Cockroaches! Thank God they've gone!

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10 Nov 2012 10:01 PM by brownhog Star rating. 25 posts Send private message

Love the story, and must tell my daughter who lives in the upper east side New York of this ruse. Not that I think she would contemplate using it (I hope).

I  would be bothered with a roach encroaching (pun there I think) especially on my dinner plate. First time I ever saw one was in Scotland  in a Greek restaurant, running along the carpet circa 1970 when having lunch. Needless to say I never ate there again.

Must look out for one when next visiting NYC. Will keep you posted.............




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11 Nov 2012 9:01 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Having done some research on the use of electronic devices (in particular with Rentokil UK) I am doubtful that they work.
This is from Wikipedia


Effects on pests

"Ultrasound and Arthropod Pest Control" an extensive Kansas State University study[1] confirmed that ultrasonic sound devices do have both a repellent effect as well as a reduction in mating and reproduction of various insects. However, the results were mixed and ultrasonic sound had little or no effect on some pests. Ultrasonic devices were highly effective on crickets while the same devices had little repellent effect on cockroaches. Additionally the results were mixed with some devices being effective while others having no effect depending on the test subject. The study also concluded there was no effect on ants or spiders in any of the tests. They concluded, based on the mixed results, that more research is needed to improve these devices.[1]

A 2002 study by Genesis Laboratories Inc. does lend some credence to the ability of electronic repellent devices to repel certain pests in controlled environments. “Preliminary study of white-footed mice behavior in the test apparatus demonstrated a significant preference for the non-activated chamber among both sexes.”[2] This study was sponsored by Global Instruments, the maker of the "Pest-a-cator" series of electronic repellent devices.

In 2003, the Federal Trade Commission required Global Instruments, the maker of the Pest-A-Cator/Riddex series of electromagnetic pest control devices, to discontinue any claims for their efficacy until they are backed by credible scientific evidence[3][4]. This ban continues to be in effect.

Victor Pest managed to obtain positive results from independent researchers which resulted in two ultrasonic devices being granted registration by the Canadian EPA(PMRA). The results from the tests were the device “successfully repelled the rodents from the protected area in 13 of the 17 sites. This represents a 81.3% success rate...the average number of days before rodent activity was stopped was six days.”[5][citation needed]

Cockroaches initially respond to electronic pest control devices by moving about a bit more than usual, but don't appear overly eager to escape from the sound waves. This includes devices that emit uniform frequency as well as changing frequencies of ultrasound. Rodents adjust to the ultrasound (or any new sound) and eventually ignore it. However, researchers were able to use the increased cockroach activity to good effect by increasing the rate they caught the roaches in sticky traps. At best, ultrasonic waves have only a partial or temporary effect on rodents. Numerous studies have rejected ultrasonic sound as a practical means of rodent control.[citation needed]

Tests of commercial ultrasonic devices have indicated that rodents may be repelled from the immediate area of the ultrasound device for a few minutes to a few days, but they will nearly always return and resume normal activities. Other tests have shown that the degree of repellence depends on the frequency, intensity, and the pre-existing condition of the rodent infestation. The intensity of such sounds must be so great that damage to humans or domestic animals would also be likely. Commercial ultrasonic pest control devices do not produce sounds of such intensity.[citati

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15 Nov 2012 5:32 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

eos_ian´s avatar

 Interesting, I've been using Riddex devices for some time but they only seemed to have a noticeable effect the first year. From then on, cockroaches as normal. Never had many though, the odd stray, but we always get a few during the summer.



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15 Nov 2012 6:42 PM by eggcup Star rating. 567 posts Send private message

I know for a fact that they have no effect on spiders as although I don't often see a spider in my house, I often have to clean away cobwebs so I know they're around somewhere, despite having the devices constantly on.  The same with ants, as the study found.  I was a bit too lazy to just read all of it, but note that over the last 8 years twice we had a mouse and they didn't seem bothered by the devices either.  Like I said before, never seen a cockroach in our house, but haven't noticed them in friends' houses either, who don't have the devices.


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15 Nov 2012 7:25 PM by brownhog Star rating. 25 posts Send private message

Interesting info. I won't bother buying any plug-in devices when next over. Haven't had a mouse in the house yet - although my Spanish neighbour always calls them rats. Long tail - then they're rats, even if quite small. They are often in palm trees. Have often seen one running along the hedge and over my gate, but hopefully he/she won't think about coming in the house.

Cockroaches under/in the bed are a no-no, so I always check with the torch before retiring for the night.

Apparently we all ingest quite a few spiders when sleeping  during our lifetime.....but a cockroach. No thanks!

Anyone know where they go in the winter?






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15 Nov 2012 8:00 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message



The word for rat and for mouse in Spanish is ratón.

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15 Nov 2012 8:09 PM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar
John l understood that it was ratón for mouse, but rata for rat. Is that wrong?


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15 Nov 2012 8:48 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

I think it may be a ambiguous for sure rats are ratas but from looking up on the internet raton is also used for rat.

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15 Nov 2012 9:00 PM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar
Ah well, let's hope l don't get either in the house :-)


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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15 Nov 2012 10:32 PM by gerrryuk Star rating in Mezquitilla, near To.... 179 posts Send private message

gerrryuk´s avatar

Cockroaches, creept bugs ain't keen on them but I am not scared of them, but if I see a rat I'll be off down the street at great knots, they scare me to death.

Bugs & cockroaches - I just cover them with a plastic cup then "redeploy" them away from the place.

Do unto others as you would want them to do to you. I am always willing to talk and converse to ladies or gents in a sensible way.

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15 Nov 2012 11:13 PM by mac75 Star rating in Valencia. 415 posts Send private message

mac75´s avatar

 I have never heard "raton" used for a rat ever, only for a mouse. 

Rata = Rat



Where did you see it on the internet for both rat and mouse Johnzx? Very strange indeed.

anyway can't stand rats, hate them.



A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.

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