The Comments |
regarding electricity, how does one contact iberdrola as their webpage does not seem to allow email contact unless you are already a customer. Also , there does not appear to be any info on prices.
Installed my solar water heating panel, which cost 1,000 euros, almost 11 years ago. I did it myself so at practically no installation cost.
I get at least 90% probably 95% of my hot water at no charge.
There of course has been no maintenance charge.
So even if the panel gave up now, that would have been 90 euros a year, 25 cents a day.
Iberdrola is owned by Scottish Power and you can contact them by phoning 902322044. The staff are british and were very helpful when we had to call them. jean
Steven, Iberdrola now have a UK number connecting to English Speaking staff.. It is 0845 030 4032.
You can email them at
John I am curious how large was the Solar panel you installed and how long is it supposed to last for?
A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.
I think you have it back to front. Scottish Power is owned by Iberdrola!
The problem with privatising all those natonal treasures when that witch was PM is that most of them have since fallen into the hands of foreign conglomerates. Fortunately? Iberdrola is an EU company of considerable worldwide spread.
Its 78 litres, about 1 Metre wide by 2 high. Sufficient for the two of us. The system automatically shuts down when the water reaches 78C so no 'blow off'
I can’t remember if there was a lifespan promised, but I do not think there is anything to corrode.
This message was last edited by johnzx on 29/12/2012.
thanks, all houses should be fitted with solar panels. I think it is now compulsory for new building blocks to install a minimum amount of panels for basic services like stairwells and garages etc.
A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.
ELECTRICITY bills will go back to being bi-monthly and estimated readings will no longer be used. According to Spain's government, the sheer volume of consumer complaints over incorrectly-charged bills – either with estimated readings being exaggeratedly high or considerably low – means that the monthly billing system is not working and is costing more in man hours to solve disputes.
go to article on EOS NEWS BLOG
Solar Panels
Seems a lot of if's and of course I do care about the cost but if a panel costs say €2000 then I think it would take years and the money could be put to better use with gas hobs, water heating, and room heating, much cheaper here than electricity in Mijas Costa
This message was last edited by brickwork on 29/12/2012. This message was last edited by brickwork on 29/12/2012.
_______________________ Phil.
Solar Panels
It seems my estimate of € 2000 is way off mark, you couldn't get enough for a caravan for that - have a look at
This message was last edited by brickwork on 29/12/2012.
_______________________ Phil.
Take it from me ( Someone in the know !!)
You're ALL being ripped off by Iberdrola and they will continue to do so because they are able to get away with it
IF & When you're ALL on Solar the government will introduce a TAX plus a CHARGE for inspection of your Solar fittings etc.
So you can't win
ELECTRICITY bills will go back to being bi-monthly and estimated readings will no longer be used..............................
A few months ago Endesa fitted new meters in my block. They are read remotely and since then I get an actual reading, monthly bill, not estimated ones.
And there are Endesa again johnzx pulling another stroke. You might get remotely read monthly bills but they are totally illegal as the previous poster stated it is now illegal .
Bi-monthly bills only & no estimated ones in between. It has been that way since early on this year.
Todos somos Lorca.
Gus I explained what was happening not giving my opinion on it.
I really have never cared, monthly, bi-monthly, actual or estimated.
In the end its all the same.
I have to pay for what I have consumed.
According to the press release today :
"Customers can choose to continue with monthly bills, but every second month will include an estimated reading"
Otherwise there will be remotely read readings ever two months. Although many have already started applying this new rule, I believe it is to be compulsory very shortly.
This message was last edited by eos_ian on 29/12/2012.
Spain knows exactly what they are doing about electricity and what not! Just like Telefonica.. they are all a bunch of crooks... all for themselves and don't give a fat's rat ass about the citizens.
It shouldn't be so difficult to read the electric bill statement yet it seems to be a forever going dilema.. excuses that perhaps a neighbour was stealing your electricity or properties that they know nobody is living in still they send bills with ridiculously high prices! It's all about what they can steal!!!!! they don't care! that's why Spain is facing such disgrace with unemployment and privatising of hospitals
It's time Spain get's with the program and converts their meters to digital like the states! don't have to have someone come to the house and read your meter... it's all done digitally...what you spend automatically goes to the electric company headquarters.. which there are 1 or 2 for every community. They also have what is a plan fijo.. you pay the same amount all year round... and what is it with Spain and the electricity you contract? Could use the dishwashwer, dryer and a/c and the same time!!! for goodness sake! never have that in the USA
My family is from Spain and lived in Gran Alacant for many years... and there is soooo much that they still need to update! to mention a few.. legal system.... file system
_______________________ LISA GONZALEZ LAGO
EMAIL: g...
It's time Spain get's with the program and converts their meters to digital like the states!
In you rush to condemn Spain you missed my post of some months ago in which I reproduced a letter in Spanish from Endesa, which had translated into English, in which they explained thei nationwide schedule for installing digital meters.
You also missed my post in this thread in which I said my meter , which was installed some few months ago, is read remotely each month.
Come on Elche, Spain does not get it all wrong, if they did why would we be happily living here !
PS having driven 15,000miles across the States in 6 months I really woould not like Spain or anywhere else, to be 'more like the States'
Have to agree with you John, wouldn't like Spain to be like the States in any way, shape or form. This is a fantastic country with fantastic people but has its problems like any other country. Let the States be the States and Spain be Spain, in certain areas Spain is far better (ie national health and crime rates) and in other areas it has to catch up but lets not forget Spain has only been "modern Spain" since 1975 so as far as countries go its pretty advanced for being such a "young country". However I must admit that customer service should be improved and that is one area where the States lead the way. I was very impressed by customer service when I was over there, but that was about it and the landscapes were breathtaking in North Carloina:)
A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.
** EDITED - At Poster's Request **
This message was last edited by bigeye on 30/12/2012.