New agers
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Does Spain have an equivalent of Glastonbury or Findhorn for new age types? My Missus is a bit of new age queen and is not sure if she could hack it at a golf club type complex. Where do all the crystal swingers go?
welcome to this site ,
i think there is generation gap between us and new agers so we have to understand them nad before being their guardian we need to be their friend first....
Hi WolfBoy - l don't think New Agers are uncommon in Spain, both amongst locals and amongst us immigrants. Look out for craft fairs in your area, and there will inevitably be some knit-your-own-meusli folks among the stall-holders and the shoppers. Also, visit the travellers' festivals like the horse gathering at El Rocío in the province de Jerez. Some towns have folk festivals (there's one in Puente Genil in the province of Córdoba). It might help if you give us a clue as to whereabouts in Spain you are, for better information.
Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.
I don't know about festivals, but the La Alpujarra region is a big traditional hippie magnet. I don't know what it's like now, but it used to be off the mainstream tourist trail - just a few campsites and small villages, very traditional "Al Andalus" feel and extremely lush, steep landscape as it is bascially the south facing slopes of the Sierra Nevada.
Probabaly worth a look at - and hope the bulldozers haven't moved in.
Thank you for the interesting responses. We are West London based at the moment but were thinking of buying a 'Polarais World' apartment in Murcia. My Missus is an ex homeopath, acupunctist, natureopath, therapist etc and wonderered if she would fit in with the golfing fraternity.
When push comes to shove it is the people who make a community not the lovely apartment/swimming pools etc.
I'd reccomend taking a few weeks out to go around the different areas independently and see where takes your fancy. Pretty much e everywhere has resales going for next to nothing at the moment, if you don't want to be on a new urbanization (which I can sympathise with).
There are quite a few old-ish 'New Agers' out near Tabernas.... and also Sorbas.
I know of one guy there who lives in a Tipi and communicates with flying saucers... definitely not your average golf club type! 
I think my dog does that... he goes off into traces staring at the wall for ages, then dives under the table... definitely in touch with the ETs.... 
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