

Worst....sorry...but cant think of anything



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20 Oct 2012 10:50 AM by fyfin Star rating in Turre Almeria. 54 posts Send private message

fyfin´s avatar

Well said Bobaol - I couldn't have put it better myself.

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20 Oct 2012 11:27 AM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message



"So we have to carry passports "

I've never carried a passport. I used to carry a certified (by the ayuntamiemto) copy of the picture page but have not needed this since we have had the new driving licences.

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20 Oct 2012 11:50 AM by midasgold Star rating in Mijas.. 93 posts Send private message

PRO (1) Great climate with quality Rioja.

           Layed back lifestyle.

            At least 25% reduction in cost of living to England.

CON   Crap drivers - but it wasn't  that long ago they were all on donkeys.

           Bad manners - lets have a talk and block the pavement while making others

          walk in the road. You are regarded as loco if you hold a door open for others.

         Very noisey -barking dogs never told to shut up - loud music (music? - who trod on the cat)

       at 2am without any consideration  for others.

        N.B.    Spain is a great place to live and is the best move I have ever made !

If lucky, there is another day.

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20 Oct 2012 11:56 AM by CarolineJ81 Star rating. 1 posts Send private message


Winter sun

Good food

Generally good roads




Barking dogs, barking dogs, barking dogs!

At times I have not wanted to live here any more because of this 1 main factor! 

Poor standard of "driving"

"customer service"  or lack of it.


Lived here 10 years, and a taxpayer.


This message was last edited by CarolineJ81 on 20/10/2012.

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