Electricity in Spain, does anyone understand it?

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30 Dec 2012 3:25 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


I hope for your sake that the people whom you have libelled do not feel as I would, and sue you as ylou deserve.

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30 Dec 2012 5:34 PM by smugfk Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Against forum rules **


This message was last edited by jaldridge on 30/12/2012.

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31 Dec 2012 4:31 PM by elcheone Star rating in SANTA POLA , ALICANT.... 6 posts Send private message

elcheone´s avatar

 Such hostility! by no means did I want to offend and of you living in Spain as my family is from there and I myself lived there and love it... but Spain does have a long ways to go as far as getting modernized.. if you don't agree then you are still living in the 1970's.

As far as me being sued.. don't understand why? I don't come into this blog often only when I find some interesting headline. I personally do not like the States but, just pointed out that Spain needs to get with the times. And CUSTOMER SERVICE there is horrible!

Living there is great... but you have to have money.. lots of it. That's why I had to come  back to the States because, who can live off of making 600 euros a month and paying 450euros of rent, food, petrol! So if they think I should be sued for stating my opinion on the pro's and con's of Spain.. then so be it.

Spain is great if you have a steady employment (right now.. non exisitng)

Spain is great if you have retirment money or are wealthy.

If I was to go there now would I find work? don't think so!  so for now have to stay in the States, and receive $1,100 a month that seguridad social pays me for unemployment, and $200 of food stamps which goverment gives me for being unemployed.

I was in Alicante without a job no money no food and went to Santa Pola to get help and I got was 30euros for 1 month and had to go to Dialprix.. in the states you can go to any super market not the one they tell you. come on people! YES THERE ARE GREAT THINGS IN SPAIN but, right now it is the worst country in the EU to live in.. why are so many young people leaving the country to find work? Families with children that CAN'T FIND WORK. because there ISN'T any work! So it's all nice that I mentioned about the electricity becoming digital and all but.. the truth and facts are right now SPAIN is not the place to be.

ie national health and crime rates) health care now in Spain is not so great.. if you don't a job you don't get a SIP CARD you haveto go private. you pay 1euro for prescriptions.. The result of letting all immigrants come into Spain to use their free healthcare system, (surgeries) because in the UK it takes up to one year to be seen by a specialist and in Spain the waiting time much less. But all that is gone...

Have a Prosperous New Year and hopefully things will turn around but SPAIN will never be the same.


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31 Dec 2012 4:55 PM by mac75 Star rating in Valencia. 415 posts Send private message

mac75´s avatar

 elcheone, the "hostility" wasn't directed at you but at someone else (bigeye) who has now removed the post which named politicians and others etc! So don't be scared away just yet! It s good to see new faces around here and the comments on the USA and Spain should be taken light heartedly! The Brits love to take a dig at the US from time to time. I am sure no one felt offended by your comments, I certainly didn't , your opinon is just as valid as anyones's here and I totally agree with you comment on Telefonica! Can't stand them.


This message was last edited by mac75 on 31/12/2012.


A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.

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31 Dec 2012 4:55 PM by Pedritothegreat Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

Well said elcheone, you are absoulutley correct in what you say, nobody will sue you that's all "hot air" and was (I think), meant for soneone else. Unfortunately there are some people who are so cocooned in their own environment tht they cannot see how difficult it is for others, you on the "other hand" have done what a lot of British people advocate, you have done something about yor predicament and moved to where you are getting a better life, the British saying is "get on your bike", well that's what you have done and good luck to you.

Spain is a great country and the Spanish a great nation, unfortunately this country does need a lot of sorting out particularly the infrastructure but Spain will get there in time. I love it here and I love the people, "Viva España.

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01 Jan 2013 8:18 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


Several people have asked me to send them the Endesa info re digital meters.
For those others who would like to see the info it is below.
(Please note.  The English version is almost a ‘raw translation’ from Bing, but I think it read well enough to assist those who may not understand the original)

MALAGA, 04 de junio de 2012
Estimado/a Sr./Sra.:
La nueva normativa española y europea (1) impulsa la eficiencia del uso final de la energía mediante la implantación de un sistema de contadores inteligentes que contribuyan a la participación activa de los consumidores en el mercado de la electricidad.
Con objeto de cumplir la normativa, Endesa Distribución está desarrollando un plan de sustitución de todos los contadores de los clientes conectados a su red de distribución que ha sido aprobado por la Comunidad Autónoma. En este sentido, va a proceder próximamente a la sustitución del contador de electricidad que actualmente se encuentra en su instalación por uno nuevo de tecnología avanzada que dispone de capacidad de Telegestión y que 0 usted podrá alquilar o adquirir en propiedad.
A lo largo del próximo trimestre, un operario autorizado por Endesa sustituirá el contador que usted tiene actualmente instalado. Con este fin se le comunicará, mediante la colocación de cartelería informativa en zonas comunes o fácilmente visibles, la fecha y la hora prevista del cambio. Usted podrá estar presente durante la sustitución del contador, debiendo facilitar el acceso en el caso de estar alojado en el interior de la vivienda. Durante el tiempo necesario para la realización de las operaciones - como máximo 30 minutos- el suministro tendrá que ser interrumpido.
Una vez realizada la sustitución, recibirá usted en su domicilio una carta confirmándole que el proceso se ha llevado a cabo satisfactoriamente y que ya dispone usted del nuevo contador, de igual forma, en dicha carta se le informará de la lectura del contador anterior en el momento de su retirada.
El coste de la sustitución correrá a cargo de Endesa y para el nuevo contador se aplicará, como ha venido haciéndose hasta ahora, el alquiler reglamentario de acuerdo a las tarifas eléctricas vigentes que es de 0,80 euros ,y mensuales antes de impuestos. Si opta por su compra, contacte con nosotros en el Teléfono de Atención de Endesa w Distribución Eléctrica 902 509 600.
Con este nuevo sistema, en un futuro próximo, sus facturas se basarán en lecturas mensuales de consumo exacto (evitando el sistema actual de estimaciones), tendrá mayor agilidad en las altas, bajas, reconexiones, modificaciones de potencia, y otras numerosas mejoras asociadas al gran cambio tecnológico que la instalación de la telegestión supone.sobre la telegestión y sobre las ventajas y posibilidades actuales y futuras que este sistema le ofrece.
Agradeciendo de antemano su colaboración, reciba un cordial saludo.
Si necesita cualquier aclaración sobre esta sustitución o si desea realizar alguna consulta, podrá hacerlo dirigiéndose al Teléfono de Atención al Cliente de Endesa Distribución Eléctrica 902 509 600 o a través del canal web www.endesadistribucion.com.Estaremos encantados de atenderle.
Rocio Millán Navarro
Directora de Acceso de Clientes y Medida de Andalucía y Extremadura
1. Directiva 2006/32/EC y Directiva 2009/72/EC, R.D. 1110/2007, de 24 de agosto y ORDEN ITC/3860/2007, de 28 de diciembre.
MALAGA, 04 June 2012
Dear Sir or Madam,
The new Spanish and European regulations (1) promotes the efficiency of the end use of energy through the introduction of a system of smart meters that will contribute to the active participation of consumers in the electricity market.
In order to comply with the regulations, Endesa distribution is developing a replacement plan of all the meters of customers connected to its network of distribution that has been approved by the autonomous community. In this sense, will be coming soon to the replacement of the meter of electricity that is currently in your installation with a new advanced technology with remote management capability. You may rent or purchase property.
Over the next quarter, an operator authorized by Endesa will replace the meter that you have currently installed. For this purpose we will e communicate with you, by placing informational posters in common or easily visible areas, the date and the scheduled time of the change. You will not need to be present during the replacement of the meter, but must provide access in the case of it being housed in the interior of the House. During the time required for the conduct of operations - such as maximum 30 minutes - supply will need to be interrupted.
Once the replacement, you will receive at home a letter confirming you that the process, carried out satisfactorily, and that already have you new meter, in the same way, in that letter, you will be informed of the reading of the previous meter at the time of his retirement.
The cost of the replacement shall be borne by Endesa and the new meter applies to, as it has been doing up to now, the regulatory rent according to electrical current that is 0.80 euros, and monthly rates before taxes. If you choose to purchase, contact us at the phone care Endesa w 902 509 600 electric distribution.
With this new system, in the near future, their bills will be based on monthly readings of consumption exact (avoiding the current system of estimates), it will have greater agility in the high, low, reconnections, modifications of power, and other numerous improvements associated with the big technological change resulting from the installation of the remote management.
Attached to this letter you will find a leaflet with additional information about the remote management and about the advantages and current and future possibilities offered by this system.
Thanking in advance for your collaboration, receive a cordial greeting.
If you need any clarification on this replacement or if you have any questions, you can do so contacting service phone customer Endesa electric 902 509 600 distribution or through the web channel www.endesadistribucion.com. We are happy to assist you.

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01 Jan 2013 8:34 AM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


                     Well said.


I believe that many agree with your post    

       .......I love it here and I love the people, "Viva España.



and mine

......       Spain does not get it all wrong, if they did why would we be happily living here !

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02 Jan 2013 3:27 PM by elcheone Star rating in SANTA POLA , ALICANT.... 6 posts Send private message

elcheone´s avatar

.......I love it here and I love the people, "Viva España.



and mine

...... Spain does not get it all wrong, if they did why would we be happily living here !

Never said Spain get's it all wrong! You are the one that doesn't get what I said... but doesn't matter.. Spain is great Viva España. Maybe you can find me a job so I can love it  and be happily living there as I did once before!


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02 Jan 2013 3:35 PM by elcheone Star rating in SANTA POLA , ALICANT.... 6 posts Send private message

elcheone´s avatar

it's obvious you have savings! I personally know many many brits that had to sell their homes because their pensions were not enough to live so happily in Spain... And don't get so bent out of shape about Spain.. as I mentioned before... find me a job that I can support my daughter and still have enough to pay my electric bill, petrol, food, and have money left over for the end of the month...

Like my friend says all the time.. me sobra mucho mes para poco dinero a fin de mes.


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02 Jan 2013 6:01 PM by avensis20 Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

I am having trouble with Iberdrola.  I never get bills in the post.  I use my property 2 or 3 times a year.  I do not rent my property out.  However, I still get electric bills every month for around €27, which I think is steep for non use.  I have been to the Iberdrola office to try and get my tariff sorted and my bills emailed to me.  However, when I give my passport no.  Name on the Electric account and the property address, they tell me that they have no details for this person or account.  I mean they take the direct debit each month, but said there is no account for me.  I don'y know how to sort this problem out, especially when Iberdrola are not prepared to help me out.  Any suggestions??

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02 Jan 2013 6:07 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


If you are dissatisfied with any service you have the right to ask for the Complaints Form.
 If you complete it,  it usual has the desired effect.
This is a ‘personal opinion’ based on about 10 times I have presented the forms for myself and a number of times for others.



This message was last edited by johnzx on 02/01/2013.

This message was last edited by johnzx on 03/01/2013.

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07 Feb 2013 2:00 PM by marcoputts Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

 I Googled, "How to solve your problems with Endesa in Spain" and found a blog post that talked me through how to set up an online account in english, once you make the account you can change bank detail, send meter readings, check bill payments and generally manage the electricity account, even get emailed bills, instead on never receiving them by post...my electrical life has changed.

Hope this helps.

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07 Feb 2013 2:32 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar
Avensis, when your account was opened, a number identifying you would have been used. This is generally your NIE number. If you didn't have that number, they would have used your passport number but make sure you haven't changed your passport since you opened the account as passport numbers change. Try again with your NIE Number. That bill of €27 should be for 2 months not one depending on the power you are contracted for. If you go to your fusebox and look at the current rating (number like 25 followed by A) I can tell you what your standing charge should be. A normal, domestic standing charge should be about €23 every 2 months.

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07 Feb 2013 2:35 PM by mac75 Star rating in Valencia. 415 posts Send private message

mac75´s avatar

 On the 15th of February it is  "El Dia del Consumidor"   a national protest against the electricity companies is scheduled for 22:00hs where participating households will turn the electricity off at the mains for a minimum of 5 minutes.

It seems another increase in price in on the horizon...


A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.

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07 Feb 2013 7:43 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

 No payment taken from us by Endesa last month, but a refund was credited to our account!!!


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17 Feb 2013 5:28 PM by noreen_king Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

I do not understand it and any help is gratefully accepted.  In two replies on this thread, one blogger has replied that they have opted for a usage of 5.5 with Iberdrola as this is sufficient for their needs.  A second had commented that the higher the potencia you use the more you are charged. What usage or potencia is about right for a single person living in a two bed quatro and how do I switch to this new tariff?  I am with Iberdrola and am experiencing bills in the region of €110 every 2 months summer or winter. The standing charge alone is in the region of €50 for 2 months.


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17 Feb 2013 6:52 PM by KathysLad Star rating. 329 posts Send private message

 "What usage or potencia is about right for a single person living in a two bed quatro and how do I switch to this new tariff?  I am with Iberdrola and am experiencing bills in the region of €110 every 2 months summer or winter. The standing charge alone is in the region of €50 for 2 months."

Well the potencia really depnds upon what appliances you are using, but I would have thought 5,5kw would have been sufficient. I have to be honest and say your bills don't seem too high, but the standing charge you quote seems to indicate that you're either on a potencia of 15kw or being surcharged. I have 9.2kw potencia (but I have a3 bedroom villa witha pool, and air conditioning in each room. My standing charge is about €32 for 2 months.

Either post a scan of your last bill, to provide some more information, or post some of the detail. Your potencia and tariff should be shown under section 3 "Datos de Contracto"


This message was last edited by KathysLad on 17/02/2013.

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21 Feb 2013 5:11 PM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

tamaraessex´s avatar
Hurrah and oh joy!!!

Letter from Endesa this morning confirming they are going back to just reading the meters once every twon months and billing (accurately, in theory) from that reading. No more estimated bills. Yes we knew this was coming, before 18 people jump on to say they had already said this was going to happen! All I'm saying is that I got direct written confirmation from Endesa that this will begin in my area (the Axarquía region of Málaga province) from 1st April. SHOULD be an improvement, though I'm sure Endesa can find a new way to c*ck things up :-)


 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía. http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/tamara.aspx

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22 Feb 2013 12:47 AM by mac75 Star rating in Valencia. 415 posts Send private message

mac75´s avatar

 You can safely bet on that Tamara, Endesa, Iberdrola, they all end up c*cking it up! But none the less it is a far better system!

I can't stand the estimated bills


A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.

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21 Mar 2013 12:12 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

eos_ian´s avatar

 Unbelievable news.... could this be possible? After years of increases we should be seeing a reduction in the electricity bill from April... as long as they keep their word!


Read more on EOS NEWS BLOG - Electricity down by 6.7%




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